Chapter 566


Lu Yu was taken aback for a moment. Didn't expect Ye Huaishan to break out this reason?

After indulging for a moment, he sighed and said, "Okay, if you have any test, I will finish it."

Seeing the persuasion to live with Lu Yu, Ye Huaishan sighed with a sigh of relief: "They are the Imperial Guard, and of course they are mainly engaged in guarding work. This is also their most important task! Zhao Guangjian prepared fifty masters of the Imperial Guard to protect one. Manor, as long as you successfully sneak in and kill the target, even if you win."

Lu Yu frowned, lowered his voice and asked, "Do you really want to kill?"

Ye Huaishan: "???"

After eating breakfast, Lu Yu followed Ye Huaishan to a beautiful manor.

I was told that fifty masters of the Forbidden Army were waiting for him inside.

"Be careful, Zhao Guangjian, commander of the Imperial Guard, sit in there yourself." Ye Huaishan pointed to the manor and said, "This person is extremely difficult to deal with. After you go in, take out a dog they protect, as long as you are not found, Even if it passes the test."

Lu Yu asked: "It's that simple?"

"Of course it's not that simple!"

Ye Huaishan shook his head and said: "I want to remind you, don't think that this manor is nothing from the outside. The security level inside is very high. It is specially used for training by the Imperial Guards. No one is under their noses. Intrude quietly."

Lu Yu smiled: "No one can do it, but it doesn't mean I can't. I came today, and they are determined to lose."

Ye Huaishan took a deep look at Lu Yu: "It is a good thing to have confidence, but you are not facing ordinary people, but the big inner forbidden army known as the bronze wall and iron wall. As long as you alarm anyone inside, the news will spread, up to three to five. The nearby troops will arrive in five to seven minutes, and there will be special forces arriving by helicopter in five to seven minutes, and within ten minutes, there will be armored troops and rocket troops around here!"

Ye Huaishan said solemnly: "Do you still think that this task is easy? This is the joint combat capability of the Beijing Division's troops. Basically no one can succeed!"


Lu Yu's eyes flashed slightly, opened the super eagle eye, and looked inside the manor.

Ye Huaishan nodded: "So we think that as long as you sneak in and get close to the dog, even if you win. After all, it's just a test. If Minister Zhang asked you to train the Guards, you can't be too harsh. "

In his view, Lu Yu's area of ​​expertise is special operations.

The act of hardening the ban is a cross-domain operation, and the probability of success is very low.

The capital of the Imperial Guard is not a vegetarian!

To protect the safety of the entire capital and the leaders, especially Zhao Guangjian, the chief of the imperial army, is definitely a cruel man.

No one can do it from under his nose if he is in charge.

At this time, Lu Yu had already observed the surroundings of the manor.

Under the eyes of the super eagle, all the details are clear, where there is a camera and where there is an infrared device.

Ye Huaishan asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Lu Yu retracted his gaze and said with an ok gesture and smiled: "Headmaster Ye, do you know what is the most important thing for a special soldier to complete a mission? It is to get close to the dog thoroughly, no What I want to do!"

"What I have to do is how to get in and how to get out. That dog, I will bring it out. This is the real task! Not doing it thoroughly is an insult to a special soldier."

Lu Yu said sternly.

Ye Huaishan was surprised: "Are you really confident? I tell you, the level of defense here is second to none in the world, and it is comparable to Lao Mi's White House defense!"

"So what?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "I'll know if you can finish the trial. It's so amazing, and you won't invite me, right?"


Ye Huaishan said a word that was swallowed.

Lu Yu opened the door and got out of the car, and strode towards the manor.

Next to him, a deputy of Ye Huaishan said coldly: "This kid is too rampant, isn't it? You really think of this as your own home, and enter wherever you want? The defense of the imperial army is indestructible, but our chief is defending. If you can do it, both the dragon and the tiger have to lie down here."

Ye Huaishan frowned: "This kid does have inexplicable self-confidence, but I vaguely feel that he doesn't seem to be lying... Forget it, whether there is any rampant capital, or simply arrogance, let's wait and see, everything will be revealed soon ."

Leaving the car, Lu Yu quickly approached the manor.

There is an empty field on the periphery. When a person appears here, it is easy to be found.

However, Lu Yu had already locked the camera's rotation angle and deliberately avoided being monitored every step of the way.

When the camera turned to point at him, Lu Yu would stop to find a place to hide, and when the camera turned over, he speeded up and sprinted forward.

After walking for five minutes, he arrived outside the fence of the manor.

Lu Yu did not stick to the wall, but deliberately separated a certain distance.

Because he has long discovered that there are hair-like rays of light scattered on the wall.

It was impossible to detect it with the naked eye. Only through the magnification of the super eagle eye could it be observed by Lu Yu from afar.

Lu Yu spread out the spider sensor, turned on the radar sensor, closed his eyes and stood still.

Strands of strange induction are like sound waves, feeding back to his body.

This is a unique wave formed by small sounds hitting the air.

Lu Yu's entire body was like a radar device, constantly receiving these signals.

Gradually in my mind, I sketched out a detailed map of the manor.

Where there were people, where guards were placed, or where hidden guards, cameras, and the like were hidden, they all appeared in his mind at a glance.

Lu Yu was still standing still in the corner, without rushing to move, looking for the law of change.

The defense forces in the manor are not static.

For example, patrols will move around and change positions, and sentries and secret posts will also divert their sights regularly.

After careful observation for more than ten minutes, Lu Yu finally found a pattern.

He opened his eyes, Lu Yu immediately ran along the wall and sprinted for fifty meters.

Behind the wall is a rockery. Two cameras are installed on the rockery and two secret guards are also distributed.

Apart from this, there are no other people on the rockery.

This is a good breakthrough.


Lu Yu hides his body takes a deep breath and waits for a while.

When the wall camera turned, his footsteps moved, and his muscles exploded violently.

The whole person was like a hunting cheetah, leaping out quickly, the explosive power of his legs made him easily climb over the wall.

Immediately, it fell to the ground like a civet cat without making any sound.

The two cameras on the rockery interlaced quickly, just as he was about to be photographed.

Lu Yu quickly rolled forward two laps, leaped up, and his high-speed ability exploded.

Swish a few times, as if the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, plunged into the rockery with the elegant and extreme end, and no trace was found.

The camera did not capture anything, and then swept in other directions.

Everything seems to have not happened.


(End of this chapter)

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