Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 913: Outstanding performance, the king of radar is rising

"Mr. Cao, combining gallium nitride power components with diamonds can indeed play a huge role in improving the performance of radar and other electronic components."

"But even if the price of diamonds drops to only one-tenth of its current level, the final cost of radar will be very high."

"General fighter jets don't need such a long detection range, but for electronic jammers and electronic reconnaissance ships, the situation is different."

"I think this new electronic component can be cooperated with Wenchong Shipyard and tested on their electronic reconnaissance ship as soon as possible."

"If the performance is very good by then, even if the United States has simultaneously upgraded its electronic reconnaissance ship made of gallium nitride power components, its performance will not be able to match ours."

Zhao Siyu quickly found application scenarios for the new radar and other products being studied.

The idea of ​​using diamonds in some electronic components is not actually Cao Yang's initiative.

Relevant technical personnel from Raytheon Company in the United States have mentioned this topic a long time ago.

There are even similar articles in some college papers.

However, this plan is too far-fetched and the cost of diamonds was too high before.

The radar used on a fighter jet alone can cost tens of millions of dollars based on Raytheon's own estimates.

This is estimated based on a relatively conservative calculation method, otherwise the cost may be hundreds of millions of dollars.

So even if everyone knows that the combination of diamonds and electronic equipment can achieve very good results, there is no way to use it on a large scale.

Even except for the laboratory state, there is no thought of mass production of the radar.

Now Venus Technology wants to break this situation, and it will definitely have a huge impact on the field of high-end electronic equipment such as radar.

It can be said that Huaxia's related products will become the targets of others to catch up with.

This situation is naturally what Cao Yang wants to see.

"You should cooperate with Nanshan Semiconductor as soon as possible. First produce some samples and take them to Wenchong Shipyard for testing."

"If the performance of the 915 electronic reconnaissance ship under construction can be improved, everyone would be happy."

Considering that the current cost of artificial cultivation of diamonds is still quite high, it would be a more suitable choice to test the waters with an electronic reconnaissance ship first.

Zhao Siyu naturally fully understood this.

Soon, they took action.

"Mr. Cao, your technology has been upgraded so quickly, far beyond my imagination."

"With this new generation of radar and related electronic equipment, our electronic reconnaissance ships will undoubtedly be the most advanced in the world."

"Even if we are up against America's 12,000-ton state-of-the-art electronic reconnaissance ship, we can still defeat them."

"This is very meaningful for improving the combat effectiveness of relevant departments."

Xiang Jianghui personally accompanied Cao Yang and others to participate in the testing of new radar and electronic jamming equipment.

There are very familiar technical teams on both sides, so there is no difficulty in doing some upgraded samples and testing work on the existing basis.

So Nanshan Equipment and Venus Technology quickly worked together to produce new samples, and then began transporting them to Wenchong Shipyard for testing.

Needless to say, the test results are absolutely exaggerated.

The radar detection range has been doubled, and this is just a sample.

If we adjust various plans and parameters later, it is entirely possible to further increase the detection distance.

This is used in radar.

The application in interference equipment is even more exaggerated. After the heat dissipation efficiency is improved, it becomes possible to further increase the power.

At that time, interference at a longer distance can also have a very good effect, which is of great significance in actual combat.

The electronic reconnaissance ship itself has no protective power, and the closer it is to the front line, the more dangerous it is.

If you can hide behind and easily carry out electronic reconnaissance and jamming work, it will be very beneficial to improve its security.

But as an opponent, it's depressing.

Maybe their electronic jamming equipment has been disabled by China before it can start to work.

In modern warfare, this situation is absolutely fatal.

"Unfortunately, the cost is still too high. If all new technologies are used to produce electronic reconnaissance ships, the price of a 915 electronic reconnaissance ship will soar to more than 10 billion yuan."

"The later 10,000-ton and 12,000-ton versions are even higher."

"It is estimated that the relevant departments cannot bear it."

If something is too expensive, no matter how good it is, it will be difficult to promote it on a large scale.

Cao Yang knew this very well.

That's why we want to let Nanshan Equipment also sell artificial diamond production equipment on a large scale to drive down the price of diamonds in the entire industry.

At that time, whether it is the artificial diamonds produced by Nanshan Equipment itself or purchased from outside, production costs can be reduced.

