"Lord Xun. "Guarding the outside of the canopy, the guards saluted.

Xun Jingcheng nodded, lifted the curtain and walked in.

Two imperial doctors are taking care of Cang Xuan.

"Your Majesty is doing well. Xun Jingcheng asked.

"Everything is stable. One of the imperial doctors said, "It's just that Your Majesty has never woken up."

Xun Jingcheng stared at the person lying on the bed. The eyes, which were always fresh and full, were now covered under the eyelids, the lips were bloodless and pale, and the rise and fall of her chest was so slight that it seemed to stop at any moment.

"Go down first. He said.

The imperial physicians obeyed the order and left, and the tent fell silent for a moment, except for two quiet breaths.

"You don't have to ......," he said next, but finally turned into a sigh, "Wake up."

Xun Jingcheng sat on the edge of Cang Kun's bed, feeling a wave of unprecedented tiredness, he stretched out his hand almost unconsciously, but suddenly paused when he was only a few inches away from Cang Kun's cheek.

As if awakened, he realized what he was doing, and immediately withdrew his hand and jerked up from the side of the bed.

The guard looked at Xun Jingcheng who left here with some surprise, I don't know why this future queen only stayed for so long, and walked so anxiously, as if something was chasing behind her.

It's getting late.

In Xun Jingcheng's own tent, there was a person waiting for him.

"Your Excellency. The visitor was dressed in black and wore a mask that covered his entire face.

"How's it going?" Xun Jingcheng sat down in a chair, opened a letter, glanced at it cursoryly, and then put it on the candle flame and burned it to ashes.

The man in black lowered his head, "The arrival and disappearance of those people seem to come out of thin air, without a trace.

Xun Jingcheng had a faint anger between his eyebrows, but his voice was still calm, "There can't be anyone who appears out of thin air in this world, continue to investigate." Also, the rebels who are looking for peace sent people to lead them and gather with the rebels in Nanling.

"Yes. The man in black bowed in response, left the tent, and disappeared into the night.

Xun Jingcheng didn't look up, spread out a piece of stationery, and picked up the pen.

Daying, which is already at the end of the strong crossbow, will collapse the building. All it takes is a little help to completely fall into displacement.

The tip of the pen dipped in ink fell on the paper, which was the death knell for Daying.

"Chen Xun, I'm in so much pain. The

ethereal voice suddenly rang in my ears again.

Amber pupils, full of pain and confusion, flickered like a little light in the dim tent, like a lingering nightmare.

Xun Jingcheng's hand holding the pen paused slightly, and a drop of ink fell from the tip of the pen and spread on the paper, just like a tear.

He put down his pen and lit the ink-stained piece of paper with a candle, scattering the ashes everywhere.

-- The overthrow of Daying must be done as soon as possible. That's the only thing he should be thinking about right now.

Everything else is distracting thoughts that should be abandoned.


"At the beginning of the time: this cartoon is over?!"

"8384: The next season won't come out until next year."

"Shichu: Hey.

Because of the deep coma of the body, the soul of the beginning returned to the sea of consciousness, relying on cartoons, potato chips, and chatting with 8384 to survive.

"8384: Today is the fourth day, and your NDE is about to expire.

"Shi Chu: I can't wait to meet Concubine Xiaojing, he has a good opinion of me now, but he is seventy. I can enjoy the innocent and fiery first love of the young man ( ̀⌄ ́)"

The woman's eyelids moved slightly after being unconscious in bed for four days, and a muffled moan came out of her throat.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty is awake!" said the imperial doctor who was taking care of Cang Xuan in surprise.

Xun Jingcheng's tent was closest to Cangyun, and he rushed in first.

Cang's eyes couldn't be opened immediately because he hadn't seen the light for a long time, full of physiological tears, and the figures in front of him were full of shadows, and he couldn't see it really.

With some inexplicable intuition, she tentatively said, "Chen Xun......?"

Her voice was weak, and Qingyue's voice became hoarse.

But she's alive.

Xun Jingcheng's heart suddenly relaxed, as if the fist clenched tightly in his heart suddenly opened, and the anxiety and pain that had been fermenting for many days flowed out like flowing water.

"I want to drink water. Cang Xuan said in a hoarse voice.

Xun Jingcheng took the cup from the subordinate's hand, carefully lifted Cang Su's head, and fed her a little water to drink.

"Does the wound hurt?" Xun Jingcheng asked, not noticing that his voice was as hoarse as Cang Xuan.

Cang Su smiled and shook his head slightly.

Cangyun's smile can always infect Xun Jingcheng, so he involuntarily evoked a smile, "I'm tired, right? I'll go and take those people outside away and don't let them come in and disturb you."

Cang Xuan's little finger hooked Xun Jingcheng's index finger and moved, and he lowered his head in understanding, close to Cang Xuan's lips.

"Call them all away. Cang Xuan paused and said, "Just leave us, me and you."

Xun Jingcheng couldn't distinguish the emotions in his heart, and he didn't want to bother to distinguish them.

"Good. He chuckled, stroked Cang Xuan's forehead, and gently helped her straighten the messy hair on her forehead, "Only us." "

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