Rebirth 2003

Chapter 344: Dark horse

When he returned to his hometown, Lu Yang finally had more time to code words every day. If he hadn't accompany Cao Xue for a walk every day, he would have more time to code words.


The craze for "Gate of Rebirth" on the Internet did not drop rapidly due to the decrease in daily naval forces. Thousands of netizens across the country have spoken on this topic spontaneously, disguised as "Gate of Rebirth" Advertising. The number of topics in "Love Call Transfer", which is beautiful like a cloud, is far less than the number of topics in "The Gate of Rebirth", which has only one beautiful woman.


Every day at nine or ten o’clock in the morning, Wang Lin would call to tell Lu Yang yesterday’s box office data. The number of theaters that painted "Gate of Rebirth" was increasing. When the time came to February 13, there was already 287 theaters screened "Gate of Rebirth". At this time, the total box office of "Gate of Rebirth" had accumulated to more than 19.63 million.


The reason why the box office of "Gate of Rebirth" has suddenly blown out to such a high position is mainly because the popularity of "Gate of Rebirth" is too high recently. In addition to Shanghai Lianhe Cinema, Wanda Cinemas also began to show "Gate of Rebirth". When all theaters are released together, the box office amount generated is naturally gratifying.


   The box office revenue in the second week of the release actually exceeded the box office of the first week, and more and more news media have chanted that "The Gate of Rebirth" is the biggest box office dark horse this month!


   During this period, there were also "Ghost in Heart", "Dancing Girl Innocent", and "Air Fighter Heroes" which were released on the same day as "Love Call Transfer".


   Among them, "Ghost in Heart" is one of the four kings starring Li Huang, Liu Ruoying, and Fan Binbin; "Dancing Girl Innocent" is a movie of Bangzi Country; "Air Combat Heroes" is a British air combat blockbuster.


   What surprised Lu Yang was "Ghost in Heart" which was released on the same day as "Love Call Transfer". This thriller with no impression in Lu Yang's memory actually overwhelmed "Love Call Transfer" at the box office on the first day.


   is the box office of Bangzi Country’s "Dancing Girl Innocent" and the British "Air Combat Heroes", which did not surprise Lu Yang. There is no outstanding performance.


  Before February 13th, the most outstanding films at the box office are "007 Royal Casino", "Gate of Rebirth" and "Ghost in Heart".


   The same famous "Gemini Thief", because it has been released for more than 20 days, the box office has entered a daily decline period, and there is basically no threat to "Gate of Rebirth".


   The threat came from February 13th. "The Disciples" starring Liu Dehua, Gu Tianle, Wu Yanzu and Zhang Jingchu was officially released.


   Liu Dehua's box office appeal is naturally beyond doubt. Big stars such as Gu Tianle and Wu Yanzu also have a large number of loyal fans, not to mention, "The Disciples" is indeed a classic. What's even more exaggerated is that when the disciples were released, far more than one and two theaters lined up at the same time.


   The news broke that "The Disciples" has more than 600 film copies and 200 digital copies released. In other words. There are more than 800 screens of "The Disciples", not to mention that "The Gate of Rebirth" has been released for 13 days. Even if it is released on the same day, the scale of the paintings on the series is so different, it is impossible to be the opponent of "The Disciples" .


   As soon as "The Disciples" came out, it immediately robbed a large number of viewers, and the box office exceeded 6 million on the first day. Not only did "Gate of Rebirth", "Ghost in Heart" and "Love Call Transfer" beheaded, even the unparalleled "007 Casino Royale" was also left behind.


   At this time, "007 Casino Royale" has been released for 14 days. The spirit is gone.


  Following February 14, the Hollywood blockbuster "Wonderful Night at the Museum" was officially released, because the picture on the screen was only one-third of the "Disciple", and it failed to escape the fate of defeat.


   So far, "The Disciples" has been in the limelight.


Seeing that the daily box office of "The Gate of Rebirth" was declining by hundreds of thousands, Wang Lin in Shanghai couldn't sit still. He called to ask Ji Luyang: "Wen Da! Can't go on like this!" The Disciple "The limelight is too strong! Should we contact thousands of navy soldiers?"


When Wang Lin called and called, Lu Yang was in the room. Hearing that Wang Lin wanted to find the navy, Lu Yang chuckled and said, "Forget it! My arms can't twist my thighs! The current form, even if we look for them. Ten thousand navy is useless! If you want to increase the box office, try again if you can contact other theaters to show it!"


"The Disciples" has just been released, and the big celebrities have gathered, and the theaters all over the country are unanimously optimistic about its box office. They are rushing to release this movie. It has been in theaters for more than ten days, and only two theaters are showing "The Gate of Rebirth". Could it be its opponent?


   Even if the navy covers the corners and corners of the entire network, fans who eventually like big stars such as Liu Dehua, Wu Yanzu, and Gu Tianle will still watch "The Disciples."


   Wang Lin hung up the phone, sighed, shook his head to Dai Qingwa who was sitting next to him, and said, "Wen University said no! It's useless!"


