Fortunately, Mad Rabbit quickly found a codex.

The codex had complicated prohibitions on it.

After being easily broken.

Activate the skill [Magic Trick],

and the air around it becomes fresh.

The breeze held up a yellowed codex, and with Li Xiuyuan's consciousness, page by page turned.

This is a dominion of the Guild Oath of Membership.

[When I join the Divine Dominion Guild, I solemnly take the oath here.

Count the sins of the world.

Only my sword will kill all obstacles.

Li Xiuyuan tactically leaned back.

What a thing.

The wind followed his thoughts again, turning a few pages, nothing important.

On the last few pages, some addresses are revealed.

Bright Moon Port, Silver Port ×.

Sturgeon, 233 Nanjiang Road ×

Rongcheng, 101 Wine Lane, Chengnan.

St. Reims, Doll Factory.

No. 101 Wine Lane, Chengnan, Li Xiuyuan looked at this line.

This is his temporary residence when he first arrived.

He spends almost every weekend of the school holidays here.

On the occasion of Li Xiuyuan's investigation.

【Among the Orting Mountains Area】Top

of the mountains, seaside, lake, and town.


Suddenly, several portals opened.

Countless strange-shaped monsters came out of it.

In the town, Yu Sisi temporarily lived in the house.

Zhou Rui immediately sent an email to Li Xiuyuan.

After thinking about it, I spent another 500 gold to mark it with an asterisk.

"Big brother! Bad dish!! The area was invaded by Warcraft!!! Rest assured, I will definitely have your solid backing! Come on big brother!! Rush Rush!! Immediately

, quickly close the email.

Said to Ban Hua and Huang Wei: "Big brother may still be sleeping!" Let's go downstairs and wait for him, when the time comes, let him team up with us, and experience first aid and rub up!

What Warcraft invasion, it's not worth mentioning in front of the big brother! What kind of person is my big brother!!

As soon as his BUFF is added, we immediately have superpowers!

You guys just wait until you lie down and get experience!! Huang

Wei's eyes glowed green! "So what are you waiting for? Let's go! "

On the edge of the sea, inside Li Xiuyuan's magic shield.

It was dark, Xiao Yan became more and more sleepy, and seeing that Li Xiu was far away, he curled up on the grass and fell asleep.

Sensing the unusual energy fluctuations around him, Kuraken also climbed to the shore and burrowed into the protective shield.

Asadlon crouched aside and looked at Kuraken and Xiaoyan with disdain.

Only dare to hide in the waste inside the protective shield!

Before Li Xiuyuan activated the space skill, he released the two of them from the package.

The two did not yet know that they had dodged the death blow.

They are looking at each other badly.

In the end, it was Asadelon who was ready to let go of the octopus in front of him.

The eldest and the little cub who often beat him are not there.

His red dragon Assadlon is the most beautiful boy in the city.

Have the style of a big brother.

It raised its proud head and looked in the direction of the mountain.

Energy fluctuations are most intense there.

Something is coming.

He stretched out his wings and flew into the sky.

【In the dense forest】

The Warcraft Legion implied by Li Xiuyuan patrols here.

They felt the powerful energy fluctuations here, opened their posture, and defended in place.

Obey the orders of the only master and bring all those who come to death.


countless monsters rushed out from inside.

Just collided with the boar cavalry.

Without words, countless monsters roared through the mountaintops.

One side is an absolute loyalist who has fallen for suggestion.

On one side are the Avengers who want to retake the area.

The two sides did not have bells and whistles, and the mouth cannon collided together in an instant, and blood splattered.

【Inside the town, the center

of the square】Yu Sisi has always felt the fluctuations of the Warcraft and has been standing in the center of the square.

What to do?


Or keep waiting?

Has Li Xiuyuan already dealt with it?

She stood helplessly in place for a long time.

Then she felt a huge tremor.

She quickly crossed the moat and rushed to the lake.

Then he gasped.

A huge full moon hangs in the sky.

It is reflected by the lake again.

Densely packed monsters are surging from the top of the mountain towards the town.

A pair of scarlet eyes glowed with light.

With crazy steps, he rushed towards this side of the lake.

Zhou Rui, Huang Wei and Ban Hua in the city also came to the lake.

They looked left and right, but did not find Li Xiuyuan's shadow.

I suddenly became nervous.

Huang Wei's feet were about to soften: "Prince, I feel the pill."

Reluctantly straightened his tongue and said so.

Yu Sisi took out the doll lever, shook the cross, and another Yu Sisi appeared in front of her.

As the lord of a city, Yu Sisi quickly calmed down.

After going through the resources in his hand in his heart, he immediately decided on the plan.

She first pulled the three into the team and then gave them orders.

"The level is not high, I will give you some defense scrolls, and you will quickly return to the city and establish a defensive defense. Li Xiuyuan will come over soon! Several

people heard Li Xiuyuan's name, as if they had returned some gods.

Hurriedly replied: "Good..... Good..... Good! Guaranteed to complete the task, please rest assured! "

It's a pity that the expression has betrayed them, and the whole person's eyes are dull.

Apparently out-of-body situations.

At this time, a magic scroll burned, and a burst of light flashed across the three of them.

It was Yu Sisi's [Energizing Technique]

: "Go quickly, there is no time for you to delay."

Only then did the three wake up and answer "Yes." "

Then he turned around and ran, faster than burning his ass.

So many monsters are coming, if you don't run now, you can only wait to be eaten!

A few people had just left school, where had they seen such a battle.

Straight frightened.

Yu Sisi saw the three return to the city.

Pull up the attack and prepare to meet the enemy.

I just came to inquire about Li Xiuyuan's falsehood and submit a peace diplomatic agreement by the way.

Why did I turn my head and act as a tool man so consciously?

Special, where did this person, at the critical moment, run!

Damn, it is only right to help Li Xiuyuan survive this wave of Warcraft invasion first!

I'll have to write a plan later.

Wait a minute.

Why did she think this way?

Who is he Li Xiuyuan?

Is he so obsessed?

Could it be yourself? No way!!!

She thinks about the cause wholeheartedly! Not in the mood to love at all! It is impossible to give birth to any dirty thoughts!

Master, she sacrificed too much for the cause.

Thinking so, Yu Sisi commanded the

puppet to hold a knife in both hands and

hit a bloody wave in the sea of Warcraft.

There are two sides to the story.

Over there, Yu Sisi plunged into the group of monsters.

Here, Zhou Rui hurriedly ran towards the city gate with Ban Hua and Huang Wei.

"Prince, there are many trap scrolls, and [

Stance Shield]" Huang Wei checked the explanation of Stance Shield.

Stand Shield: The magic energy sealed by the life alchemist with the scroll, after release, will form a shield with an area of 5 square meters and a 10% damage reduction, lasting 10 minutes, the upper limit of the Stance Shield HP is 18,000, and the HP value is 0, then the Stance Shield disappears.

"Use it!"

Zhou Rui gave the order.

Huang Wei counted the scrolls in his hand, and while running, he injected arcane power.

The scrolls spontaneously combusted behind them without wind.

Lay a lot of traps along the way.

There are all kinds of them.

Trapped animal cages, asphalt pools, flame explosion traps, quagmire.

Trapped Beast Cage: A trap placed on the ground, the health unit enters and causes 10s of stun, and the trap disappears after triggering.

Asphalt Pond: A trap placed on the ground that causes sluggishness and ignition when life units enter, after which the trap disappears.

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