"What room does Doctor Lian work in?" said Avila, dragging a passing servant.

"Even the doctor?" the servant wondered, the royal physician of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not surnamed Lian.

"It's the cloud!"

"Oh. The servant pointed out the location of the study.

At the beginning of the cartoon, she didn't show it on her face, but she was smiling happily in her heart when she heard a violent knock on the door.

"8384: Lord Host, it's Avila who knocked on the door. Shi

Chu liked this little girl, strong and smart, if she could train well in the base, she would definitely be able to make some achievements in the rebels in the future.

Let 8384 pause the cartoon, and Shi Chu stands up and opens the door.

"Avila, what's going on?" Despite some surprise, Lian Sheng was always gentle, and she took Avila's hand and walked into the study.

"Doctor Lian......" Facing Lian Sheng, who seemed to be getting thinner and thinner, all the questions that were about to gush out were blocked in her throat, making her speechless for a while.

What qualifications does she have to question Doctor Lian? She is weak and will only cause trouble to Doctor Lian, but she will not be able to help her at all. These questions will only add to the doctor's troubles.

Avila lowered her head and muttered, "They say, you and... You and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are, that kind of relationship.

Lian Sheng smiled tolerantly, not blaming Avila for her abruptness.

"What are you talking about, what kind of relationship can it be?" Lian Sheng touched Avila's soft hair, "The rumors can't be believed. "

But! but......" Avila's voice grew weaker and weaker.

But if you are not under house arrest, why should you stay in the home of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince all the time?

She was afraid that it was just a lie told by the doctor to reassure her.

Lian Sheng seemed to guess Avila's unfinished questions, "I don't leave because I like His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." We are not the kind of relationship you think, and I am not a pet raised by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. "

Really?" Avila looked up, her eyes shining again, "Do you like His Royal Highness the Prince?"

Shi Chu sighed in his heart.

"Your Highness said that you have arranged a job in the back kitchen, is it still going well?" Lian Sheng diverted the topic.

"Hmm. Avila was immediately distracted, "It's not a difficult job, the chefs are very good, and they teach me how to cook."

Lian Sheng smiled and said, "It's really good, if you finish learning in the future, you can cook for me too." "

Okay Doctor Lian!" Avila was confident.

"Go ahead, I'll get back to work. Lian Sheng advised, "Don't believe all the rumors among the servants in the future, it's more speculation to catch the wind and shadows."

Avila left, and Lian Sheng leaned back, supporting his upper body on the sofa, and his smile faded, gradually floating tired.

At the beginning, I knew that with Wen Ze's suspicion, there must be surveillance in the study. So even if there is no one in the room, the play has to be done in full.

"At the beginning: Avila is a kind child, and it would be best to keep her out of this troubled water. If she doesn't think that His Royal Highness and I are sincere, I'm afraid she will do something to hurt herself out of impulse.

"8384: I thought you'd use her to advance your mission.

"Shi Chu: She's too weak, and these things are too cruel, and once she is dragged in, it's hard to die well. It makes sense that I'm taking advantage of people who are already in the game. But in any case, irrelevant people should not be dragged in.

She glanced blankly at a corner of the room, where the monitor was working endlessly.

"Shi Chu: Is our Royal Highness the Crown Prince watching this scene? If he sees it, I don't know how he will feel (^_^)."

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