The millennium is simply a year of good fortune for Su Huandan's family.

The eldest sister is pregnant again, the superbirth is certain, the fine is paid, and the child has a hukou better than anything.

Regardless of whether this child is male or female, the eldest sister and the eldest brother-in-law feel that it is enough, and it is good that the two children can be companions in the future.

The eldest sister just found out that she was two months pregnant, and the second sister was also pregnant.

This is the real happy event of the Su family, Jiang Chunhua carries people behind his back, howling, whether the child of the second girl is male or female, the second girl is stable in this life.

The Su family thinks that Su Huanxia's pregnancy is a great thing, and the second brother-in-law and grandchildren are even more so, although they are looking forward to having a child, they dare not think of really having a child.

Su Huandan felt that the diluted spirit spring water was not in vain.

Her second sister was pregnant.

But the second sister found out that she was pregnant for less than three months and a half, and Jiang Chunhua was also pregnant.

Jiang Chunhua is not young, fifty-six people, in recent years, the spirit spring water has been regulated, not showing old age, not to say, menstruation is more normal than the little girl, and the physical function is indeed good.

Therefore, when Su Huandan was born in the early years, he said that he injured his uterus and could not give birth again, and after being raised by the spirit spring water, wouldn't he be pregnant?

Su Dakui is really happy, which proves that he is not old, he is fifty-eight this year.

Can you still have an old son or an old girl?

Only worried about his wife's health, after going to the hospital for examination, he got a healthy answer, and he was only happy.

Jiang Chunhua is also happy, secretly happy, always feel that this child will be a son, to give a son to a man, is her obsession, before did not dare to think about it, now pregnant, naturally to give birth.

But she is more embarrassed and uncomfortable, pregnant and giving birth with her two daughters, and the people in the horticultural village still don't know what to say.

Again, how should the two sons-in-law look at her mother-in-law?

Sure enough, after the news spread, the people of the horticultural village, congratulations on their faces, who does not spit behind their backs?

"Old and unrepaired things, all hold grandchildren, still want to give birth? Shame, how can the two sons of the Su family face the two sons-in-law? "

Fifty-six, fifty-eight, the age of grandparents, pregnancy at this age, is a shame in itself.

So they didn't understand where Su Dakui's happiness and smile came from.

If you Su Dakui has an old son and was born by a lover, then they feel that it makes sense, and it is normal for a man to raise a small child when he is rich.

But the fifty-six-year-old wife, how can she get her mouth down?

Looking back, they looked at Jiang Chunhua carefully, not looking at it, but they were shocked.

Jiang Chunhua is a little fat, but the meat porcelain on his body is solid, he doesn't look old at all, and the corners of his eyes are a little wrinkled, but the wrinkles look the same as the crow's feet of a woman in her thirties, and the face looks really young.

It is also dressed like everyone, wearing gray and inconspicuous, looking like an old lady's dress, but if you change Jiang Chunhua into a trendy outfit, say that she is thirty-five six definitely believed.

Look at Su Dakui again, dressed like an old man, the muscles bulging under that dress are too rare.

Who is almost sixty years old and still has tendon meat?

Among their peers, Su Dakui and Jiang Chunhua are too young, and not just look young on their faces, but in their entire physical state.

Therefore, it is not surprising that people can still have children at this age.

As for the two sons-in-law?

The eldest brother-in-law didn't have anything at first, but with his grandmother saying "old don't repair, give birth to children at this age, don't give his daughter a long face at all", Sun Jianbin was a little awkward in his heart.

He really didn't feel embarrassed about this, but there were always people who said this in the root of his ear, and when he accepted it, his mentality was awkward.

Fortunately, his milk just chanted in front of him, and it didn't affect anything, in general, the family was looking forward to the safe birth of his mother-in-law.

The second son-in-law and grandchildren have the same mentality, their family belongs to a family that lacks children and population, and I really think this is a great thing.

The grandfather of the second brother-in-law still thinks about the three pregnant women at once, he is not good at cooking, like Su Dakui, he does not fry the pan, and it is good to be able to fool the meal.

So the two of them went around looking for some ingredients.

Old hen, crucian carp, these things want to buy fresh, or get up early to catch the morning market, the grandfather of the second brother-in-law took this job, every day before dawn pedaled the three-wheeled bicycle away, and came back after dawn.

The purchased ingredients are put in the back hall of the eldest brother-in-law's house, can the eldest brother-in-law still make them?

Not only to do it, but also to do it with heart.

In this way, after the snow, there were more boys in the family one after another.

The eldest sister's second child is still a son, the second sister gave birth to a son, and the old wife also gave birth to an old son as she wished.

The import of Tim Ding is a big deal, and it is also a good thing for the prosperity of the family.

The Su family, the Sun family, and the Xiao family are all happy this year.

For Su Huandan, the end of the millennium was also a special day, and Yu Zexiu returned.

I haven't seen it for more than three years, and Yu Zexiu's whole thing has changed greatly.

I used to be a little fat, and my height was not very tall, but now, it is really called a long body and jade standing.

Yu Zexiu has lost weight, and he doesn't look like a strong figure, which is noble in itself, and now he looks more like a son of the Wei Jin family.

Sure enough, a person does not attract attention, the main thing is to look at temperament.

There are more people with good faces, but there is no one like Yu Zexiu, standing there, everyone thinks that he is not simple, he is a character, everyone still has to praise, this person is really good-looking.

Does Yu Ze repair look good?

It's good-looking, but it's not the kind of look that stands out from the crowd everywhere.

Su Huandan came to the airport for the first time, watching Yu Zexiu walk out of the exit gate with the crowd, she really recognized Yu Zexiu at a glance.

Su Huandan came by car, her driver's license was learned last year, and the car was a birthday gift from Yu Zexiu this year, and Ms. Meng helped buy it.

Yu Zexiu in Su Huandan's memory has changed his appearance, becoming more and more beautiful, and becoming more and more excellent.

And Su Huandan in Yu Zexiu's eyes has also changed.

The appearance has not changed much, but the temperament is more idyllic, and I feel that just looking at Su Huandan, the anxiety can be completely smoothed out.

At first, what I liked was Su Huandan's face and the cold pride that came out of his bones, but now?

He prefers the quiet Su Huandan, such a woman marries home steadfastly.

As soon as the two met, Yu Zexiu threw away his luggage and took Su Huandan into his arms.

I haven't seen it for more than three years, Yu Zexiu has studied hard, thinking of coming back quickly, I'm afraid of one thing, what can Su Huandan do if he runs away?

Where to find another woman who can make him so bothered and desirable?

Well, after more than three years of long-distance love, it is now time to achieve positive results.

After holding enough, putting the luggage into the trunk, and getting into the car, Yu Zexiu's first words were: "When we get married, I will go to your house to pick up my relatives." "

Only by marrying someone home can he be at ease!"

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