After such a scene, the atmosphere at home is not very good.

For lunch, the fried chicken came out of the pot, and everyone except Su Huandan ate it was not fragrant.

Jiang Chunhua didn't eat a bite, and he only ate a few bites for dinner.

I went to bed early at night.

In the middle of the night, Su Huandan quietly went to the backyard, holding an iron hook in his hand, looking at the position, hugging it a few times, and poked out a small hole, and a musty smell came out of it.

Su Huandan continued his efforts, hooking the left and right, and the iron hook hooked up a wooden board that was one meter square.

It's done.

Su Huandan turned around and put the iron hook back on the wall next to the kitchen stove, hung it up, returned and jumped directly into the cellar.

Touched the side of the large crockpot, opened the lid on it, threw the gold ingots in the system space into it, and added some gemstones to it, filling the half-human-tall large crockpot, and then pinched a gold ingots in his hand, intending to go out.

There is a ladder in the cellar, that is, it fell to the ground before, and there is no way to go down with the help of the ladder, and then you can step on the ladder when you stand up.

After going up, Su Huandan went to Dongma'er, glanced at her mother, who was already snoring, and woke up her father.

As soon as Su Dakui opened his eyes and saw a dark face facing him, he was almost frightened.

"What for? What do you want to do when you don't sleep? Su Dakui followed the little girl to the backyard before asking.

Just now I was able to send him away.

Su Huandan whispered: "Dad, don't shout loudly, I'll take you to see something."

Said, pulled Su Dakui to the back of the kitchen, pointed to the cellar mouth on the ground: "I just came back from untying, stepped on the empty, there is a cellar here, I went down to see, dad guess what I found?" As

he spoke, he handed over the gold ingots in his hand.

Su Dakui has seen the gold ingot, there is no moon today, the black hole is empty, and he can't see the color clearly, so he knows that an iron pimple-like thing is stuffed in his hand.

When Su Huandan called his father, he also took a flashlight and turned it on Su Dakui's hand.

Su Dakui looked down like this, and his eyes instantly widened.

He opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but this time he didn't need Su Huandan to move, he raised his hand to block his mouth.

Grabbed the flashlight, shone it on the gold ingot, and only after a long time whispered: "You found it in the cellar?"

Su Huandan nodded: "There is nothing in it, just a large clay pot half a person tall, the kind with a lid, it seems to be this, I didn't see it clearly before, didn't I ask Dad to go with me to see it at this time?" If it's true, then our family can send it, go back to the city to buy more houses, and the family will not worry about eating and drinking in the future. This

can be said to Su Dakui's heart.

Go to the city to buy a house and settle down, the girls can marry a good family, they must really have a large amount of money in their hands, the girls are not afraid of being bullied when they marry, the mother's family has money, give support, and live with confidence.

"Go down and take a look." Su Dakui didn't take the ladder, jumped down directly, and waited for the little girl to climb the ladder down, and then turned his face to find the big crockpot that the girl said.

It is not appropriate to say that the large crockpot is actually a one-meter-two-high tile jar, which used to be used to contain wine, vinegar, and soy sauce.

The flashlight shined at the mouth of the tile altar, good fellow, very eye-shaking, all gold.

Su Dakui smiled silently after taking a look, with these things, he had more confidence in entering the city.

"Girl, you know about this, have you heard? Don't say anything about your mother and your sister. You wait here, Dad goes to find something, these things can't continue to be here. "Su Dakui took the sacks at home this night, little by little, and loaded all the gold in the crockpot in batches.

Where to hide, Su Huandan didn't know, anyway, the next day, she didn't find it at home.

As soon as dawn broke, Su Dakui left.

Before leaving, he told his wife and children: "I will come back in seven or eight days at most, you are good at home, the work in the field is packed, don't do other people's work, rest well, I plan to take you into the city at the end of the year, the fine skin and tender flesh of the women in the city, you can also raise yourself well, don't enter the city, be laughed at."

Jiang Chunhua and the others left for half an hour before reacting: "What your father said, he wants to take us into the city?"

Su Huandan nodded: "Dad said to go to the city, didn't Dad say it a long time ago, he let us live in the city sooner or later, and be city people."

Jiang Chunhua's eyes that had been unenergetic suddenly lit up.

When Su Dakui said to enter the city, Jiang Chunhua kept coaxing her words to listen.

Is the city so easy to enter?

I didn't expect my own man to really do what he said.

Entering the city was not a luxury, but it became a matter of imminence, and Jiang Chunhua's vitality returned in an instant.

After seeing the sky, it was still black hole, so he rushed the three girls: "Hurry back to sleep, didn't you listen to your father?" Raise it well, raise it in vain, so that you will not be laughed at by the people in the city. "

Going to the city was a hot topic in '90.

Whether the family is married to a city person?

Still went shopping in the city.

Or maybe a family with the ability to move to the city to live, are hot topics.

Before Su Huandan entered the door, he looked at the mother sitting on the threshold, looking at the gate out of his mind, with joy in his eyes, and smiled.

Going into the city is also an obsession for my own mother.

No matter how the previous three aunts entered the city, they are now all city people.

And before yesterday's trouble, they didn't know that Su Huandan's three aunts were sold into the city, so they often said small things about their own mother behind their backs.

Why did all three sisters marry into the city, but you can't?

Because you don't have that life.

Now that the man has the ability to enter the city, Jiang Chunhua is beautiful in his heart.

Su Dakui returned in less than five days.

Came back and stayed overnight and left, this time leaving, you can't come back without snow.

And Su Huandan also started school.

She is in the middle school of the township government, and she is now in her third year of junior high school.

On the first day of school, Su Huandan was kicked out of the gate by his own mother early in the morning.

"Hurry up, stay away, don't be late, study hard, get a good high school next year, if you can get into college, I will smash pots and sell iron with your father for you." Jiang Chunhua said this countless times.

At the beginning, she told her eldest sister Su Huanzhu that unfortunately, her eldest sister was skillful and not learning material.

Making clothes, making shoes, cooking, her eldest sister is fine, as soon as she says to do homework, her eldest sister is blind.

Can't learn.

Later, she told her second sister Su Huanxia.

Her second sister is similar to her eldest sister, and she would rather work at home than go to school.

No, it's her turn to tell her.

Su Huandan is also not a school material.

The grades are middle and low, the brain is alive, but you can't learn.

It belongs to the kind that teachers often say: you are very smart, but you don't put your intelligence on business.

Isn't the student's business just going to school?

Su Huandan didn't like school in his previous life, but he preferred to play with those classmates in school who also had poor academic performance.

Commonly known as: crazy girl!

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