Although it is unlikely that all aircraft and warships will be equipped with the latest radar and other products so quickly.

However, technical upgrades can still be considered for a small number of products such as electronic reconnaissance ships, electronic jammers, and electronic early warning aircraft.

After all, these auxiliary products are very meaningful for relevant departments to improve their overall combat effectiveness.

"The plan to use diamonds as raw materials for the production of various electronic components such as radars is indeed a bit exaggerated."

"It would be great if there were some other alternatives."

Xiang Jianghui naturally understood what Cao Yang said.

There are tens of billions of electronic reconnaissance ships, and it is probably unbearable to produce just one at most.

Most other electronic reconnaissance ships will definitely need to continue to use the previous solution.

“The overall technology iteration may still take enough time to find a low-cost solution.”

“But it is still possible to use diamond as a material for local core equipment and parts.”

"At that time, it will depend on which products the relevant departments can accept the increase in sales price."

Cao Yang does not have the final say on what products he can use his own new products on. He also needs to consider the opinions of relevant departments.

After all, people must be willing to pay when the time comes.

Cao Yang and Xiang Jianghui's test information at Wenchong Shipyard was quickly reported to the relevant departments.

This result is absolutely sensational.

Using diamonds to produce radar, just hearing this plan will make people feel very exaggerated.

Not to mention some large active phased array radars, the area is very huge.

The number of diamonds needed is extremely exaggerated.

The most important thing is that these diamonds cannot be particularly small diamonds, but need to meet a specific size.

As a result, the associated costs will naturally be higher.

"Mr. Cao, one electronic reconnaissance ship, electronic jammer and electronic early warning aircraft will be produced within the next two years."

"As for the electronic reconnaissance ship, we will continue to leave it to Wenchong Shipyard for production."

"As for electronic jammers and electronic early warning aircraft, AVIC will directly contact you later."

"Of course, if Daystar Technology can produce similar products in the future, there will be no problem."

Pan Jun's work efficiency is still very high.

Opinions from relevant departments were quickly brought over.

Although the price is very expensive, with China's current economic strength, it is still capable of producing a few products on a small scale.

This special equipment is often only needed on special occasions.

There is no need to equip a large amount of equipment in a short period of time.

"Yes, we will fully cooperate with the relevant departments."

Cao Yang did not expect to carry out large-scale production in a short time.

Being able to try it on the electronic reconnaissance ship, electronic jammer and electronic early warning aircraft first is already a very strong decision.

After all, after building these three products, it will cost more than 20 billion, or even more than 30 billion.

Even though the annual funding is constantly increasing, it cannot withstand the tens of billions and tens of billions of expenditures.

At various shipyards, there are many other products that are being produced like dumplings, which requires a lot of money.

However, after the information from Nanshan Equipment, Nanshan Semiconductor and Venus Technology circulated around Wenchong Shipyard and related departments, the domestic radar giant N Institute of Technology naturally also heard about it.

Although Venus Technology has already competed with them for orders in active phased array radar before.

But more often than not, Nanshan Semiconductor only provides gallium nitride power components and T/R components, and the overall product is completed here by Dianke N.

The situation is different this time. Nanshan Group companies directly connect with Wenchong Shipyard and other related companies, which can be regarded as leaving behind the N Institute of Electrical Engineering.

Therefore, the sense of crisis at N Institute of Electrical Engineering is also very strong.

"Mr. Wu, according to what we have learned, combined with the technical information we have learned in the past, using diamonds in radar production can indeed effectively improve the heat dissipation efficiency of the radar, thereby increasing the radar's detection range."

"But diamonds are too expensive."

"It's not like some catalyst, a little bit of precious metal can have a good effect."

"That requires the use of countless large diamonds as production materials, and even the United States, which is rich and wealthy, cannot bear it."

As the technical director of the N Institute of Electrical Engineering, Tang Jian is also under a lot of pressure.

Our own technical strength used to be the leading one in the country, but now it has been surpassed by others, so all R\u0026D personnel are responsible.

Especially this time, the information reported by Daystar Technology was very exaggerated, completely subverting the perception of N Institute of Electrical Engineering.

"You're right, but Venus Technology can handle it."

"I asked around and found that Nanshan Equipment has developed relatively mature artificial diamond cultivation equipment, which can greatly reduce related production costs."