Dai Qingwa also gave a wry smile. Originally, "Gate of Rebirth" had the right momentum, only weaker than "007 Royal Casino". Under the overwhelming cyber navy offensive, even the big names starred in "Ghost in Heart" and "Love Call Transfer". All defeated. Now, as soon as "The Disciples" came out, it was completely indistinguishable.


   The box office on the first day was more than 6 million. In this era, when it was released at half price on Tuesday, it is a myth to achieve this result!


   That's right!


   "The Disciples" was released on Tuesday, and all movie tickets were half price!


   That's it, you can stand up to the crowd.


   This is also one of the main reasons why they are used to choosing a strong and obvious lineup for big investment movies. The obvious box office appeal of these big names is too strong.


   "However, even if you don't increase the navy, you can't reduce it!" Wang Lin made this decision alone, without discussing it with Lu Yang.


   Now there are only a few hundred navy soldiers left. Facing the strong box office of "The Disciples", Wang Lin still wants to struggle.


   But, the facts quickly proved that his struggle was meaningless.


   The box office of "The Disciples" reached more than 25 million in the first week.


   Dominate the entire Lunar New Year file.


  The time has come to February 20th. Almost all fans are attracted by the brilliance of "The Disciples". Few people have noticed the small-cost movie "Gate of Rebirth". The current box office has reached 24.77 million.


The schedules of the major theaters for the Lunar New Year are all full. Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa struggled to get another theater line. Not only that, the 287 theaters that previously screened "Gate of Rebirth" are also gradually It is still unknown whether the total box office of "Rebirth Gate" can exceed 30 million by reducing the number of screenings of "Rebirth Gate" and freeing up a canvas for other films.


   There is good news too.


   On February 20th, "Gate of Rebirth" landed in theaters in Southeast Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia.


   At the same time, the DVD of "Gate of Rebirth" has also been produced, and only after the film is drawn, it will be sold on the market.


   "I shouldn't lose money now! I just don't know how much you will make in the end..."


   On February 20th, after Lu Yang received Wang Lin's call, Cao Xue, who was sitting on the small bed next to Lu Yang, said curiously.


   Lu Yang is also calculating this account in his heart.


   The initial investment of "The Gate of Rebirth" was 4 million. When it was promoted later, another 2 million was added. After it was released, it would cost more than 1.6 million to hire an online navy.


  To calculate, the total investment has been nearly 8 million.


If the mainland's box office can reach 30 million in the end, the box office share will probably get 9-10 million, these shares are enough to protect the capital, the rest can be earned, it depends on Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, the final box office share. .


   Well, there is also DVD sales.


   can make at least two or three million, right?


   This gain made Lu Yang a little disappointed. When investing, I thought that movies are very profitable! Unexpectedly, after tossing for so long, I personally invested four or five million yuan, and finally only had such a small income, it is better to buy stocks!




   Lu Yang is here sighing that this movie makes little money, and the outside world doesn’t see it like that!


   When the "Gate of Rebirth" was drawn offline on February 30, the mainland box office totaled more than 31.28 million and the total box office results were announced. I don't know how many people were blinded by the light.


   After all, not everyone, like Lu Yang, knows which stocks are bound to skyrocket.


   "China Film News", the front page headline on March 1st, wrote "The Gate of Rebirth" at the box office.


  "The biggest box office dark horse in the New Year's Eve 2006!"


This is the title, and the following content is written like this: "In the past 2006 movie Lunar New Year archives, to be precise, in February this year, the Lunar New Year archives films released nationwide, there are many strong films! Since the history of the 007 series, The highest-grossing "007 Casino Royale", as well as "Ghost in Heart" starring the king Li Huang, "Love Call Transfer" with beautiful beauty, the first air combat blockbuster in history "Air Combat Heroes", and a Hollywood blockbuster that breaks the limit of your imagination "Wonderful Night at the and last month's box office miracle "The Disciple"! Among the many big-invested and luxurious celebrity blockbusters, there is a small-cost, zero-star movie called "Gate of Rebirth" , Unfamous film, unexpectedly became the biggest box office black horse of the month! It was completely black and beautiful! It is said that the total production cost of this film is less than three million, plus all the post-promotion costs, less than eight Million is such a small-cost movie that no one is optimistic about. In the absence of any obvious fame, well-known director or well-known screenwriter, it was released in mainland China for one month and earned a total box office of 31.28 million! Second only "007 Casino Royale", "Disciples" and "Wonderful Night at the Museum" far behind "Ghost in Heart", "Love Call Transfer" and "Twin Thief"."


   "China Film Times".


   "What is a dark horse? Let's use data to speak! "Ghost in Heart" has a total box office of 11.5 million, "Love Call Transfer" 12 million, "Gemini Thief" 14 million, "Rebirth Gate" 31.28 million!..."


   "Contemporary Movies".


   "Reality is more fantasy than movies! Just in the past February, there was a small-cost movie called "The Gate of Rebirth", which opened the box office with the door of rebirth!" (To be continued...)


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