"I know, Liu Dong didn't come a few times before, so maybe I don't know the specific situation. So, let's go and see how our headquarters is? It's good to know our Giant, right? And we also checked in advance. I have done some research on the market demand of Wanwan, and I will also ask Liu Dong to refer to it..."

Mr. Li's work was done without leakage, which made Liu Han look surprised. However, this is also worry-free, so he nodded and said:

"Then I will trouble Mr. Li."

"Where, where it should be..."


Giant has indeed done its homework as President Li said. As soon as he came up, he grabbed Liu Han's heart.

They investigated in great detail, and they were very smart not to mention that this was a model imported from the mainland. They just asked people how they would feel if they had a batch of bicycles that could be rented and returned at any time and put in Taipei... these questions. Most people in Wanwan are more accepting, because after all, Taipei is very crowded, especially during commute time. If there is a means of transportation that allows you to exercise and is convenient to get home, why not do it?

Then, they began to invite Liu Han to visit their headquarters, in the curved factory and other hardware facilities. It is indeed worthy of the leading enterprise of curved bicycles, and its strength is very strong.

But the more it was like this, the more Liu Han murmured in his heart.

He couldn't figure out why the Giants were so enthusiastic. They even tried to produce a batch of models of Mobike bicycles, and told him the price directly and truthfully...

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why these people did this.

So, with doubts, Liu Han ate a dinner that was said to be second only to banquets for leaders. There were many people at the banquet, and most of them were Giant's management personnel. After Liu Han shook hands one by one like the leaders inspected, all the suspicious and puzzled leaders showed happy smiles.

It has to be said that the son of the mother of the motherland has inherited some of the fine traditions of the motherland. At least the taste of this dish can vaguely see the shadow of Huaiyang cuisine. And looking at the carefully crafted dishes, you can also realize that the chef this time really put his heart into it.

As soon as the banquet is over, as usual, the people from Giant can send him back to rest directly. Then the specific negotiations can be started tomorrow, and Liu Han can return to China after everything is done early. But at this moment, Liu Han, who was just about to leave, received a very formal invitation letter. This invitation letter is very delicate, just the word "please" sprinkled with gold powder makes people feel a full atmosphere of local tyrants.

And the middle-aged man who sent the invitation was officially Ah Zhong.

"Mr. Liu, please come to the humble house, my master invites you to talk."


Brother Gou received the invitation letter, and looked at Milan and Zhao Mengyue who were dazed, even more confused about what kind of routine these people were playing.

Chapter 803 Guessing

Liu Han didn't let these two girls follow, because first of all, only his name was written on the invitation letter, which was very valuable at first sight. On the other hand, he saw that both of them were a little tired, and their faces were more or less tired.

So, all in all, there is no danger anyway, let's take a look.

"Okay, let's go."

Liu Han nodded, then waved to the two girls and left the State Guest House directly with Ah Zhong. What the three of them didn't notice was that Mr. Li, who was still eloquent at first, was like a mouse seeing a cat immediately after seeing Ah Zhong.

There are only Liu Han and A Zhong on the bulletproof Maybach.

Liu Han sat in the back row, staring at the night scene of Taipei in a daze. He didn't think about it, and didn't ask who the owner of the invitation was. Since he decided to go to the appointment, the truth would be revealed when he got there. So at the moment I am thinking about some things today, how to maximize the interests of Mobike is the top priority.

Because only if he has the right to speak, he will have the capital to enter the eyes of the boss, and for the sake of the people around him and the next generation, he must take advantage of these two years to quickly strengthen himself without delaying for a moment.

Maybach drove out of downtown Taipei smoothly and came to a suburban manor before Liu Han came back to his senses.

He lowered the car window and carefully looked at the building that looked like the White House in the United States through the light of the manor, and a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes. Did you catch yourself in the mansion of the leader of Wanwan? The scale of this building doesn't look like something ordinary rich people can own, right?

After arriving at the gate of the manor, Maybach stopped the car, and then Liu Han saw a waiter in a dress running over, opened the door in person, and bowed to invite:

"Guest, please come in. My master is waiting."

Liu Han got out of the car and walked into this luxurious villa at the invitation of the waiter, but found that the hall was empty, and the waiter who had been leading him went directly to the second floor.

"Please, my master is already waiting for you in the study."

He followed him up to the second floor, and then came to the front and back of a door. The waiter gently knocked on the door twice, and then an old voice came from inside:

"Come in."

The waiter opened the door and bowed again:


Liu Han nodded at the waiter and walked in directly. The waiter closed the door of the study directly after Liu Han walked in.


This study looks very antique. Liu Han can probably detect the ornaments on the ancient shelf. It is full of ancient flavors. It seems that they should be antiques. And the bookshelves full of books are placed on the wall, next to the big table.

There is an old-fashioned lamp with a green lampshade on the table, which looks similar to the style of the Republic of China, and the most eye-catching is a particularly large phonograph beside the desk. An old man beside the phonograph is sorting out a black plate. vinyl record. Seemingly aware of Liu Han's gaze, the old man didn't turn around, just turned his back to Liu Han and said with a smile:

"I'm so sorry to invite Chairman Liu over so late. Didn't I disturb your rest?"

Liu Hanxin said that the title of Chairman Liu is ridiculous, and if nothing else, this old man seems to be the owner of the manor here. To be able to get such a piece of land in Taipei and build a manor with such a bursting effect like an old landlord, the chairman of himself should be no different from a street vendor in the eyes of others, right?

So he humbly said:

"No, no, old man, you should change your name. Compared with you, my chairman is really not qualified..."

Only then did the old man turn around, kindly greeted Liu Han with a smile and beckoned:

"Haha, please take a seat, I just think it's very interesting that you are called by that group of people Chairman Liu and Chairman Liu at a young age, so I said casually. Come on, come and serve tea! "

The old man's words fell for less than 10 seconds. Just now, the waiter brought a tray to Liu Han's side, put down the teacup, and quietly withdrew.

Liu Han and the old man sat face to face and looked at each other for a long time. The old man's eyes looked very kind, while Liu Han's eyes became more and more puzzled.

Finally, as if wanting to confirm something, Liu Han asked:

"Old man, have we met before?"

He felt that the old man had a familiar face, but he couldn't remember where he had met him for a while.

When the old man heard his words, he did not answer, but opened his drawer, and then took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

When he saw the brand of cigarettes, Liu Han immediately remembered it.

Isn't this the old man who asked himself to smoke at the Tokyo airport when he went out to play a few months ago? Brother Gou, who was suddenly enlightened, immediately smiled and said:

"Old man, do you dare to smoke? What if your lover smells the smoke?"

When the old man saw that he recognized himself, he immediately laughed heartily. Then he took out a cigarette from the Ninety-Five Supreme and handed it to Liu Han, took out another and lit it with a lighter and said:

"Hey hey, she usually doesn't come in when there are guests. When you leave, I will wash my face and brush my teeth and go back to sleep. She will definitely not come to the study. The next morning, the smell will be gone. She can't find it~"

Seeing the old man showing a naughty smile, Liu Han smiled and shook his head:

"I didn't expect you to be so intimidated."

The old man shook his head:

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