"That's why people dared to start using new radars and other products on some military products on a small scale."

As the general manager of N Institute of Electrical Engineering, Wu Feng is familiar with most military industrial companies.

After all, there are too many products that require radar.

Whether it is an airplane or a warship, radar is a necessity.

As a leading domestic radar company, the related factories often require N Institute of Electronics Technology to lean towards them when investing in some R\u0026D resources. Otherwise, the production schedule of your project may be delayed. "Even if the cost of artificial diamonds has increased significantly, it is still too extravagant to use diamonds completely on radars." "Is it possible for us to use graphite to replace diamonds?" Tang Jian and Wu Feng are also old partners, so he dares to say even some wild ideas. "Now the cutting-edge graphene materials may be used on radars." "But now the production cost of graphene is higher than that of artificial diamonds, and it is very difficult to reduce it in a short time." "But we can communicate with Nanshan Equipment to see if they can make some breakthroughs in graphene production equipment." "In the entire industry, their equipment R\u0026D capabilities are the strongest." "If they can't do it, it will be even more difficult for other companies to do it." Wu Feng quickly found a new idea from Tang Jian's idea. The N Institute of Electronics Science and Technology does not have the ability to develop and produce graphene, let alone research equipment to produce graphene.

However, they have a relatively large demand for graphene. If they can promote Nanshan Equipment to research graphene production equipment, then domestic related manufacturers will definitely be willing to enter this field.

Even Nanshan Chemical or other related companies will invest certain resources in the production of graphene.

After all, the application prospects of graphene, a new type of material, are really broad.

"This is indeed an idea."

"If graphene can have a big breakthrough in the future, then the entire radar market will have a huge change."

"I think Venustech should also be very interested."

As the two talked, they slowly turned their attention to other places.

As for the use of diamonds as raw materials to produce radars by Venustech Technology, they knew it was not suitable for the N Institute of Electronics Science and Technology.

They simply did not have so much extra funds to purchase diamonds in large quantities.

In the past, the N Institute of Electronics Technology did not need to use raw materials such as diamonds. Now, they suddenly need to apply for large-scale applications. The various procedures and explanations alone cannot be handled in a short time.

The ideas of the N Institute of Electronics Technology were quickly passed on to Venusstar Technology and Nanshan Equipment.

When several leaders met, they made an appointment with Zeng Jianying of Nanshan Chemical, and everyone made a separate report directly to Cao Yang.

"Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial separated from graphite by micromechanical exfoliation in 2004. It is composed of carbon atoms with sp hybrid orbitals forming a hexagonal honeycomb lattice."

"It is a two-dimensional crystal composed of a layer of carbon atoms."

"Compared with other organic polymer materials, graphene has a relatively unique atomic structure and mechanical properties."

"Its theoretical Young's modulus reaches 1.0TPa, and its inherent tensile strength is 130Gpa. It is one of the strongest materials known. It also has good toughness and can be bent. It is known as the king of new materials and black gold."

Zeng Jianying must be professional in introducing and explaining this basic material.

Although Nanshan Chemical does not produce graphene now, as the king of new materials, the importance of graphene is not much less than that of carbon fiber.

"Graphene can be divided into single-layer graphene, double-layer graphene, few-layer graphene and multi-layer graphene according to the number of layers."

"According to the functional form, it can be divided into graphene oxide, hydrogenated graphene, fluorinated graphene, etc."

"Graphene materials themselves show excellent performance, and their downstream application fields are very wide. They can be used in battery electrode materials, semiconductor devices, transparent displays, sensors, capacitors, transistors, etc., and a series of important progress has been made in many disciplines such as chemistry, materials, physics, biology, environment, and energy."

"The midstream of the graphene industry chain is mainly the preparation of graphene, which is the most important link and is also a project that the Institute of Electronic Science and Technology N is looking for us to communicate with this time."

Zeng Jianying introduced this and was ready to hand over the next task to Pan Jinxing.

After all, when it comes to understanding production equipment, Pan Jinxing is definitely the most professional.

Nanshan Equipment's products involve all aspects, and Pan Jinxing's knowledge is also very broad.

After all, to study equipment, you must first have a clear understanding of what the equipment produces, otherwise there is no way to do the work.

