This mission is a story of a heroine who is reborn and revenged. The heroine Yao Xinyun is the eldest princess of Chu State, but she has a low status and is not favored by her father, just because her birth killed the emperor's most beloved woman...

In the Chu State Palace, she is the target of bullying by everyone, and anyone who is unhappy can step on it. He didn't even eat as well as a eunuch, and he didn't even disdain the palace maid to wear it.

worked hard to support and lived for fifteen years, but because of his beauty, he was hated, calculated by the imperial sister Yao Xinyin, caught and raped in bed, and his reputation was ruined. So she hanged herself.

But she never thought that God gave her a chance, and she was reborn. This time, she knew that she could not get anything in exchange for enduring humiliation and burden, so why should she cower?

She was sharp and attracted the favor of the powerful son, but she disdained it. This unusual woman has attracted many men to flock to her, knowing that she is toxic but still does not regret it.

This was the case with the original owner. A glimpse of a striking, but a lifetime. I am happy for her, and I grieve for her, and I have no regrets. Relieve her worries when she is sad, rejoice with her when she is happy, but do not capture her heart in her life, but make wedding dresses for others in vain.

In the end, she said "fate has no part", and she broke off her thoughts plainly. The original owner was sad and hidden, and he never came back to the mountain. The original owner abandoned the status of a prince for her, and had little dignity for her, how could she be offset by her sentence of "no fate"

? Just because she loved herself without self, but she even got her freedom

? Luo Shengxiao was puzzled, why is there such a man in the world? But who can say clearly about love? He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Ge Que jumped up and down: "The host is big, and Lian Qi's wish is to make Yao Xinyun fall in love with him, hurt her again, and take back everything that belongs to him." Luo Shengxiao hooked an arc, "Interesting."

After thinking about it, Luo Shengxiao straightened up, how to give her a fatal blow? Suddenly, he thought of something, and he smiled happily.

March is a good time to step into spring. The Jingying Temple is bustling, and the incense lingers in the mist.

A carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain, and a young girl got out of the carriage, dressed in exquisite clothes, as if competing with the scenery of the mountain. Her eyes are like the autumn moon, her eyes are like stars, her red lips are powdered, and her smile is like spring flowers, which is beautiful. There is perseverance in her eyes, which adds a bit of the temperament of a woman who does not let her eyebrows go.

Yao Xinyun climbed the stairs, calmly thinking about how to resolve Yao Xinyin's plan. Thinking about it, she was about to fall down the stairs by accident, but she was grabbed by a pair of hands in time, and she looked up and happened to hit the other party's deep eyes.

At that moment, she clearly heard her heartbeat, felt the temperature of the other party, and her heart moved unexpectedly.

"Be careful. Luo Shengxiao said lightly. The sound is low and magnetic, like rain falling without a trace, and the sound of broken jade falling to the ground is in the ears.

Yao Xinyun turned red. He let go of the hand holding the woman, "It's rude." He staggered slightly and walked past the woman.

Ge Que had already made a fuss in his mind, rolling all over the ground, and said scoundrelly: "How can the host be so gentle with her?

"Do you want to check the host's favorability?" said Ge Que flatteringly, "Is it okay?" "Of course! I am a big system! The invincible big system of the universe is also!" Luo Shengxiao was helpless.

"Query. "Yes, His Royal Highness the Servant Venerable~" Luo Shengxiao smiled lightly, and Ge Que looked stunned again.

"The female owner's favorability is 10.,The male owner's favorability is 0.,Please brush the host's female owner's favorability.,Brush the male owner's favorability to 80.。 The dull sound of the machine sounded.

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