Quick Wear Host, She is Beautiful and Sweet

Chapter 708 Extra Story: The End of the Jane Family

Chapter 708 Extra Story: The End of the Jane Family

Since the products of Jane's Medical Cosmetology have problems, they have received countless refunds. If they are more serious, they will directly sue them in court and demand compensation.

Under all kinds of high pressure, Jane's had no choice but to start refunding the compensation.

However, Jian Honglin sees that the beauty industry is very profitable, and wants to completely monopolize the national market. He invested all his money in the industry as early as the beginning of making money, and now the capital chain has long been broken.

As a last resort, he asked for a loan from the bank again, but this time the bank refused to accept the loan due to reasons such as unpaid debts, and there was a lot of criticism from outside. Jian Honglin could only give up part of Jian's original property...

However, the compensation debts became more and more serious. There were also problems with the gifts Mrs. Jane gave to the rich wives at the beginning. Many big names in the industry are falling into trouble one after another at this moment, and finally...

Jane's was overwhelmed by the new industry and declared bankruptcy liquidation.

That night, Jian Honglin turned gray all night. This middle-aged man who has always been well-maintained has aged a lot during this time, and finally has a normal appearance in his fifties.

All the industries built by one hand dissipated. Although Jian Honglin was also frustrated, he was not in despair.

In the past, he started from scratch, pulling Jian's up with one hand. He was still a young man at the beginning. It makes no sense that he can't succeed now that he has accumulated so much experience and knowledge!

What did Jian Honglin think? During this period of time, he started to run around again, just like he used to start a business, but he, including Jian's, offended too many people because of medical beauty, and now he is at the bottom. Those people stood on a high place, and they only needed to move their fingers to crush him to death.

After failing one after another, trying to understand that those people were behind the tricks, Jian Honglin, the pillar of the Jian family, finally fell down.

Mental and mental haggard plus fatigue, falling ill.

Jian Honglin was down, and Jian Bozheng was even worse.

He himself is excellent, but since the Jian family made a fortune when he spread his name, everything from his studies to his own company was supported by the Jian family.

Without Jane's family, he ran around and couldn't even get the most basic start-up capital - the so-called proud son of heaven was nothing more than that.

If you leave Jane's house, you are nothing.

After declaring bankruptcy, the entire Jian family was evicted from the original big villa, and the villa had to be liquidated and auctioned for real estate finance.

Without the support of rich materials, those disputes that were exposed earlier were completely exposed!

In this family, only Jian An'an has no blood relationship. Mrs. Jian disliked her eldest son when she mixed with him.

Now, she no longer ostentatiously blamed Mrs. Kuo, and all her vicious natures were fully exposed, and she either ridiculed or beat Jian Anan.

Jian Anan subconsciously went to find her elder brother who loved her the most to protect her, but Jian Bozheng's confidence had suffered a serious blow during this period, and he was doubting himself. Maybe he also felt that Jian Anan had an inescapable responsibility for what happened today. This time, he did not protect Jian An'an unconditionally.

After discovering this, Mrs. Jane became even more serious. After the aura of the wealthy and noble lady faded away, she was nothing more than a shrew.

She thought of all the things that happened after Chu Wu was found, and she began to regret... But she refused to make mistakes, and she could only blame Jian An'an for blinding her eyes.

In the newly rented small house, Mrs. Jane beat and scolded Jian An every day: "It's all your fault, you are a broom star. If it weren't for you, how could our family have fallen into this state..."

Jian Anan endured it at first, waiting for Jian Bozheng's contact or the day when Jian's family turned over, but found that everything was impossible, and finally abandoned everyone, stole the only cash left at home, and ran away.

When Mrs. Jane found out, she fainted out of anger.

While in a coma, Mrs. Jane dreamed of the past.

At that time, the Jian family had just made a fortune, and a passing Taoist told her a fortune, saying that her daughter was a lucky star, and she would treat her well in the future, and the Jian family would not worry about a bad life.

At that time, the mistake had already happened, and the daughter beside her was naturally Jian An'an. Mrs. Jian was a superstitious person, but later she saw that the life at home was getting better and better, so she became more and more convinced of this.

Back then when she knew she was wrong, she still insisted on keeping Jian Anan at home. In addition to the nurturing love of more than ten years, there is also this point in it-Jian Anan is her, the little lucky star of the entire Jian family, she can't lose it .

But until today, she realized that the real Golden Phoenix in the family is Chu Wu. The Taoist leader was right. The family lived well all these years because they were relatives of Golden Phoenix, but Golden Phoenix decided to fly out of the nest to be with them. When the relationship is completely severed, luck is also broken.

After Mrs. Jane woke up, she was crying and regretting!

At first she was still proud, but more than ten years of worry-free food and clothing also cut off her basic ability to live. She couldn't bear to live this kind of hard life. She wanted to recognize Chu Wu just because she didn't want to, and spent the rest of her life struggling She, but when she called, she found that she couldn't get through. She wanted to find Chu Wu, but found that she had neglected her own daughter too much, and she didn't even know where the other party lived...

