Wall deeply knows that Kevin's literary future is absolutely bright, and once he can get in touch with this kind of relationship, it may be a good thing for him. That's why I told Kevin my private email address so that I can personally review Kevin's future submissions.

"Really? That's great. Thank you very much, Dear Mr. Wall, you are one of the most conscientious editors." Kevin said politely.

"You're welcome. If you have any questions in the future, you can call me at any time. It is a pleasure for me to receive your call."

"okay bye."

After the phone call with Wall ended, Kevin began to think about writing a short text submission. On Earth, there are many British novels, and there are even more short works. Therefore, Kevin can be a lot more casual.

He thought of Chesterfield's classic representative work of prose --- "On Hypocrisy".

Chesterfield was not only a politician in his previous life, but also a well-known writer. He is best known for his letters to his illegitimate son Philip Stanhope. The letters are elegant in style, full of wit, sage advice, and sharp commentary. Until now, "Chesterfield" still means gentle and refined.

This article "On Hypocrisy" is one of Chesterfield's early works, in which he makes a wonderful analysis of hypocrisy, life, and psychology. It can be described as one of the classics of British prose.

Especially the first few paragraphs at the beginning, people have a novel feeling after reading it:

"Many people complain about fate, but few people complain about nature; the more people think that nature is kind to them, the more they complain about the so-called injustice of fate."

"Fate is often asked the question: Why have I no wealth, position, power, and the like; but nature is seldom or never blamed in the same way: Why have I not the virtues, gifts, wit, or beauty, and the like."

"The truth is that nature has always distributed gifts among men fairly, more impartially than is commonly believed, seldom unduly generous, and seldom miserly. Great differences among men are due to education and environment It is true. Cultural accomplishment improves talent, and opportunity and environment induce talent. We do not doubt that there are many potential Bacons, Lockes, Newtons, Caesars, and Crons in the farmland, behind the counter, and even among the rich and nobles. Wills and Marlboroughs, if I may use the pedantic word Potential; but for the fruit to have all its quality and flavor, there must be cultivated soil, and a suitable season .”

"If nature is sometimes a little off-centre, and doesn't set the scales right; if one end sinks too much, we throw a vanity weight of just the right size on the light end, and it always Re-leveling the scales never fails. Hence the fact that almost no one swaps the insides and the outsides of another person without reservation."

The number of words in "On Hypocrisy" is not very large, and it took Kevin more than half an hour to type it all up. In order not to make typos, he checked it carefully, and then carefully sent it to Wall's mailbox.

Wall happened to be in front of the computer at this time, and when he saw a letter from the mailbox, he immediately clicked on it. When he saw the manuscript sent by Kevin, he was very excited, and immediately clicked to review it.

"It's so wonderful, the description is so wonderful." Wall couldn't help but yelled after reading it, so that his colleagues thought he had some mental problems.


Dear Wall, what's the matter with you? Should I call the hospital? "

"No, no, not at all, I'm pretty normal."

"Then why are you yelling all of a sudden, like a mental patient." The colleague asked puzzled.

"I'll tell you a good thing. The sales of this issue of our "Time Magazine" will increase again." Wall looked proud.


"Remember why the first two issues of our "Time Magazine" sold so well?" Wall asked slyly.

"Of course I remember, that's because "Meditations on a Broom", the champion of the 7th London Literary Competition, was published in our newspaper." Wall's colleague said.

"Well, that's true. But the author sent me another wonderful manuscript just now. With his manuscript, let's promote it. It is estimated that the sales of this issue of "Time" will increase again. Thank God, this matter It’s exciting just thinking about it.” Wall’s expression was still so excited.

"Really? Show me it quickly. Hey, "On Hypocrisy", such a young author can write such an in-depth article. Not bad, I want to read it."

So Wall's colleagues gathered around his computer and read the article "On Hypocrisy" sent by Kevin.

"Self-love, controlled within its proper bounds, is a natural and wholesome affection. And indeed, it is also a love of society, as Mr. source of absurdity, not an inducement to absurdity. But self-flattery is only an exaggerated, caricatured parody of self-love. If there is any resemblance to self-love, it only accentuates its absurdity. Like other flattery, It is the most generous in giving, the most covetous in receiving, and at the same time the most infamous. I shall conclude this subject with the fable of the resourceful M. de La Motte, which seems quite appropriate to the subject."

"It is said that Jupiter held a lottery in the sky. Both gods and mortals can buy lottery tickets, and the prize is wisdom. So Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, won the first prize. The mortals muttered and blamed the gods in the sky. The gods are selfish and cheating. In order to quell the slander, Jupiter announced a kind of lottery that the gods cannot participate in, and is held exclusively for mortals. The prize is stupid. After the mortals win the lottery, they share it among themselves. Everyone is satisfied. Then No one regrets the loss of wisdom, nor does anyone even remember it. Stupidity takes the place of wisdom, and those who share the most stupidity think themselves the wisest.”

These are the last two paragraphs of the article "On Hypocrisy". When Wall's colleagues saw this, they were full of praise. This ending is too old-fashioned, too wise. Truly a talented writer.

Therefore, Wall's colleagues, like Wall, deeply believed that with this article and the publicity before it was published, the sales of this issue of "Time Weekly" would also increase significantly.

And it is true. (This chapter adopts a lot of articles. If readers don’t like it, you can point it out. I will pay attention to it in the next chapter. Thank you. Bless you, Papaya will work hard)

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