To prevent certain gluttonous little ones.

Li Xiuyuan locked the piano, after all, it was a legendary piano.

There are even special skills.

Fights are over, but the sound accuracy is superb.

Excellent hand feel, high fit, excellent experience.

I don't know when it started.

He also learned to enjoy music.

The sound of ding-dong is cheerful and pleasant.

Colors with particularly high saturation also appear harmonious at the moment.

That's the magic of music.

Li Xiuyuan's fingers left the keys, and the last note ended, and Xiaoyan and Phantom Yin surrounded him.

"Brother, I seem to hear some strange sounds."

Li Xiuyuan put away the piano and looked sideways: "Isn't it good?"

Li Xiaoyan shook his head, the music was very good, but I seemed to be able to hear the Warcraft speak.

Li Xiuyuan: "?

Li Xiaoyan stretched out her fingers, and the ears on her head shook with her movements.

"One said that he only got one candy, there is no way to get more power, he still wants more."

Li Xiuyuan: What a strange thing is this?

"And Warcraft said that he learned a lot from candy and is about to transform."

"There is also a monster that has been Abba Abba, speaking words that he can't understand."

Xiao Yan shook his head: "Great, brother, I can communicate with them, then I will come to them often in the future to play!" "

Voice of the heart?

Could it be that this dungeon was spoken out by Xiaoyan, so she had absolute control over this place?

It's possible.

Li Xiuyuan sensed the vicinity, this underground city is not large, about 50,000 square meters, about 80 acres, converted into a 400-meter playground, about 6 are so big, it is a small park.

The number of Warcraft is not much, there are about ten in the east, wearing puppet clothes, and the whole thing is a bit like the staff of the park.

There are also about a dozen fountains here, dressed in strange costumes, like performers of events.

There were about a dozen scattered in parks and small houses, and they didn't know what to do.

No bosses?

Li Xiuyuan hugged Xiaoyan: "Go, go and see." "

Anyway, they are all here to play, just have a good experience, he doesn't want to simply and rudely solve this candy dungeon."

The ogre had been fixed in place, and when he saw several people getting closer and closer, he finally stretched out his hand and wanted to gently push Li Xiuyuan.

"Push it gently, this person should not kill himself, if he does not do it, will the rules judge whether he touches the fish, will he be expelled, Baba..."

Then it heard the little girl repeat what she was thinking.

Li Xiuyuan stopped in place and looked at the strange monster in front of him.


Li Xiuyuan: ...

Although he used group suggestion, Li Xiuyuan had also heard all kinds of thoughts of Warcraft.

But Warcraft generally have a low IQ, and they are basically in Aba Abba.

It was the first time he had felt such a rich and strange expression.

He bypassed the beast.

Xiao Yan muttered in his ear again: "Brother, this person said, you are a good person!" "

Yes, merit is +1.

The phantom rate advanced the nearest cookie room.

A dog-headed man is sleeping in the room.

The look with a nightcap is extremely funny, like a wolf that ate grandma.

Spicy eyes.

Wake up, the hunter is coming.

Li Xiuyuan turned the phantom into a shotgun and killed it with one shot.

Li Xiuyuan looked around the cookie room, the interior was simple, there was a small table.

Snacks are placed on the plate.

Xiaoyan and Phantom Yin are one mouthful.

Then in front of Li Xiuyuan, the two little guys began to expand (physically)

and their body became bigger and bigger, and finally broke the roof before stopping.

Phantom Yin excitedly spread its wings and soared in the air.

So happy! Daddy the owner, it's finally grown!

Xiao Yan also jumped high excitedly.

Li Xiuyuan felt the ground tremble violently.

Good guys, is it still modeled on Wonderland.

The space of launching the skill [Retrospective]

was slightly distorted, and Li Xiuyuan came to three minutes ago.

Outside the Biscuit Cottage.

He checked his attributes and used 180 willpower.

Fortunately, a little property in a second, acceptable.

Pushing the door again, another shot broke Grandma Wolf.

Putting the snacks on the table in his pocket, the two cubs picked them up, one in each hand, and took them to the next room.

This room has two afternoon tea jackals with a level LV:400.

Draw the knife, sheath it, turn it into experience.

Smooth and comfortable.

Just as he was about to go out, Phantom Yin found that there seemed to be something else in the mouse hole in the corner of the house.

Li Xiuyuan subconsciously set his gaze on the tea table.

Beautiful porcelain with a few candies on it.

He hesitated, or not, taste?

He threw the candy to Phantom Yin, who bit into it and swallowed the sugar paper.

Soon, it shrunk the size of a fingernail, and it seemed unconvinced and wanted to transform back into its body.

Soon Li Xiuyuan and Xiao Yan also shrunk, seeing that everyone became the same.

It was happy again.

Take the lead into the rat hole, which turned out to be a playground!

Li Xiuyuan was pleasantly surprised, there were twice as many monsters here as outside.

This means that the potential of this underground city to attract population has increased.

And the matter of making the body bigger and smaller at will, after experiencing it, is very magical.

It feels even more subtle than the first time I use magic.

The two little cubs had already played with the roller coaster, and Li Xiuyuan couldn't count on them, so he bought a crossbow arrow brush monster in the trading house.

By the way, the balloon was shot.

Two hours later, both adults and children were happy.

How to say, the playground without queuing is really fun.

It was the last bungee jumping event, and it would have been better if the rope was tied at that time.

Who would have thought that this was an infinite drop bungee jump.

Li Xiuyuan reluctantly put a slowing technique on the two cubs of the hip-hop.

Phantom retracted his wings in dissatisfaction, clamoring to play a few more times.

Space after falling.

The surrounding items were particularly huge, and Li Xiuyuan felt out the biscuits in his pocket and distributed them to the two cubs.

Soon, they were restored to their original form.

Fortunately, Li Xiuyuan breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to become a dwarf in this inexplicable dungeon, and he would fight the boss later.

How much to leave some noodles.

It appears to be a palace, surrounded by bright red and gold.

Look up, many brightly colored swimming fish sway above the dome.

Fantastic very.

A richly dressed woman is sitting upright on a throne.

I saw Li Xiuyuan push open the door.

She stood up and held out her hands to chant.

"Stupid and depraved traveler, today is your death day, no one can escape from the illusion of Emira Overture!"

Li Xiuyuan touched the tip of his nose.

This name was still given by him, and he knew that it would be used in the boss room, so he thought about it for two more seconds.

As the queen's chant ended, many mirrors suddenly appeared in the red and gold hall.

Every mirror is like a dream.

Li Xiuyuan saw Phantom Yin looking in the mirror obsessively.

It was a majestic giant purple-silver dragon with a small dot on its head and was its owner.

The mountains are like a baby's toy at its feet, and it looks out to the world.

Li Xiuyuan looked at the phantom sound as big as a cat in front of him.

"Poof." One snorted, laughed.

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