Realistic Game

Chapter 1178: Microscopic element life migration!

"no change."

Mo Lan quietly looked at the microscopic elemental life inside the second bounded area.

There is no microscopic elemental life native to World No. 2 in the second area, so the microscopic elemental life thrown into it has not caused casualties, but has been "purifying" the power of the elements.

After such a long time, these microscopic elemental beings are still continuously purifying the elemental power, and the elemental power purified by it has not changed from beginning to end, and it is still the general appearance of the elemental power of the game world.

Nothing has changed for a month and no signs of starting to change

Mo Lan took a long breath and slowly digested this experimental result.

In the next moment, Mo Lan appeared within the bounded range of the second block, feeling the power of the elements within the bounded bounds, and the environment within the bounded bounds.

Elemental power is a very trivial thing, a very small, insignificant thing, so insignificant that no one will notice or care about it, because elemental power exists in every corner of the world.

It's like air, there is air everywhere, but most people don't pay attention to it, even if they die without it.

Even Mo Lan used to be like this. At most, he would pay attention to the ratio of different elements in the power of elements. At most, he would pay attention to the concentration changes of the power of elements in different areas. At the most, he would care about whether there was any elemental power around him that could be controlled. Mo Lan never pays special attention to the power of elements itself, except when studying the specific structure of the power of elements.

Until now, until this moment, Mo Lan suddenly realized that the power of elements is actually a very important thing, and it can even be called the pillar of a world.

At this moment, Mo Lan suddenly recalled that once upon a time, the root of deciding whether to be extraordinary was the power of the elements.

This world has the power of the elements is the extraordinary world!

At this moment, Mo Lan understood again that the power of elements is also the carrier of the rules of the world!

The area over which a world's elemental power spreads and covers is the area covered by its web of rules.

In this perspective, in this sense, the power of the elements carries the web of rules!

Carrying the rules of the world!

At this moment, within the bounded range, Mo Lan was vaguely aware of the rules and environment of the game world!

Of course, at this moment, this kind of rule environment has not yet formed, and it has not yet begun to appear, but Mo Lan, as a true god-level mage, has a subtle perception field to the microscopic basic particle level, and he also knows the rules and environment of the game world very well, so although these It hasn't really appeared yet, but Mo Lan can still perceive a lot of things in this environment full of the power of game world elements.

A lot is hidden behind appearances.

Staying within the bounded range of the second block, Mo Lan completely confirmed his initial guess. At this moment, Mo Lan is thinking about one thing, thinking about one thing.

This matter made Mo Lan slightly hesitate.

In the state of thinking, Mo Lan walked in the element world, walked out of the element world, and walked in the second world, watching the rule environment of the second world gradually stabilized under the hundred gods. Although Mo Lan looked at the environment again, his mind was different. Not at all on it.

During this process, a mage saw Mo Lan, but when she saw Mo Lan was thinking, she didn't bother, but silently did her own thing.

And when Mo Lan walked into the origin space of World No. 2 and stared at the origin and rules of World No. 2, the answer emerged in Mo Lan's heart.

"A hundred or a thousand legends can't compare to a god."

Mo Lan said slowly.

"And for the same reason, a hundred or a thousand small worlds are essentially no better than a world at the level of a game world.

If this can speed up the promotion of the game world, it is worth investing in a hundred or a thousand small worlds! "

Mo Lan's thoughts moved, and the terrifying power as a true god-level mage and the amazing authority as the controller of World No. 2 converged. Mo Lan's will runs through the four elemental realms of World No. 2.

Mo Lan's thoughts moved, and the four elemental worlds set off stormy waves, and the terrifying elemental storm swept and whistled.

The space channel leading to Planet 1 was opened, and batches of microscopic elemental beings were sent to the four element realms of Planet 1 under the control of Mo Lan.

The element world of Planet No. 1 has no microscopic element life, no self-purification ability, and there is no so-called regular environment on the planet. Even the world's wall membrane has collapsed and disappeared. In the past, these microscopic elemental beings were able to supplement the self-purification ability of Planet No. 1. , to fill a huge hole in Planet One.

The second is that Mo Lan wants to see if these microscopic elemental beings can bring the rule environment of World No. 2 to Planet No. 1 through the purification of elemental power, fill the vacancy and restore the world wall membrane.

If possible, in this process, Mo Lan can not only gain a world, but also gain a deeper insight into the relationship and formation of the web of rules and the world's wall membrane, and can also increase the power of World No. 1!

And even if it fails, it doesn't matter. One of the more important purposes for these microscopic elemental beings to go to the elemental world of planet 1 is to vacate the elemental world of world number 2!

Once the microscopic element life from different worlds is lifted, it will start to collide, and the collision will not be reversed until death.

Therefore, if Mo Lan wants to achieve his goal, he must clear the microscopic element life inside the element world of the second planet. Mo Lan will migrate part of the microscopic element life community from the element world of the game world to the second world~www.wuxiaspot. com~ If the original microscopic element life is not emptied and the migration is carried out, even if the microscopic element life from the game world can win, it will lose a lot, which is what Mo Lan does not want to see.

After all, Mo Lan also knows that once the number of microscopic elemental life in the element world of the game world is greatly reduced, it will cause a small loophole in the defense system of the game world.

Mo Lan didn't know how long it would take for the game world to recover. If the loopholes caused problems in the game world during this time period, it would really be worth the loss.

Thinking about strengthening the game world, but because of the quick success, the game world is dragged down, tsk.

Mo Lan can't do such a stupid thing.

So Mo Lan would rather spend some time and effort to migrate all the original microscopic element life to Planet One, artificially create a microscopic element life gap, and artificially dig a loophole in the defense system of World Two.

(End of this chapter)

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