Mrs. Jane was very sad again.

It's not that she loses her daughter one after another in grief, but that she knows that her husband and son are now looking dejected, and if they can't please their daughter, her good life will be gone in the future!

The entire Jian family was depressed for a while, and then Mrs. Jane started to toss again.

She contacted a former sister of hers. The husband's family was similar to the former Jane's family. She had revealed a long time ago that she wanted the two children to become in-laws. Among the people, the dragon and the phoenix are worthy of a better choice, so I just pretend I didn't hear it.

With this appointment, she just wanted to sell her son for glory!

Facing the blows of the company's bankruptcy and the departure of his sweetheart one after another, Jian Bozheng Xu Shi was also devastated, perhaps because he thought that it would be good to eat a soft meal, but Mrs. Jian was really tossing about.

A few people arrived at the agreed place, and invited the girl over to have a look——

This daughter used to go to the same school as Jian Bozheng, and regarded him as her male god, but now...she looked at Jian Bozheng from top to bottom with a look of disdain.

"Mom, you called me here in a hurry, and it turned out to be because of this matter. You should take these two away quickly, because it makes you feel bad luck."

"Didn't you like him before?" the lady said, "Even if you don't get married, it's not bad to keep him by your side to please you."

Mrs. Jane used to be proud of her eldest son, but at this moment, she dared not say anything when she heard such words pretending to be a male favorite.

The delicate-looking daughter rolled her eyes, apparently she didn't know about the blind date, "How long ago did that happen, don't you read online news? There is something wrong with this family's character, besides, the videos are all spread How could I want this kind of guy? Don't treat everyone as a junk picker, okay, dirty and smelly are all different."

Both Jian Bozheng and Mrs. Jian were so scolded that they couldn't lift their heads, Qianjin went to hold the lady's arm again, "Mom, I'm going to Chu Wu's beauty salon to take care of myself in the afternoon, don't hurt me!"

Chu Wu's purchase blacklist made a big splash on the Internet.

The noble lady also thought of this paragraph, said goodbye to Mrs. Jane in an instant, took her daughter and left, and never mentioned the matter between the children again.

Mrs. Jian was very embarrassed. Looking at her eldest son again, the once proud son of heaven just stood aside stupidly. His face, who was only in his late thirties, already showed signs of vicissitudes of life. His eyes were empty, and he no longer had the viciousness and arrogance of the past. .

Mrs. Jane cried bitterly.


Here, the Jane family continues to be in a downturn.

the other end.

Jian Anan escaped from Jian's house, and the money she brought out totaled hundreds of thousands. It is reasonable to say that ordinary life can last for several years, but she, like Mrs. Jian, was used to extravagance in Jian's house, and the first time she escaped One day I found a star-rated hotel to live in, and I spent thousands of dollars in one night.

Jian An'an, who has been pampered since she made a mistake, naturally cannot live a hard life, and she is dependent on Jian's parents or Jian Bozheng to survive in Jian's family, and she does not have the self-survival ability like Chu Wu.

Within a few days, Jian Anan found a "rich second generation" boyfriend.

She obviously has a way of dealing with men, and she coaxed this boyfriend firmly in a few days, even if she had countless scandals on the Internet, he still wanted to be with her.

Jian Anan spent time calculating, and finally reached the last step with the man - handing over her body.

However, when she woke up the next morning, Jian Anan found that her new boyfriend and the money she stole from Jian's house were all gone! The other party also left her a note:

[Scrap, still want to marry into a wealthy family? Next life! You are also assigned to play with me! 】

——The wicked have their own grind.

It turned out that everything was a hoax.

That man was not a rich second generation at all, he just pretended to cheat Jian Anan of money, and Jian Anan, who was penniless, was kicked out of the hotel that day and lived on the street.

Jian Anan has never suffered much. Although she is not very bright, she is still a Xiaojiabiyu. She has been nourished with beauty water later, and her face is quite delicate.

That night, she was still taken home, and when she woke up, there was an extra 500 yuan on the bedside.

Jian Anan was unwilling to do so, after much deliberation, she finally decided on the Jian family who had spoiled him and raised her for many years.

She called Mrs. Jane and told her to give her one million, or she would sue Jane's family to rape her! If you really do that, Jane's family will definitely go back to jail! !

The poverty-stricken life made these people look hideous and turned into ghosts. Mrs. Jane also stabbed back bitterly.

She said that the matter between Jian Anan and the eldest son is well known on the Internet, and it was something you asked me to wish. They were both engaged at the beginning, and it was useless for Jian Anan to appeal.

Jian Anan replied: "You wait."

So, within a few days, Jian Anan sued the Jian family in court relying on the money for overnight stays. Contrary to what Mrs. Jian thought, it was a video of Jian Honglin and Jian Anan being together.

Ah ah ah ah ah--

Mrs. Jane went crazy immediately.

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