So the second elder plans to move to Beijing?

Taking advantage of Su Huandan's absence from home when he returned to Beijing, Su Dakui and Jiang Chunhua gathered their sons and daughters-in-law and grandchildren together and said this idea.

"What does the third man want to do? Is there such a tossing of the elderly? What? The younger brother is too young to do anything, and my eldest sister and I have treated my parents badly? Otherwise, why would the third elder let you move to Beijing? Su Huanxia's violent temper was on the spot.

Eldest sister Su Huanzhu immediately frowned, how sooner or later can this temper be changed?

You can't tell the second brother to quarrel like this.

"You didn't understand what it was, so you got angry, and the third man is not here today, so it can be seen that this matter was not mentioned by the third old." Eldest sister Su Huanzhu really thought so.

But if the old Sansu Huandan has the intention of taking his parents away, he will not return to his mother's house in the near future, regardless of his own small family.

She still knows her sister's careful thoughts, and she is still very familiar with being a big sister.

"Mom and Dad, you are worried that when the third boss comes back, something will happen to the marriage, right? If that's for that reason, then I won't stop you. Jianbin and I have been in the past few years, the box lunch industry chain has also been pulled up, here in the film and television city, Jianbin and I can come to keep an eye on some restaurants and industries at any time, and we both plan to move to Beijing in the near future. The quality of teaching over there is better, and children should now go to high school and college, and it is certain that they should go there to accompany them. After Su Huanzhu said this, the second sister Su Huanxia was stunned.

"Eldest sister, you and your brother-in-law are also planning to move to Beijing?" Su Huanxia heard this plan for the first time that her eldest sister's family was going to do so.

The eldest sister smiled and nodded: "Five years ago, the grandmother was worried about this before she died." Saying that Beijing is the capital, the quality of teaching must be better than here, let us think more about children. But wasn't the industry at home developing before and not fixed? Now the industry is developing on this scale, we have made a lot of money, in the early years of Beijing villas and buildings have also been bought, now for the sake of children, for enjoyment, we all plan to go to Beijing to live. The things here are taken care of, and usually the two of us come back to see it. "

After more than ten years of hard work, the money has not been lost, but the child's education is not so tight.

People don't just make money while living.

Children are important, too.

Now even if it's too late to go back to take care of the child, but the family bottom is so much, as long as the child does not go on a crooked road, what does the child want to do in the future?

That starting point is also stronger than ordinary children.

The eldest sister and the two think so, and they don't think about becoming industry leaders or the like, they don't have so much ambition.

Su Huanxia stopped talking.

My parents are gone, my eldest sister's family is also gone, and she is left in the gardening village?

As soon as she thought of this situation, Su Huanxia panicked in her heart, she grew so big, and her parents and sisters were really separated.

Xiao Jianguo patted his wife's hand soothingly.

"Don't worry, I'm also at the age of internal retirement, I'm retired now, that is, I can get less retirement salary, but our family doesn't lack my salary, right?" Therefore, let my parents and eldest sister and brother-in-law move out first, and we will move later. Xiao Jianguo knew what his wife was thinking.

One is the problem of his work.

The other thought of his grandfather, who is now ninety years old, and he is still tough, and he can eat half a kilogram of sauce beef and a two-pound fish every day.

This physical state is the envy of many people.

The old man has lived in the vicinity of the horticultural village all his life, and when he is old, he is afraid that he will not be happy to move.

This was something that his wife thought, but Xiao Jianguo knew that his grandfather had actually wanted to go to the capital for a long time.

The old man didn't mention this, in fact, for the sake of his grandson.

He is now the director of the police station, and he likes to do this, loves to be a petty official, how can he do it?

Therefore, when grandpa wants to go back to the capital, he doesn't open his mouth, just mess around.

But his grandfather himself was a native of Beijing, and he recruited workers in his early years and came here.

Over there in Beijing, his grandfather used to live in a courtyard courtyard that was a miscellaneous courtyard. The house is still there.

Over the years, one after another, the courtyard wants to move, their grandfather and grandson have bought those houses one after another, now the yard is their own, but big, rebuilt, quadrangle style three-story villa.

Moving back in and staying there, his grandpa was absolutely happy.

As soon as these words came out, Su Huanxia snorted and stopped talking.

Anyway, if you move early and late, the family has to move away?

Then it'll be fine.

Su Huanxia has been engaged in the business of cake chain stores for more than ten years, and she also has money.

Moreover, she has long stopped working by herself, and since her son went to junior high school, she has been taking care of her son, as long as Xiao Jian retreats, their family moves faster.

When Su Huandan knew that his parents, eldest sister and second sister were going to move to Beijing.

Her second sister has already moved to the capital with Mr. Xiao and her son.

The Xiao family's newly built courtyard villa is also in Houhai, isn't it a coincidence?

Just two alleys away, 20 minutes walk away.

Yu Zexiu also told his parents, and the family moved back to the courtyard on the other side of Houhai.

Their family lives with their parents, give the yard opposite the door to the old husband's family to live in, the eldest sister's family will live with the old man, and don't go to live in the villa her family bought, it's quite far from Houhai, walking back and forth, time is spent on the road.

In less than a month, the Su family moved.

Su Huandan felt that the home was particularly lively.

The school is also nearby, except for Su Huandan's little girl, who also needs someone to pick them up, the rest of the children are all studying in a school, and they go together together, so don't worry.

Get up early, the eldest brother-in-law has made breakfast, and all go to the Su family to have breakfast, even when Su Huandan's in-laws are not going to other places, they like to make this lively.

There are many children, there are many people, and the meal is lively.

At the dinner table, you look, a few brats who can eat, the one who eats is called a fragrant, and the appetite is not very good, they are all brought to eat.

Lunch is in charge, the children eat in the canteen, and as long as Su Huandan is at home, he will go to his mother's house to rub rice.

The night is really lively.

The eldest brother-in-law likes to marinate meat, there is a stove in the yard, as long as he is idle at home, he will marinate some every day, and the fragrance will float ten miles.

Zhou Jing, Su Dakui, and Old Master Xiao, the three of them got together, cut a plate of freshly baked stewed meat, the three of them drank wine and ate meat, and the three South China Sea and North chatted.

In less than half a month, in this alley, there are always old men who come uninvited with good wine and ingredients.

The ingredients are all suitable for marinade, and no one has that face when eaten for nothing.

Everyone also cares what they do, the family has money or not, they are all young people, the hobby is a sip of wine before going to bed, the body is better, eat two mouthfuls of meat, the body is not good, the eldest brother-in-law gives some vegetarian dishes such as lotus root, mushrooms, kelp, tofu and so on.

When there are few people, gather seven or eight people, and when there are many people, you can gather more than twenty old men.

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