
As Ishimi's body shone brightly, a new power was imbued. skill is given.

Park Si-jun checked his status window.

[Name] Ishimi

[Level] 112

[Race] Young Imoogi

[Potential Rating] S


Strength: 293 Agility: 293

Stamina: 293 Intellect: 450

Affinity: 100 Affinity: 5, 100

The ability to show that she's not a dragon for nothing.

Her intelligence is exceptionally high, and her other abilities are not too far behind. She was the all-rounder.

'It's me, but I've raised my skills through a web novel.'

To be honest, this guy was an ability that increased as her level increased. It wasn't for nothing that she had a high potential rating.

"The skill is… there. Hey, do you know how to use it?"


Ishimi pounded her chest. Where did you learn such a gesture?

'Shall we go back one more time?'

The moment Park Si-joon had such a thought, the effect of Kang Woon's skill disappeared. It doesn't seem to last long.

The effect of the symbol of good fortune still remains, but it is not enough to believe in this alone.

'I don't know how long the cooldown is, but it's better to wait until you can use it.'

Park Si-joon thought while stroking her chin.

Several thoughts ran through her mind.

His main idea was what kind of web novel he would implement in the future.

'There are many web novels related to luck.'

Especially those related to random boxes. It was once very popular, but these days it is less popular.

I knew it, but I didn't implement it. There were some things I didn't know how it would be implemented, and I didn't like being heavily influenced by luck.

"Now the plates are turned upside down.


Ishimi tilted her head.

Now that there is a way to control that luck, the story is different. It is worth learning at least once.

'I'll have to think about what to implement.'

Park Si-joon was lying on the bed holding the tablet. Ishimi grabbed her cat and laid down next to her.

'By the way, it's Para.'

I don't think I'm talking about Dad.

Park Si-jun moaned a little.

* * *

And three days later, the children returned.

"Oh, what. Isn't the construction finished yet?"

What was at the forefront was yunshi.

She entered the house as lightly as if she had come from a walk.

But the people behind them didn't.

“Ah, ah…”


"Hey, can I get some rest now?"

Sooyoung Lee, Hyerim Choi, Jaehyun Kang.

It was as if he was watching a remnant of a remnant retreating because he hadn't been able to wash properly.


Ishimi plugged her nose. Upon hearing that voice, Shiha Yoon opened her mouth as if surprised.

"Who just said that?"

"What are you asking while watching? Sweetheart."

"Can he speak?"

"Yesterday, he suddenly said. Although he stuttered a bit."

Yoon Shi-ha stared at Ishi-mi.

"Hey, tell me. Your voice is cute."

Ishimi turned her head without saying a word. Yoon Si-ha looked at Park Si-joon with her dissatisfied face.

"Tell me what to do. Go quickly and wash up. The workers will smell you and run away."

"It's not mine, it's theirs."

Yoon Shi-ha laughed.

"Ah, Ajo-san..."

"Don't come, go away. It smells."

Lee Soo-young's shoulders trembled as she was about to approach.

She shrugged her shoulders and headed towards her bathroom with her corpse-like movements.

"me too……"

"Shall we use the second floor bathroom..."

Hyerim Choi and Jaehyun Kang also moved along.

Park Si-joon let out a long breath that he had been holding back.

Ishimi took another sip of her, summoned her Sylph and even circulated the air in her room.

“I heard that the kids worked hard, how are the results?”

"It's not bad. Lee Soo-young and Choi Hye-rim are both in their 70's. They've built up their proficiency quite well. As originally planned, I thought I'd stay longer and come back."

Yoon Shiha let out a sigh of relief.

"It's been like this for a long time, so I just came here. I'm going to take a break for a while and then go on an expedition again."

"It's fine if it's me. Do the kids know?"

"I didn't know because it happened after we went to the Abyss. Then I found out later."

Yoon Shi-ha shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm anxious and I want to go back quickly. Is there any way I can do that? I have no choice but to go back."

“Yeah… it was hard.”

"You're welcome."

She said she had to wash herself, and went to the bathroom where Lee Soo-young and Choi Hye-rim were in.

Park Si-jun looked into the air again.


What you see in front of you is the implementation window. The kids came back just as they were about to implement a web novel.

Park Si-jun paid attention to a web novel.

[I alone sss-level draw hunter]

It was a gorgeous title.

The content was just plain. The story of the protagonist, who used to be a bewildering hunter, awakens to his drawing ability, and succeeds as a hunter based on that ability.

That was all, there was nothing else to add.

'I don't need a story. The important thing is ability.'

That was the reason I chose this web novel.

Anyway, the draw abilities are the same. A skill, an item, or something like that.

But this was a little different.

'It means summoning a hero.'

A horse is a hero, not really strong like a hero. Anyway, you can draw a summons.

Among them, there were also summons close to the Legion.

'Choose a skill? It doesn't mean anything to me. There is no need to rely on drawing items.'

But what if you're choosing a hero or a legion?

I only had to consider it once. When I saw Song Baek-chan summoning a large number of knights, that thought came to me.

'I mean, it wasn't normal in its prime.'

I looked it up in a video, but in his prime, Song Baek-chan dealt with knights that were literally close to the military.

The view on the screen was spectacular. He was completely different from the day he saw me on the anniversary of the founding.

'Anyway, it's worth a try.'

The thought was quickly over and the decision was made.

Park Si-Jun immediately embodied the novel.

[I implement 'I alone SSS-class draw hunter'.]

[Novel immersion 61%. The immersion level is greatly increased by the power of reading. Bookmarks are shining… … .]

