"Master, I want to leave too, but the concubine can't do it! Shi Niang... Shi Niang she..."

"Cough cough!"

Yang Mi coughed twice, and after giving Milan a warning glance, the little apprentice immediately closed her voice and looked like a good baby.

"Your wife doesn't sleep very well, and she likes to be held by others. Are you not used to it? It's fine, it's good to come often in the future. It's not really suitable for summer, but you can enjoy it in winter. Your wife's body is very good. Soft and warm..."


Hearing this, Milan almost burst into tears.

Mistress likes to be hugged by others? I really didn't see it, my lord! Last night, Chen and concubine huddled in her arms all night, and the master's skillful technique finally made people have to put toilet paper in their underwear.


Liu Han was a little confused, and didn't know where the two of them sang. But he still sat down at the dinner table and drank a bowl of steaming soy milk, completely dispelling the wine from yesterday.

"Eat, I'll give you a day off today, go back and pack up your salute. I don't know if it will be a tug of war when I go to the deep shock this time. It's a headache."

When Yang Mi heard this, she asked strangely:

"Why are you going to Shenquan? When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow, I will sell the shares of OFO. Didn't Mobike announce that it had won Tokyo in mid-March? The people at Tengxun couldn't sit still. There is no way to compress my technology stocks, so Teng Xun has always been slow. Many times he has been going to buy my technology stocks, but I did not agree.

After the Mobike financing and the acquisition of Heguo this time, they couldn't sit still. The price given is very fair, not as petty as before. So I think we can talk about it. "

Liu Han said and picked up a fried dough stick.

"How many shares of OFO do you have? What is the price given this time?"

Yang Mi is a little curious. She knows the background of her own man best. Now the market value of Mobike is already in the tens of billions level. Although there is a certain amount of water, it is almost the same if you think about it. Why do you think of selling OFO now? Are you waiting? After winning a few countries, won't the price be higher then?

As if seeing what Sister Yu was thinking, Liu Han swallowed the fried dough sticks and said:

"I can't wait. I'm afraid that Tengxun will not dare to pay. Mobike is moving too fast now, and the Tengxun family can't keep up. Their initial goal is only the domestic market. See Mobike. After adopting this model, they tried to keep up. As a result, because one family was dominant and there were no reliable partners abroad, it was very difficult to expand.

A dominant business is not competitive, I need OFO to stimulate Mobike, and at the same time, I can’t make OFO feel that the gap is too big and give up hope. So now is the time. "

After he finished speaking, he handed the bowl to the little apprentice, motioned for a bowl of soy milk and continued:

"I still have 14% of the shares left, but I have 10% of the technology shares. If I don't transfer this technology patent to them for a day, they will not be able to go to other countries without my authorization. So, this It doesn't matter if 10% is 20%. After all, the patent fee is the most important thing.

So, my bottom line price this time is 60 million per share. If you ask for it, it should be 100 million for 1% of the shares..."


Milan squirted the soy milk directly after hearing the number Liu Han said...

"Master... how about you read novels? How could it be so valuable?"

"Not promising, have you seen our financial statements?"

"Uh... no."

"Go and see and understand. Do you know how much Heguo's turnover plus the deposit is for this month? The turnover is 500,000 bicycles. The basic utilization rate of this month's tourist season is full, and the profit alone is only two More than 1.6 billion yen, soft sister coins about 15 million, and a deposit of 1,000 yen for a car, you can calculate it yourself. You don’t understand the interest. This is the initial stage! 26 days.

This is only from Heguo, not a great country or a Celestial Dynasty. Let's not count the cost of bicycles, tell me, does Mobike make money? "

When Liu Han said this, Milan was dumbfounded. Yang Mi was also stupid.

Yang Mi now has a dividend that is close to 7 figures every month, but this is the first time she has heard Liu Han tell how this thing makes money...

"Listening to what you said, it's quite profitable. But the price you want is too high, right? If it is calculated at 100 million shares, it is also 1.4 billion..."

Milan still hesitated.

