"Congratulations to the host for completing the task!" Ge Que said excitedly, "Do you want to check the attribute value?" Luo Shengxiao nodded.

"This time the host task was completed well, and a total of 6000 points and 10 attribute points were obtained, please assign.

Seeing that the force was so low, Luo Sheng frowned, and just wanted to speak, he was interrupted by Ge Que: "You can tell the host in advance that there is no danger in the next world, so there is no need to increase the force value for the time being." Honey smiled. Ge Que secretly waited to see a good show.

"That's 4 points of charm, 3 IQ, 2 body shape, and 1 point of appearance.

"Gotcha!" Host

: Luo Shengxiao

Gender: Male (immutable

) Age: 19 (in full bloom

) Appearance: 91 (kneeling and licking

) Figure: 92 (Goose Drop God

) IQ: 83 (reluctantly)

Force: 75 (... Charm

: 74 (cold)

Points: 6000

Aura: Heartthrob

Equipment: Wu

Luo Shengxiao asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with that aura?"

Ge Que smiled, very obscene: "Lord Host, this is a good thing!" After speaking, he nodded solemnly.

Luo Shengxiao always felt that something was weird, but he didn't think much about it, "Okay."

Ge Que immediately said, "Do you want to carry out the next mission?"

Luo Shengxiao nodded indifferently, and a turntable appeared on the light curtain.

Seeing that Luo Shengxiao seemed to be a little confused, Ge Que immediately explained, "Because the space has been upgraded!" (◦ ̇▽ ̇◦) "

Okay." "Turning the turntable randomly, the pointer only flickered a few times before it stood firmly on the campus mode.

Luo Shengxiao smiled, "Revisiting the campus? "A sigh.

Ge Que looked at someone who was in a good mood and added: "My lord, the original owner's wish is to attack the twin brothers."

Luo Shengxiao choked, "What the hell?" said in disbelief: "Even a person who looks exactly like himself

is mouthed?!" Suddenly, a handsome boy in a school uniform rushed out quickly and pointed at Luo Shengxiao and immediately said, "Who said it looks the same? Who told you?"

Yes, no, you're the thing, your whole family is the thing!"

Therefore, the IQ of the system bacteria has been offline, and Luo Shengxiao sweated for a while ̄^ ̄ ゚ Although it is said that the IQ has never been on the ......

Su Ziyue suddenly became serious, "You don't know what my brother means to me..."

Slowly approaching Luo Shengxiao, he smiled and told him: "He is like light, the temperature I want to pursue, unswerving!"

Luo Shengxiao thought for a while, and said calmly

: "You like your brother?" Seeing Su Ziyue nodded, he continued to ask: "Then how did you die?"

Su Ziyue sighed, "I was kidnapped and torn up!" waved his hand helplessly, "Although I know that my brother found someone to do it, I still like my brother very much." "

Are you stupid, your brother is looking for someone to kidnap you to prove that he doesn't care about your life or death at all, and this kind of person will be rare!"

Su Ziyue immediately exploded, grabbed Geque and was about to smash it down, and said viciously: "Will you help me or not, I'll kill it, huh?" That tail note is really sexy.

I saw Luo Shengxiao turn around and sit on the sofa behind him, and said as if he didn't care: "Even if you smash it, if you smash it, the main god should get me a reliable system, well, that's it."

Ge Que looked at Luo Shengxiao sadly, and his eyes were about to turn into substance.

Su Ziyue put down the egg in his hand, "Are you willing? That's right

!" Then he said to himself: "You must make your brother happy! Otherwise, I won't let you have a good time if I fight hard! I must make my brother happy

!" Luo Shengxiao was troubled by his quarrel, "Geque put it for me

!" "Yes!" Then Luo Shengxiao disappeared in front of a person [Snake Essence Disease] and a system [Silly Deficiency].

The two of them were speechless.

Ge Que choked silently, God, who will take this snake essence disease! Su Ziyue smiled, no one can save your ......

Su Ziyue opened his eyes, clear and confused, as if covered with a layer of water, telling the secret in his heart in silence, but unfortunately no one understood.

What greeted his eyes was the pure white ceiling, and someone in his ear asked with concern, "Yueyue, how do you feel?"

What catches the eye is a beautiful woman with long hair up to her waist, wearing a light-colored trench coat to look even younger. The eyes were watery, as if I was crying at any moment. Her effeminate temperament makes her look particularly eye-catching.

A handsome man in a suit walked in, and Su Ziyue guessed that they should be the parents of the original owner.

