Quickly Pierce the Peace of Mind To Be a Passerby

Chapter 275 I am the Master of the Protagonist (4)

Hold back, hold back, he is still a child, looking at the top of Ye Che's dark head, Liu Weiwei suppressed the anger in his heart forcefully, and asked, "How long did you practice yesterday?"

"Two, two and a half hours." Ye Che said in a low voice, knowing that he was wrong, the voice was too low to be heard, but fortunately, practitioners have good ears and eyes, and Liu Weiwei heard it clearly.

However, the tension in Liu Weiwei's mind broke with a click, and he said: "Okay, okay, you really have an idea!"

"Master!" Ye Che said in panic.

"Get out!" Liu Weiwei said.


With a wave of his sleeves, he sent people away from his eyes, and with another wave of his sleeves, the door of the room was closed, and Liu Weiwei sat on the bed angrily, how could he bear it, who is not a baby anymore!


System: "Host, the hero is kneeling outside the door."

The next moment, Ye Che's voice came from outside the door, "Master, this disciple made a mistake, please punish me, Master."

"I know I was wrong, Master, please don't be angry."

"Tu'er really knows that he was wrong, and he will never dare again in the future."

"Master, I was wrong."

With spiritual power attached to his eyes, Liu Weiwei easily penetrated through the bamboo door and saw Ye Che kneeling on the ground. Seeing his pitiful appearance, he really knew that he was wrong.

He admitted his mistakes one by one, very sincerely, and Liu Weiwei could hear the deep fear in Ye Che's voice.

What are you afraid of?

The master is angry, and the apprentice is naturally afraid, and more, he is afraid that she will tire of him. After all, she is the last straw he can grasp at present, and is the only capital for him to become stronger.

"Get up." Liu Weiwei didn't open the door, but used her spiritual power to send her calm voice to Ye Che's ear.

"Master?" Ye Che did not get up, but continued to kneel down and called pitifully.

"You go back first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to say."

"Master, are you still angry with me?" Ye Che asked carefully.

"I said, what's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow, do you need me to repeat it a third time?" This time the voice was more than one degree colder than the last time.

"Teacher, leave." Ye Che made Liu Weiwei angry again, stood up, and walked back to his bamboo building every step of the way.

System: "Is the host still angry?"

Liu Weiwei clasped her hands together, "I'm so angry, I'm going to die!"

System: "The host is now the hero's master, even if the hero is punished, it's okay."

Liu Weiwei blew on the broken hair on her forehead, "Forget it, actually, thinking about Ye Che's experience, I can somewhat understand what he did."

Being bullied, having his cultivation base abolished and knocked off a cliff, and with great hatred in his heart, he inevitably became a little anxious. Thinking about it in another way, it is actually not difficult to understand Ye Che's current behavior of desperately becoming stronger.

System: "The host..."

"Understanding does not mean agreeing. You should still be angry. Besides, with Ye Che's character, if you don't scare him today, he will definitely not do less in the future. Leave him alone for a day."

Early the next morning, Ye Che stood guard in front of Liu Weiwei's door early.

Liu Weiwei opened the door.

Ye Che's eyes lit up, and then he bowed his hands respectfully, and sincerely admitted his mistake: "Master, this disciple knows his mistake, Master, please punish me."

Liu Weiwei didn't say a word, stretched out his hand to grab Ye Che's wrist, probed into Ye Che's body with his spiritual power, and then understood his situation. It seems that An Sheng stayed for a day when he went back yesterday, and he hadn't practiced yet. .

"Your meridian is damaged again, do you know?" Liu Weiwei said.

Ye Che lowered his head as if he knew his mistake, it seemed that he knew it.

"Do you know that there is only one elixir for repairing meridians and dantian. If you don't cherish your body, you won't need to practice anymore?"

Ye Che really regretted it, and said: "Tu'er really knows his mistake, and he will never do it again."

Liu Weiwei threw a bottle of elixir to Ye Che, "Take Yunling Pill with this bottle of elixir, and you won't be able to practice for the next month. If you don't obey me, I won't care about you."

"Yes." Ye Che said bluntly, Ye Che raised his head, looked at Liu Weiwei with a pair of eyes and asked cautiously: "Master, are you still angry with me?"

Ye Che's looks are not bad. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, it's a bit cute to make this appearance. Liu Weiwei sighed, and said in a soft voice: "Don't be angry, let's not be an example, you go back."

After hearing Liu Weiwei's answer, Ye Che was relieved and said, "Yes, my disciple will leave."


Really frightened, unable to practice, all Ye Che can do is practice sword.

With the sword in his hand, Ye Che looked at Liu Weiwei cautiously.

Seeing Ye Che's cautious look, Liu Weiwei held back her smile, and nodded to Ye Che, "Practice, pay attention to your body."

"Yes, Master." Ye Che said respectfully.

Different from practicing sword all day before, Ye Che stopped after practicing for a certain amount of time, but Ye Che didn't know what to do after he stopped.

Liu Weiwei waved at Ye Che.

Ye Che walked over obediently, "Master."

"Can you play chess?" Liu Weiwei asked.

Ye Che shook his head and said, "No."

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Liu Wei only waved his sleeves, and a cushion appeared opposite her, "This way of playing is called backgammon, as long as five pieces are connected in a line, you will win..."


a month later.

Ye Che said: "Master, the elixir has been eaten."

Liu Weiwei took out another bottle of elixir and handed it over, "One a day, you can practice for at most one hour a day."



After another month, Liu Weiwei checked Ye Che's body and said, "It's ok, you can practice as you like in the future."

"Thank you, Master." Ye Che said happily.

Since Ye Che called Master, she had to take on the responsibility of Master, so she started pulling the storage ring again.

The spirit stones are used to set up the spirit-gathering array, the pills need to be prepared, the weapons have to be selected, and there are exercises. There are many exercises in the ring. Liu Weiwei chose two suitable ones for Ye Che under the prompt of the system. Ye Che thanked him very gratefully.

When Ye Che was busy, Liu Weiwei had to start having fun again.

Liu Weiwei found a set of pens and inks while looking through the storage ring, and Liu Weiwei tapped the system excitedly, "Senior, mission statement."

A book appeared in front of Liu Weiwei. Liu Weiwei reached out to pick it up, opened it, looked at the dense content on it, and said, "Senior, can you erase the words on the book?"

System: "What does the host want to do?"

Liu Weiwei coughed lightly and said, "I can't find the story I want to read, so I want to write it myself."


Liu Weiwei: "Should I just try, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, but there is no paper, so I can't help it. If it doesn't work, can I buy a notebook in the system mall?"

System: "20 copies."

Liu Weiwei clicked her tongue, 20 yuan for a notebook is a bit expensive, "All right."

With the notebook, and grinding the ink, Liu Weiwei dipped a brush into a small amount of ink and began to write.

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