"OFO's current market value is about 6 billion. The OFO share I got last month was more than 1.7 million, not counting the interest on the deposit in the bank. This money is also an astronomical amount of 4.6 per year, you can calculate it yourself. How much cash flow can I get from OFO every month? After calculating it clearly, you will find that what I want is not high at all.

The only bike-sharing company in the world that can compete with Mobike, how much do you think the world's No. 2 title is worth? Well, I told you that you don't understand either, you just wait for the master to get the money and send you a big red envelope. At this time, you should curry favor with your mistress, how much red envelope the master gives you depends on your mistress's mood..."

Sure enough, as soon as Liu Han finished speaking, Milan forgot how she was tortured by her mistress last night. He directly hugged Yang Mi's arm in his arms, and snorted two coquettish words with his nose:


Hearing this voice, Yang Mi suddenly shivered...

Chapter 738 Cannibalism? nonexistent

Deeply shocked, after Liu Han and Milan came out of the airport wearing couple sunglasses, Milan took the phone and looked around while calling. Then, after seeing a Mercedes-Benz business, he immediately waved to Liu Han.

"Master, the car is here."

It's good to have an assistant, and Liu Han doesn't need to worry about anything. The little apprentice consciously prepared all the things such as the travel vehicle, driver and so on.

The driver also saw the pair of men and women, came over diligently, packed the salute into the trunk, and opened the door of the commercial car for the two of them.

Shen Zhen is still the same, but compared to when Liu Han came, he has changed too much.

When he first came, he was ecstatic for 100 million, but now he is very calm. It's just that the little apprentice has been looking forward to it in the car. This is the first time she accompanies Liu Han in a business situation like this, and she is talking about a business worth hundreds of millions, which makes her a little nervous.

After seeing the appearance of the little apprentice, Liu Han shook 09's head with a funny smile, took her hand and said softly:

"Don't be nervous, you don't need to talk, you just need to keep smiling in the back."

Milan nodded, and then asked the question that had been intriguing all the way.

"Master, why don't you have someone from Teng Xun pick you up? Didn't they arrange everything for you?"

"Well, this... how do you say it, it's a matter of attitude. The last time Zhao Mengyue and I came here, we were looking for cooperation, and Teng Xun, as the master family, has done the best job of being a landlord. But this time is different, I don't accept them. The arrangement is to show an attitude. This time, I'm just here to do business, the principle is the principle, the law is the law, and the public affairs should be public affairs."


The little apprentice gave a response that he didn't know whether he understood or didn't understand.


The two did not find a hotel first, but went directly to Tengxun's headquarters. Liu Han always remembered that the price had already been negotiated, but Tengxun suddenly regretted it. So this time, he didn't plan to come to chat, just quote the price, and let Teng Xun measure the rest.

Buying and selling with a single hammer, figuring out the profit and loss by himself, he didn't have so much time to accompany Teng Xun's people to work here. After telling them the price directly, Liu Han planned to take Milan directly to Xiangjiang to play. When will Teng Xun decide, he is coming back. Anyway, they are determined to win this acquisition. Even if Lao Ma himself is not willing, other shareholders will push him forward.

The bone of America, with the strength of Mobai, is a tough bone to crack. On the surface, MIH Investment Company, one of Tengxun's shareholders, looks like a South African investment company, but it is actually controlled by several investment giants, such as American Capital with 1.1 trillion investment.

Don't look at these companies, although they look great, they can't compete with a small OFO. But don't forget, not all companies in the world are business giants like Tengxun and Ali. And investment companies pay more attention to ROI. "Small and medium-sized" companies with ultra-high returns such as Mobike or OFO are fat in the eyes of many people.

Therefore, for this acquisition, as long as the price is not bitten by Liu Han and can be negotiated, then Teng Xun is bound to acquire it. For nothing else, if an American market can rely on the power of the shareholders behind it to win Goldman Sachs, Sequoia, etc. by arm wrestling, then OFO might be able to go public earlier than Mobike, and its stock price will be a Astronomical numbers.


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