[[Chapter 959 Your emperor is back!

This scene of Apocalypse makes people think of the sentence: "Shurima, your emperor is back!"

Under his control, a magnificent pyramid rose from the ground and stood in front of everyone.

Looking at this miraculous scene, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse also looked incomprehensible.

Outside the light curtain, Natasha Romanov sighed: "It turns out that this is how the pyramids were built in this world."

Bruce Banner's face was full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge as a scientist, "How do mutants activate their abilities? Isn't there a need for a medium in the middle? Or is the medium the air or some microorganism that people most easily ignore?"

Tony Stark shook his head, "To be honest, Bruce, many things in the world cannot be explained by our current scientific knowledge. I don't know about the world of mutants, but in my world, magic is Really exist.

Therefore, many things have nothing to do with science and belong to the category of magic. "

The people of the motherland stared wide-eyed and murmured: "Magic, yes! It's like magic that can create everything out of nothing! Such an ability..."

He originally thought that he was invincible and a real god on earth, but after the question and answer game came, the people of the motherland understood what it meant to sit in a well and look at the sky.

Not to mention Super who beat him up, in the future revealed in this quiz game, there is the artificial intelligence Ultron, Doctor Strange who created the pocket universe, Professor X, Magneto and... Apocalypse.

Each one of them opened his eyes and he realized what it means that there are mountains outside the mountains and there are people outside the people.

At the same time, it also aroused a strong interest in the quiz game among the people of the motherland, and his competitiveness also increased again!

Whether it is Ultron or Apocalypse, it is obviously nothing in front of the quiz game. In other words, as long as he can become the winner, he may also have the opportunity to obtain these powerful powers!

"Win, I must win!" The eyes of the motherland became fanatical.

Although Eric Lensherr next to him couldn't read minds, he could roughly guess what he was thinking from his facial expressions.

Immediately he said in a nonchalant manner: "You know, people of the motherland, I want to win more than you do, and there is only one winner this time!"

The iconic kind smile appeared on the faces of the people of the motherland: "It's okay, we compete fairly!"

In the Back to the Future video, Apocalypse recreated a magnificent spectacle in just a few minutes. Judging from his relaxed and carefree state, it seemed that it was not worth mentioning at all.

He turned to look at Magneto, made another special helmet, handed it to him, and Dundun taught: "A gift comes from the past you have let go of and the future ahead!

Continue to explore, my child, and you will reach the depths of the earth, destroy everything they are proud of, and cleanse the world completely! Then, we will lead the survivors to build a better world! "

Charles Xavier, who was watching the play, saw this and asked unwillingly: "What about me? Do I have a role in this farce?"

He was not frightened by the power shown by Apocalypse. Even though he could not even stand up, and his usually most reliable telepathy ability was almost ineffective, he was still fighting unyieldingly.

Tianqi was not irritated by his provocation. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled meaningfully: "Your role is the most important."

Immediately afterwards, Magneto put on his helmet and came to the city, suspended in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Tony Stark in Eternal Space couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said: "Tsk, you still put this helmet on. To be honest, I think Apocalypse has terrible taste. He can't give such an ugly gift." Are you embarrassed to give it away?"

Eric Lensheer glanced at him lightly: "I don't think this helmet is very ugly. Even if it is ugly, it is very useful."

I gained the ability of ‘dominance’ from the quiz game. Among them, the ‘dominance’ ability can resist Professor X’s psychic invasion to a certain extent, but if you wear a helmet, it will be easier.

Eric Lensher is a pragmatist. As long as it works, he doesn't care if it looks ugly.

Of course, everyone can see that Magneto is a stage person. In the light curtain video, Eric Lensherr began to play with the stage again!

Under Apocalypse's teachings, he began to gradually grasp the power of the earth's magnetic field. This was more enjoyable than the usual steel frames and sports fields, and he had the entire earth in his hands!

As he gradually adapted and became more proficient, the entire earth's magnetic field also began to change, causing disasters all over the world!

Hong Concrete's houses began to be dismantled in batches, ships in the ocean flew into the sky, and cargo containers at the port were also dancing in the air...

Some scientists have drawn an appalling conclusion based on this sudden magnetic change: “...In the end, all our cities, metropolises, everything built since the Bronze Age, will be destroyed!

The number of people who died will be in the hundreds of millions! "

Outside the light curtain, the players and the audience were stunned.

Some of them had seen Magneto's past future videos and knew that he was a very powerful mutant, but their impression at that time was that he could only control steel.

But now, we see Eric Lensherr controlling the earth they live on!

"Oh my God! He is going to knock mankind back from modern society to the Stone Age!" Bruce Banner said with a shocked face: "This is even more unbelievable to me than artificial intelligence destroying the multiverse."

Tony Stark also looked at Eric Lensherr in surprise: "Eric, I always thought you were strong, but I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Eric Lensherr shrugged: "To be honest, I can't believe it myself."

His words are not modest. Anyway, if he tries now, he will never be able to change the earth's magnetic field as easily as in the light curtain video, and even push human civilization in modern society back to the Stone Age in one fell swoop. .

In the future video, Magneto's ability to do this comes at a price. Apocalypse did not enhance him, but only guided him in the direction. Eric Lensherr drew strength from the pain of his family's destruction to be able to accomplish this. The great cause of world destruction!

In the future video, the city of Cairo has also had a bad year. First it was transformed by Apocalypse, which inexplicably became more of a spectacle, and now it was harmed by Magneto, the strongest demolition worker in history, and the city was almost razed to the ground!

Apocalypse built his own palace in the pyramid, which contained statues of himself and the Four Horsemen, with Apocalypse's statue on the throne.

If you look closely, you will find that the face of the statue is very similar to Professor X, Charles Xavier! \u003eRemember the website address, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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