Wiped away the tears on the woman's face in distress, Su Feng said, "Wouldn't it be nice to wake up?"

turned his head to look at Luo Su Ziyue, "Stinky boy! It's all worrying, it's not worrying at all!" said viciously, but he looked distressed at his wife. He has always been strong, and he can't see his wife sad the most.

"Speaking of Dad, shouldn't the differential treatment be so obvious, okay?" Su Ziyue looked unhappy and disgusted.

After looking around, there were no other superfluous people in the ward except for

my parents and parents, "What about my brother?" pursed his mouth aggrievedly, and looked at Gu Nuannuan with blank eyes, "Will my brother hate me and don't want to see me?"

lowered his head as if he had been abandoned by the whole world. Straight to the heart of the soreness and tangling. This is still Su Ziyue's must-use trick, pretending to be pitiful, and trying it repeatedly.

Su Feng held his forehead, looked at his little wife helplessly, and gestured with his eyes, Gu Nuannuan pouted, and also said with his eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Look at your son!" Su Feng said with a wink.

Gu Nuannuan snorted coldly, "Isn't it yours?"

Su Feng died.

Gently covered Su Ziyue with a quilt, Gu Nuannuan comforted: "Don't be sad, Mom asked him to come back and accompany you 24 hours a day, see where he can go!"

Even his daughter-in-law, who lacked roots, spoke, and his wife controlled Su Feng and immediately called Su Zishuo to the hospital.

Putting down the phone and looking at a big child and a small child, the field in Su Feng's heart was moist, soft and wet, and the temperature that slowly filled the heart. Happiness is like the sunshine of the moment when the heart is lost.

Little ears listen at all times and know that the call has been made. Su Ziyue's eyes were amazingly bright, and he immediately hugged Gu Nuannuan and rolled around coquettishly, without any discipline at all.

The nightclub is full of lights and wine, and chaotic heavy music fills the ears, which makes the roots of the ears hurt.

In a world that does not see the light, everyone wears heavy masks, everyone feels that their disguise is perfect, but the burden that has been removed seems to be stacked on weight, which is even darker and narrower.

In the process of pushing the cup and changing the lamp, some dark deals were easily finalized. I don't think much about it, after all, it's darkness, and it always blooms with the magic of temptation when the light disappears, like a sharp blade, knowing that there is danger, for that bit of warmth, rush to it.

Su Zishuo sat alone at the counter, seemingly isolated from the world, but it was particularly eye-catching.

He was wearing the uniform of an aristocratic school, with soft black hair and oblique bangs, and his eyes were narrow and long, shining with uninhibited light, like a clear shadow cloth stone in the sun, and a clear spring stone was upstream. In a quiet place, I look out alone by the railing, no one knows the distance, the pupil that hides the secret, the fatal allure of the magnet treasure.

The cold pavilion is cold, and the young man is independent. The thin lips are moist, and those who have drunk wine seem to exude the aroma of wine. With his head down, staring at the liquid in the wine glass, his long eyelashes formed a warm arc.

Seeing such a boy with outstanding temperament, many people couldn't hold back the desire in their hearts, and rushed up to talk to him, and the emotions in their eyes seemed to be about to turn into substance.

Su Zishuo drank them back impatiently. Grabbing the wine bottle, his eyes were grim.

Those people are not stupid, and they can only leave unwillingly if they know that they can't afford to be provoked. But he hid in the dark and waited for Su Zishuo to be unlucky, and then went up to pretend to help.

Su Zishuo knew the darkness of these people very well, besides, who in this land would dare to hit him with his idea? His reputation is not covered!

Pulling his neckline, his unruly appearance is even more eye-catching.

A phone call broke the boy's self-satisfied solitude, he answered the phone with a clear look, and heard his father say unhappily: "Where did the dead boy go?"

Su Zishuo pulled the corners of his lips and said evilly: "You, whatever, no

!" Su Feng choked, and just wanted to open his mouth with a headache, he was snatched of his phone by Gu Nuannuan, "Shuoshuo baby, hurry up and come to the hospital!" Su Zishuo pinched his

eyebrows and scolded unhappily, "Eat shit!"

He took out his wallet, threw out a few hundred dollars, and said, "Don't look for it." He grabbed his coat and ran out.

I drove all the way and didn't care about running multiple red lights.

"Damn! Su Ziyue was born with a cliff and has a grudge against me!" The tone was slightly impatient, and he was called to the hospital to take care of people in three days

if he changed to a person with a bad temper?Not at all like twins, OK?

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