The gang was clearly purposefully organized, with a clear goal and a brutal approach, leading to death. The sword intent is awe-inspiring, and the move is deadly!

Li Yan used the folding fan as a sword to protect the two sisters Xinguan and Xinyin. makes it difficult for the other party to start, and can only fight to the death with him.

Between the swords and swords, Xinwan's heart fell straight down. It stands to reason that the movement is so big, the government should have come to help a long time ago, but at this moment, the Tingfeng Building is empty, so it has to make people think about it.

There were many thoughts, and as soon as she came back to her senses, she saw a scene that made her tremble. "Don't even want it!" Yao Xinguan shouted out loudly, regardless of the elegance and self-control that the royal family had always maintained.

Everyone turned their heads sharply, but they were taken aback.

At the last moment, when Luo Shengxiao saw that an assassin was about to sneak attack behind Mu Li, he made a ruthless movement in his hand, seriously injured the man in black who was fighting with him, and pushed Mu Li away at an unusually fast speed, and suffered the sword alive.

The blood-stained sword turned into a little red tear. Drop by drop splashed to the ground, shattered into dotted traces, bewitching, charming.

Luo Shengxiao only felt a pain in his heart, and he couldn't even hold the long sword in his hand. When the assassin saw that he had been struck, he stopped and glanced at the others in his company, and a large number of men leaped out of the window.

Xinguan hurriedly ran over, with tears in his eyes, the tears of the beautiful woman were a very distressing scene, and Xinguan and Lian Qi had nothing to do with each other, and at this moment, everything of this kind was not enough to distract them.

Li Yan indifferently put away the folding fan and walked over with him.

Shen Qingqiu didn't know what was wrong with him, he was very scared, just like what he felt when his mother died. If he hadn't figured out his feelings for Luo Shengxiao by now, then he would be the biggest fool in the world, and he would be stupid.

He didn't want to hear it, he didn't want to see it, as if it was just a dream at the moment, and when he woke up, everything was fine. She would smile at him, even if it was just a moment, it would be enough to make him laugh all day.

Mu Li couldn't explain the shock in his heart. Why is this happening? Obviously comparable to a stranger, why can he do this for him?

He stretched out his hand to catch Luo Shengxiao's body that couldn't stop sliding, and there was still doubt in his eyes. He wanted to ask, but he didn't know where to start.

Luo Shengxiao knew what he wanted to say, but how to explain it? He smiled softly, "Don't worry..."

Before he could finish speaking, blood slowly trickled out from the corner of his mouth, dripping on the red clothes... With a groggy mind, Luo Shengxiao desperately called the system, who would have thought that Ge Que was gone again!

He finally ran out of strength and fell into ......darkness completely

Shen Qingqiu hugged Luo Shengxiao from Mu Li's arms, "Ah Qi, Ah Qi, don't sleep! Please! Don't sleep, okay..." Shen Qingqiu rested his head on Luo Shengxiao's shoulder, and a tear quietly slipped down...

She pushed Li Yan, Li Yan waved her hand, and a secret guard grabbed the window and walked out.

She wiped it clean with a handkerchief, you can't be so heartbroken, you are a person who has died once, how can you cry easily?

Mu Li removed Shen Qingqiu's hand and immediately met the other party's hostile gaze. He explained, "Have you forgotten that I am a closed disciple of the Divine Doctor?"

Hearing this, Shen Qingqiu finally let go of the hand that was holding Luo Shengxiao, but there was clearly doubt in his eyes. Mu Li smiled helplessly.

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