Other investments, Su Dakui

Xu will hesitate, speaking of buying a house, Su Dakui's heart can't stop getting hot.

"Or my girlfriend is smart, yes, if you have money, it's not as good as buying a house, and the house in this city costs one price a year." The yard we live in was two thousand yuan last year, and you can't buy it this year without two thousand five. "

But this is not the case, if you put aside this year to buy a yard, let alone spend two thousand yuan more, according to the price of Su Dakui's purchase of a house, it is to build a set of yards?"

But this time to buy a house, where to buy a house?

"On the other side of the river, aren't there many factories over there with self-built houses nearby? Dad, just buy that. Now, although the factory over there looks sluggish, what if the factory benefits are good again? Even if the factory is not completed, the state will not look at the land in vain, how can it be used for other things, buy a house over there, definitely will not suffer. Su Huandanxin said that this is not exactly a fool's words, after all, in 95 years, several factories over there were all bought and built into film and television bases.

The requisition price of self-built houses is not low, buy it now, you can benefit from three or two years of hard work, and then build four houses on your own side into buildings, rent them, and the future will be beautiful.

Jiang Chunhua only understood that the family wanted to continue to buy a house, but did not understand why she wanted to buy a house over there in the factory, but she never expressed her opinion on major matters, and if she didn't understand, she didn't say much.

The two sisters are the same.

Even if the second sister has thoughts now, she wants to live in a building, but is she not without money for the time being? It's also impossible to open your mouth to your parents.

It's just that I didn't expect the old Sansu Huandan to dare to say it so much, and the head of the thing he said was the Dao, whether he said it was right or not, but his father was willing to listen to this.

Su Dakui designated that he would listen to the little girl's opinion, since the little girl found the gold, he felt that the little girl was a blessed person, said to buy a few more yards, although he did not hesitate at the beginning, but the yard in the second year, the money increased.

Just ask, who will not be like him when they encounter this? Do you think the little girl is a blessed or lucky person?

Su Huandan did not dare to say that she was blessed and had fortune, she just took advantage of the rebirth, and she could only see these opportunities near the horticultural village, other places, or opportunities in other industries, she did not understand and did not know.

Early the next morning, Su Dakui went to buy a house near the opposite factory.

There is no such a big yard over there, a small yard, and there are four or five rooms in it.

The price is also different according to the size of the yard, ranging from five hundred yuan to one thousand fifteen, which is still because the house price has risen this year is so expensive, otherwise the five hundred yuan yard, last year three hundred can be bought.

Su Dakui left enough capital to buy goods, bought all the money he earned in one go, and took seven yards large and small.

After the property rights were in hand, the people on the other side of the factory secretly scolded Su Dakui as a fool.

"The factories in this neighborhood are about to close, and there are fools who come to buy our houses, and they don't buy buildings, buy this kind of small yard, aren't they fools?" In the future, this place is desolate, who will come? "

When the New Year is over, the food factory closes.

Housing prices on the factory side have fallen again.

Jiang Chunhua held back for a few days, but finally did not hold back, and muttered: "You are also in the brain water, the third casually pulls a few gossip, you listen to the third man, what does she know as a student baby?" Now, the money we spent on buying a house can now buy ten yards. But what else is there to buy in a house over there? Isn't it blind to buy it? The factories were closed, no one went, and after buying them, they were also deserted. I heard that the cardboard factory and the machine repair factory are going to close, so let's talk about whether your father and daughter can build it. "

This kind of words, Jiang Chunhua said for a year, Su Huandan but wherever what is not appropriate, the mother can recite a few words, the anger is very fierce, and it lasts for a whole year.

But Su Dakui didn't listen to his wife, he found that there were others like him who were buying houses, and the houses in the factory area were still in demand.

In the past two years, he has not made less money, and after making money, he went to buy a house opposite, and he bought twenty-four yards.

When Su Huandan went to the third year of high school, the time also came to 94 years, this year, in memory, Su Dakui made a big deal, originally went to the northeast with people to sell cloth, but someone robbed the market too fiercely, and finally Su Dakui and his party gritted their teeth and went to Maoxiong Country with goods.

It took eight months, good guy, resold at both ends, and made 80,000 or 90,000.

This time home, Su Dakui does not plan to go out in the near future, nor does he plan to buy a house, and wants to renovate the four yards of the family.

The eldest daughter talked about an object, not a local, but a cook, there is an old mother left in the family, this son-in-law is looking for, Su Dakui 10,000 satisfied, and when the son-in-law's grandmother is gone, what is the difference with the son-in-law?

The son-in-law looks good, and his height is also occupied, only he is poorer, which is much better than the street slippery who has nothing to do on the street.

Cook, open a restaurant at will, and you won't worry about it in this life.

This son-in-law is looking for well.

Therefore, Su Dakui wanted to quickly repair the yard at home and ask his eldest daughter to marry with dignity.

The eldest daughter and son-in-law have also been talking for two years, and the son-in-law is not too young, twenty-six, and he really can't delay any longer.

As soon as I returned home, I could smell the aroma of rice at the gate, which was designated as the craftsmanship of the eldest son-in-law.

Sure enough, when I opened the door and went in, the eldest son-in-law was stir-frying fat sausages on the stove in the yard.

When Sun Jianbin saw that the old man who went to run the goods had returned, he immediately smiled, turned his face and shouted into the house: "Mom? Return the beads? My dad is back.

This voice shouted, and the four mother and daughter in the room who were waiting for the ready-made meal ran out in unison.

Su Dakui looked at his wife and daughter, and then looked at the son-in-law who God tailor-made for his family, and grinned.

"I'm back, I'm back, and this time I'm back, I won't go out for the time being." No matter how long Su Dakui has been away from home, in the Su family, it is the backbone of the main heart.

After eating a reunion dinner, Su Dakui talked about building a house.

Su Huandan immediately squeezed her eyebrows at her eldest sister and made her eldest sister ashamed.

Sun Jianbin also made a big red face, did not dare to look at people, and stared at the cement floor.

"Dad, how do you want to build a house?" The matter of the eldest sister is decided, the person who gets married in this life is the first love that the eldest sister missed in her previous life, and the regrets in this life can be regarded as making up for it.

In his last life, Sun Jianbin could be present, so he relied on the film and television city, sold box lunches, and became the boss, and later learned that she was sick, and once looked for his eldest sister and gave a sum of money, but this money her eldest sister could not refuse.

Now that the eldest sister's marriage is decided, it's time to talk about building a house.

To Su Huandan said, first build two houses, take out a loan, build it in place at one time, build this hotel where the family lives, and build her eldest sister's yard into a restaurant that can hold a table.

As for the second sister's yard and her yard, let's talk about it later when there is money.

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