"There are two types of graphene preparation. One is top-down, starting from the raw material of the graphite block, peeling off a single layer or several layers of atomic thickness of graphene from the graphite block."

"For example, liquid phase exfoliation and mechanical exfoliation belong to this category."

"The other is a bottom-up method, starting from the molecular structure of carbon atoms or carbon compounds, such as methane, ethylene, etc., using crystal growth to rearrange graphene."

"Like chemical vapor deposition, small molecule chemical synthesis, epitaxial growth, etc. belong to this type."

To report to Cao Yang, it also involves the future layout of the group on new materials, so Pan Jinxing naturally made some preparations.

For general knowledge like graphene, he can naturally figure it out quickly.

Today's report can be regarded as a good popularization of science for Cao Yang to a certain extent before making a decision.

Otherwise, if you start a new project without knowing anything clearly, and the direction is a little wrong, the price will probably be high.

Private companies don’t want to talk about “paying tuition”.

If you ask the company to pay your tuition every day, then the company will let you "graduate".

Although with Pan Jinxing's current status, he doesn't have to worry about his future at all.

The title of academician of the Academy of Sciences means that he is destined to find a very good job in any university in the country. Many principals want him to go there.

However, he knew very well that his current achievements were closely related to the platform of Nanshan Equipment, so he never thought about leaving this platform.

One of the mistakes people sometimes make is that they fail to correctly understand which one is more important between their own abilities and the support of the platform.

Attribute all success to your own efforts and talents.

In fact, most of them are successes created by the platform or the era.

It is absolutely impossible to achieve similar results on another platform or in another era.

“Graphene obtained by different preparation methods varies greatly in quality and cost, and there are also some differences in the applicable fields of related products.”

"Graphene powder is mainly prepared by ball milling exfoliation, liquid phase exfoliation and redox methods. Among them, the redox method produces the smallest number of graphene powder layers and is currently the most commonly used method."

"However, the quality of this graphene powder is average and cannot meet our needs."

Pan Jinxing paused for a moment, and seeing that no one seemed to want to ask questions, he continued: "Graphene films are mainly prepared by vapor deposition and epitaxial growth. Among them, chemical vapor deposition can prepare large-sized graphene films. It is currently considered the most promising method for large-scale preparation of graphene films.”

"We are going to start with the chemical vapor deposition method and work with Nanshan Chemical to manufacture graphene production equipment as soon as possible."

When Pan Jinxing said this, he did not continue immediately, but gave the time to Daystar Technology.

"Mr. Cao, once this kind of graphene is produced on a large scale, it can be used on a large scale in our radars and various sensors."

"In addition, Nanshan Battery also has a huge demand for graphene products."

"Because graphene is the best material medium for supercapacitors, it is expected to solve the problem of fast charging of electric vehicles."

Zhao Siyu followed Pan Jinxing's words and introduced to Cao Yang the various application scenarios of graphene within Nanshan Group enterprises.

In summary, this kind of "black gold" has a bright future, just start working on it.

Everyone’s enthusiasm is so high, and Cao Yang himself knows that graphene is a very promising material.

In this case, naturally there will be no objection to this project.

"Since everyone is optimistic about the future of graphene, we do have a relatively large internal demand for this material."

"Then Nanshan Equipment will set up a special team to study graphene production equipment and reduce the output and cost of graphene as soon as possible."

"At the same time, Nanshan Chemical has also begun to plan the layout of future large-scale production of graphene."

"Once Nanshan Equipment has completed the research and development of the equipment, it will immediately be put into mass production."

"When companies such as Nanshan Battery and Daystar Technology are researching new products, they can first combine graphene produced in the laboratory to study its application scenarios."

"In a few years, maybe we will be able to launch a new generation of products based on graphene materials."

Cao Yang's words did not exceed everyone's expectations.

Soon, companies within the Nanshan Group began to take action.

For ordinary enterprises, it is very difficult to research a brand-new equipment or material.

But for enterprises in the Nanshan system, they already have such a profound accumulation of technology, and no matter what they produce, they can find a certain foundation.

For example, chemical deposition method produces graphene. In fact, chemical deposition method can also produce other materials.

Nanshan Equipment has some experience in this regard.

So the progress will definitely exceed many people's expectations.

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