Python Rebirth on Survival Island

Nine evolution is complete and powerful

pitch black.

Without any light.

In this environment, breathing becomes difficult.

In order to ensure safety, Ye Bei only left a little-finger-sized vent.

And when evolution starts.

That powerful energy swept through the body wantonly.

This kind of energy made Ye Bei extremely excited...

Originally thought that the so-called hibernation was directly falling into a deep sleep, but now the situation is completely different.

Ye Bei found that it was just that his body could not move, but his consciousness was extremely clear... This clarity even reached a terrifying level.

Obviously this cave is extremely dark, but those wide eyes can see everything clearly.

Taupe soil.

Small stones mixed with soil.

Rotten leaves.

You can even smell a faint rancid smell.


What shocked Ye Bei the most was other places.

The cave was completely blocked before, but Ye Bei was able to see the scene outside the cave very clearly.

For example, there is an unknown plant growing at the entrance of the cave, which makes a rattling sound under the strong wind.

Ants have been crawling on the leaves of plants.

A stronger wind blew through, and the ants were blown up directly...

Farther away, a small insect appeared.

Only the size of a thumb, it was nibbling at the leaves, and the teeth as small as the tips of the needles, after scratching on the leaves, quickly cut out a piece of marks.

And on that leaf, there is a cocoon wrapped by a thread ten times thinner than a human hair.

chi chi...

The cocoon was moving, and there was a screeching sound inside, which Ye Bei could hear clearly.

Time is passing fast...

ten minutes!

half an hour...

Two hours!

The cocoon finally produced a breakthrough change. A butterfly with two long tentacles stretched out from it, then its head, and its wet body... When the whole body appeared, the butterfly stood in the cocoon. Outside the shell, his body was shaking violently.

Soon, a pair of colorful and dazzling wings appeared.

Butterfly flew up... by an inconspicuous bug, reborn from its cocoon.

However, the butterfly just flew less than a meter.


A bird rushed down from the sky.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the butterfly in one bite.

Yes, it is so amazing, it is so incredible! It's just that Ye Bei can only see the outside world within a ten-meter radius, but those scenes are like the deepest memories, completely integrated into his mind, and he has not let go of the slightest details.

"If this body were human, how powerful would it be?"

"It's an incredible power... If it is known to the Academy of Sciences among humans, it will definitely go crazy."

"Unbelievable! However, nature is really cruel!"

"I feel that my body is undergoing transformation, a miraculous transformation, but this is definitely not enough. If you want to live and become stronger, this evolution is just the beginning. Even if you become a Titan Python, that's not enough not enough."

Feeling the surrounding environment, in the cave, Ye Bei's heart came up with many thoughts.

Click, click...

Consciousness was finally withdrawn from the sight outside.

Although the body can't move, but during evolution, the surface of the body seems to be petrified, and then layers of white snake skin form, and finally the snake skin cracks again, cracking open, revealing new snake meat... Such a scene , Ye Bei can see clearly.

Skin after peeling off the white snake skin,

Full of metallic luster.

At the same time, it also gave Ye Bei a hard feeling... It seems that with a sharp blade, the skin may not be able to be cut open.

In addition to body skin changes.

Ye Bei even clearly saw that his eyes were also changing...

The originally scarlet pupils slowly turned into pitch black, as if it was an abyss. That kind of fierce gaze, even if Ye Bei saw it himself, could cause fear.

When opening the treasure chest on both sides of the mouth, the cobra fangs obtained also became much longer.

And all the blood stains on it disappeared.

Sharp, pointed, hanging down to the chin, in the middle of the teeth, and an extremely small venom tube.

... time is still passing.

Seven hours, eight hours.

It is estimated that during the evolution, the body's breath dropped to zero, and many creatures appeared outside the cave.


Nine hours later, there was a sudden pain in the body that had never felt anything, as if a human being kept in a sitting position for a long time, when they moved, they would be numb and sore!

But now, this kind of pain makes Ye Bei extremely excited.

Because at the same time as this feeling appeared, the voice of the system also resounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the second stage of evolution!"

Very simple sentence.

"What abilities have I improved now?"

Ye Bei asked expectantly while trying to restore his body's sensitivity.

You must know that during the evolution just now, I watched the whole process... Every part of the body has changed, and it is precisely because there are too many that Ye Bei will ask the system.

"The second stage of evolution of the blood python is mainly to comprehensively strengthen the body."

"At present, the host is 4.5 meters in length, and the average body diameter is 25 centimeters! It weighs 120 kilograms, and the skin can easily withstand the scratches of sharp weapons, and the bite is five times stronger. That is to say, the host can easily remove stones. The bite is smashed! In addition, the visual aspect is raised to 300 meters, and the sense of consciousness is raised to a range of 10 meters! And the host can decide whether to hide the body's killing intent..."

The system explains quickly.

This long paragraph made Ye Bei extremely excited.

Consciousness sensing should be the ability to detect everything within ten meters around without looking through the eyes.

Hiding killing intent is even more powerful. Before, Ye Bei couldn't catch his prey. A large part of the reason was because the killing intent was too powerful. Many animals were innately alert, and they would have fled far away before Ye Bei appeared. Far.

With this ability, Ye Bei has the strength to approach any enemy quietly without being discovered.

All in all... This evolution is really powerful enough! ! ! !

Ye Bei was excited.


Just as he was silent about the stimulation brought by this powerful force, a huge change suddenly occurred outside the cave.

Pairs of red, shining eyes, staring at this side.

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