When the dust settles, will you suddenly think of me?

Hospital. It's as quiet as a dead place, completely devoid of sound, invisible, inaudible, no longer looking, no longer thinking, closed, and so on.

Maybe at the critical time, it was the mysterious induction between Su Zishuo and Ziyue that saved Su Ziyue's life.

That day, Su Zishuo suddenly had a terrible heartache, like a needle prick, and fidgeted, so he quickly packed his things and drove out of the car.

I don't know why, he just thinks that something happened to Su Ziyue, this feeling is very strong, even if it's just an illusion, he can't sit idly by.

A group of people surrounded a car, holding a mobile phone with a fanatic look on their faces, and the inexplicable Su Zishuo braked the car.

The more intuition is here, but it's ......

"Excuse me, what's wrong?" Su Zishuo hurriedly asked a passerby next to him.

"Oh! It looks like there's been a shooting.

Su Zishuo desperately tried to squeeze in, but the police stopped him, and the passers-by blocking him were like obstacle signs.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze ......

" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that's my family, I have to ......" Su Zishuo suddenly lost his voice.

Hearing this, everyone consciously gave way to a road, Su Zishuo staggered forward, only to see a man on the stretcher covering his face, and tears fell. Painful approach.

Walking over step by step, just like when he approached him step by step, stretched out his hand, and slowly pulled down the white cloth, someone wanted to obstruct it, but was stopped by the doctor who took the lead.

An action was like slow motion, trembling, slow, Su Zishuo was afraid of seeing a scene he didn't think of.

The man's face slowly appeared in his eyes, bloody, handsome, and quiet.

Su Zishuo couldn't believe it, "Gu Qin'an?!"

raised his head sharply, "What about the boy?" grabbed the shoulder of the nearest nurse with one hand, looking crazy.

The little nurse was caught painfully, "Let it go!" Su

Zishuo looked in the direction she pointed, on a stretcher, his beloved boy was lying peacefully, as if he was asleep, and he was joking with him cutely.

Walking over with red eyes, he stroked his face, and asked gently: "Little villain, you must be fixing me, right? Wake up, I won't be fooled again......" The voice became lower and lower, and finally cried bitterly.

The doctor waved his hand, "You're a family member of the wounded, right?

Hearing this, Su Zishuo calmed down, looked at the sleeping boy, and evoked a smile that was uglier than crying, "You always scare me, and I thought that ...... was going to lose you."

The policeman asked, "Do you know the deceased?" and someone next to him was taking notes.

Su Zishuo nodded, "Yes." He is Gu Qin'an. "

Gu Qin'an

?" "That diamond king who is worth more than 100 million?" "


Su Zishuo followed the unconscious Su Ziyue into the car to the hospital.

Holding his hand and resting it on my heart, I will not hold back anymore and I want the whole world to know. Only I love you.

Thinking that Su Ziyue might have some kind of connection with Gu Qin'an, Su Zishuo's eyes suddenly darkened, why would you be in his car?

sighed, and then hooked his thin lips, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are alive." "As long as you still love me......

The finches in front of the window were chirping, and the straight people were upset. It can only be said that upset people feel upset when they see everything, and it is true.

Su Zishuo didn't close his eyes for a few days, he didn't tell Gu Nuannuan and Su Feng, so he took all the discomfort by himself. Rather than a group of people being sad together, it is better for him to bear it alone. In this way, at least the heart will not hurt so much.

Although, in the end, they will still find out. It's just that now Su Zishuo really wants to guard his boy alone, so he keeps guarding it and doesn't separate.

Peeling apples, fingers moving. looked straight at the person on the hospital bed, every time he had hope, but he fell short again and again, as if he was trying to save and finally lose.

The hand that put down weakly, holding the pale hand that was also weak, tightly, trying to keep it with all his might, "I ......"

"Touch!" After the loud noise, the door was violently opened.

"What about Ziyue?" Gu Lang gasped and stared at Su Zishuo as he asked.

Su Zishuo turned sideways, and the pale, sick and weak Su Ziyue appeared in Gu Lang's sight, and his heart suddenly twitched.

He smiled coldly, "Su Zishuo, if I didn't know... How long do you plan to hide that person's death from me?"

Su Zishuo, who had always been arrogant, lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly, but replied to him lightly: "There's no need for that." It

was this sentence that angered Gu Lang, who was already in anger, he rushed over quickly, and swung it with a punch, Su Zishuo turned his head, and his punch missed.

Just as he was about to swing his fist again, Su Zishuo grabbed it, shook it off, and faced Gu Lang's angry expression, and said indifferently: "Do you think you are qualified to beat me?" Gu Lang

smiled, not like the fox smile in the past, but with an unspeakable sadness, "Not qualified?

Looking at the wilting Su Ziyue, Gu Lang only felt that his heart was about to break. Even if he was always sick before, even if he always ran to the hospital twice in three days, but when did he not jump up and down all of a sudden?

I would rather suffer like this than suffer the slightest grievance.

Is this the sore spot of loving someone?

Hurt his wounds, hurt his sore spots, and there is no cure for them.

"What you call for his good, is it just to hide him and not let anyone see him? You are selfish, Su Zishuo, I misjudged you. Gu Lang finished with a sneer, staring at Su Zishuo's eyes with a sharp light.

Su Zishuo suddenly felt that Gu Lang's performance was very wrong, it seemed to be beyond that range, and suddenly raised his head and looked into Gu Lang's eyes, "You..."

It's ......" Gu Lang suddenly lost his voice.

Clenched his hands, although it was a little unbelievable, Su Zishuo carefully recalled and wrote about the experience from childhood to adulthood, everything instantly became clear, it turned out that you have long been in love, facing this powerless little goblin, alas~

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