Since Greater China has always been the most technologically developed country in the world, science fiction novels or comics are also very popular. Naturally, there are many readers who like this type. Of course, their number and readers who like martial arts works, Naturally it is incomparable, so sci-fi works are naturally regarded as niche works, but this kind of "niche" is a "niche" that can break away from romantic works.

Since Anyi used Yi An’s identity to paint all martial arts works to the end, and used An’s identity to create many genres, the decline of martial arts has slowly emerged, while the science fiction works have always maintained its identity. Sales, because it has a group of very loyal fans, since the magazine "Sci-Fi World" was created, it began to subscribe to this magazine...

Science fiction works are also the least impacted by web comics, because their readers are relatively older. After they are used to reading paper books, even if they follow the trend and learn to go online, they will only look at the news on the Internet. Yes, I am not used to reading comics with electronic products.

Therefore, many sci-fi fans have their own arrogance, as if they have subscribed to this comic magazine called "Sci-Fi World" for more than ten years, and they have a special sense of superiority. Anyway, they must be better than those who read martial arts comics. Readers of messy comics should be one head taller.

How to put it, it's like in another world of Internet readers, there are many people who can't understand Xiaobaiwen, and those readers who like to read Xiaobaiwen also have a sense of superiority. Once I heard that a certain Xiaobai reader was watching it. This kind of very mindless, pure and cool work, unconsciously produced contempt.

In this world, sci-fi comics undoubtedly have contempt for martial arts comics, but just like Xiao Baiwen in another world is always the main force and sells best, this world is also the sales of martial arts comics, even if the sci-fi comics are firmly suppressed. Now the decline of martial arts has become apparent, and the sales of "Country of Martial Arts" have fallen sharply, but its sales are still higher than those of "World of Science Fiction."

This is also impossible. Most people read comics and pursue relaxation. The science fiction comics in this world are quite rigorous. In the word "science fiction", the word "science" is biased, but it is "fantasy". It hasn’t been reflected, and An Yi has already seen it through. The creators of this world are not big enough. It may be because there are not enough fights. There has not even been a world war. In the military, various shortcomings have also led to this. Many weapons in sci-fi works are particularly earthy, and they don’t have the fashionable value of another world...

All in all, after reading a lot of comics that are respected as "sci-fi classics", Anyi feels that the authors are all very cautious and dare not let go of her own thinking and think about it hard, resulting in her works in a rigorous level. Shangna is naturally top-notch. They are all based on realistic technology and conservatively deduced. There is definitely some rationality, but in a word, there is not enough brainpower!

Why does Anyi say that she wants to contribute to "Science Fiction World", so she will be despised by science fiction fans?

It's because she drew too many messy comics. Yes, in the eyes of the proud science fiction fans, the comics of An Yi are messy things, and they don't have the rigor of science fiction comics at all! But her work is still so popular!

As a result, some sci-fi comic fans heard that An Yi was going to contribute to "Sci-Fi World", and they commented like this on the Internet——

"Come on, Teacher An An should draw her cute comics. I don't think she can draw the essence of science fiction comics."

"How can an unexperienced young man like An Yi understand the rigorous beauty of science, so she can only draw mechas like nonsense stuff, but there are people who think that mechas are also very scientific. This is really ridiculous. I'm ignorant!"

"Submission of "Science Fiction World"? It will definitely be rejected! I have been hearing the industry rumours that Mr. An An never censors the editor with her privileges, so how can she draw good science fiction works?"

"I like Mrs. An's cartoons, but I don’t think she can really draw science fiction well. Her cartoons that have something to do with science fiction, strictly speaking, are too unscientific and purely fantasy works. To classify it into science fiction is to blaspheme science fiction works..."


Anyi did not expect that she just said casually in the live broadcast, and then after being reported by the media that was always paying attention to her, she would actually cause so many sci-fi comics to rebound. Among them, she was most criticized by sci-fi fans, undoubtedly " "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is the work that pioneered the mecha flow, and there is also the animation "Mobile Suit Gundam". The latter is actually more of the original animation production team. She is a consultant, but these two machines The works of Jialiu are undoubtedly very hot, especially Gundam, which has become a man’s romance. Many martial arts fans also particularly like mechas, because they are suitable for pretending to be force, or staged in the universe. Many martial arts Fanfan, naturally think that they are science fiction classics...

This is definitely something that sci-fi comics can’t accept. In their view, it’s nonsense to engage in humanoid robots in the universe, and the so-called heretics are more hateful than heretics. When did you vulgar martial arts Fanfan, I dare to seal sci-fi classics casually, this is absolutely unbearable!

In addition, because of the fire of the Mecha Stream, some cartoonists who were very conscientious in drawing serious science fiction couldn't help being moved by money, and even went to follow the trend to draw the Mecha Stream, and they were still serious. I used my profound theoretical knowledge to wash the ground for the rationality of the mecha. I didn’t expect this kind of "premature" comics to become popular. It was even serialized in "Science Fiction World", and the popularity is quite high. ...

This is simply a slap in the face of those sci-fi fans who feel good about themselves. All of this is the fault of the initiator, An Yi, who made her come up with the mecha flow, she tarnished the hard sci-fi!

It happens that An Yi's "predictions" of the future world in "eva" are particularly accurate, and they are not black at all. Many fans of "eva" can use this thing for a lifetime, and they also use this to mock science fiction comic fans. Science fiction comics, has there been such a prophecy?

The stubborn sci-fi comics were speechless, and could only become more dissatisfied with An Yi in their hearts. This time they finally caught the opportunity to satirize An Yi's heresy...


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