[Unbal X Mangem. It was my impression of seeing the hero appearing in front of me. -I am alone in the SSS-class draw Hunter.]

Park Si-jun waited for the result.

[All stats have increased by 1.

[Attribute, 'SSS-Class Random Draw' has been acquired. Characteristics have been strengthened due to high immersion.]

[Additional skills have been created by the effect of the bookmark.]

"Bookmark is doing everything for some reason."

These days, except when reading books, it's a holy thing that doesn't work. This time, for some reason, I did it.

Park Si-jun immediately opened the properties window.

[SSS-Class Random Draw]

Ability for those who want to test their luck to the limit. You can use 'coins' as goods to summon random heroes.

-no effect

-Skills: Friendship Hero Draw, Random Effect Draw.

-Additional Skill: Pick a Premium Hero.

"Isn't this even graded?"

The random draw feature was not graded.

That's why it didn't have any effect.

However, there was one strange skill.

'Draw a random effect. surely… … '

Park Si-jun carefully looked at the skill description.

[Random Effect Draw: Consumes a certain amount of coins to give the attribute a random effect.]

"I'm so surprised, I can't speak, really."

Park Si-joon wrapped his sore forehead tightly. Ishimi looked at him like that and tilted her head.

It's literally luck.

Everything from skills to attribute effects.

'If you want to enhance the characteristics, pull out the effect?'

Even that, at least, by using a rare coin. Park Si-joon decided to start with the selection of heroes.

- Koo!


Then, a machine appeared in front of Si-Jun Park. Slot machines like you would see in a casino.


"I do not know."

Park Si-jun looked at the screen of the slot machine carefully.

I saw the letters F, D, C, and B rotate. Perhaps the rank of a hero. Are there no A and S?

He checked his skills once again.

[Friendship Hero Draw: Consumes a certain amount of coins to summon up to B-grade heroes.]

[Premium Hero Draw: Consumes a large amount of coins to summon heroes up to S rank.]

It was really like watching a mobile game.

Park Si-joon let out a small sigh.

Once he has mastered the trait, he can't use strong luck now.

He hadn't finished his cooldown yet.

'How long is the cooldown? I can't help it.'

He grabbed the handle of the slot machine.

He was thinking of pulling it out once without the effect of Kang Yun.

[I use 10,000 coins.]

"Crazy, what's so expensive?"

Then he was terrified. He said it was a certain amount of coins, so I thought it was a few thousand, but it was 10,000.

A silver coin flowed from Si-Jun Park and he was sucked into the slot machine.

- Clap! tiling.

The screen of the slot machine began to spin with a strangely shriveled sound.

Park Si-jun waited while holding his breath.

- Ding, ding, tee-ing!

The screen then freezes.

D, D, and D were floating on the screen of the slot machine.


The machine spewed out a lump of light and disappeared. The light that floated in the air slowly began to take shape.

[I picked an old knight!]

[A loyal knight who has served the nobles for a long time. I was summoned by you while I was about to retire and now rest.]

just the shape of a person.

[Hero Name: Old Age Knight]

[Unit: Apprentice Knights (30)]

[Class: C]

[Summon Duration: 1 hour]

[Stats/ Attack: D Defense: C+ Intellect: F Dexterity: D]

[Skill/ Charge (C), Firm Guardian (C+)]

Park Si-jun blankly looked at the man in front of him.

White hair and beard. Skin that loses elasticity with age. But still sharp eyes.

A stout old man in heavy armor looked at Park Si-jun.

"I will serve you from now on, my lord."

"Hey, don't get on your knees."

The old man knelt down on his knees. Park Si-joon was startled and made him stand up. What will anyone say when they see it?(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

'You were summoned while you were about to retire?'

Park Si-jun smiled awkwardly.

“…I’m sorry, aren’t you?”


"Yes? Ouch."

The old man widened his eyes. Then, Ishimi rushed to him. The old man was taken by surprise.

I can't help but feel sorry Did he call someone to rest?

'That's it, I'll have to test my ability first.'

Park Si-jun stared at the old man's face.

Although old, the body is in good health.

To be honest, he looked better than himself.

The fight can be done without difficulty.

'The duration of the summons is 1 hour. Once summoned, it will disappear after an hour.'

And there are troops. If you think of the original, you can guess how it will be summoned.

Anyway, there's a lot to try.

The most urgent thing was to test his fighting ability.

'Let's go to the crack tomorrow.'

You should check the level of the stats replaced with the alphabet grade.

Park Si-joon made up his mind like that.

"Hey, this guy. What power."

The old man was playing with Ishimi. As he looked at him, he had a strange thought.

'Come to think of it.'

Park Si-jun suddenly had a question.

"Where were you summoned?"

A very fundamental question.

* * *

- Whoa!

A loud roar echoed through the large park.

The roar of monsters and the clash of weapons could be heard from all directions. Park Si-jun raised his head.

"It's very dirty."

Where he is now is where there is a crack.

This was where the Rift Defense opened.

Players are preventing monsters from jumping out of the rift.

"Support! Call for more support, you bastard...!"

"Isn't the number of people too small?!"

One player screamed.

It has been like this since the collapse of the association in Seoul. It must be said that the work of the association has been paralyzed.

Thanks to this, it has become harder and more difficult than before to block the cracks that appear in Seoul.

"This is another good opportunity. Debeck, are you okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

Beside Park Si-jun stood an old man, Debek.

With a sharp sword and a huge shield.

"Leave it to us."

"No, he, don't overdo it. Get out of the way."

Debeck beats his chest.

Seeing that made me worried.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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