
Huo Junxian came over from the table, she lowered her eyes, took Gu Siyu's hand away, and said, "Okay, she doesn't like you, so don't meet again in the future."

Gu Siyu didn't look at Huo Junxian, she was indifferent, taking her words as cold air, she pulled He Xiao up, put her hand on He Xiao's shoulder and patted, and wanted to send He Xiao away.

Just taking two steps, Huo Junxian grabbed her hand and stopped her movement, "She walks, you can't walk."

"Let go." Gu Siyu squeezed out two words from his thin lips.

Huo Junxian did not let go, and Gu Siyu insisted on leaving.

Huo Junxian held her hand tightly, her expression was stubborn, anger and anger were mixed together, and her hand was stronger than ever.

"What are you going to do? She's here to confess, and you've seen the joke." Gu Siyu asked her back, her eyes were stained with moisture, leaving a thin layer of frost, Blink again and disappear without a trace, "What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"You are not allowed to leave." Huo Junxian only repeated these two sentences, she began to break Gu Siyu's hand, breaking her fingers one by one, not allowing her to touch Hexiao, and then She stuffed her hand into her pocket, but she didn't have a chain in her pocket, so she couldn't tie Gu Siyu, so she put it in Gu Siyu and took it out.

Repeated several times, Gu Siyu pushed her away with his elbow, "Have you had enough trouble?"

"No." Huo Junxian's tone was cold, "You come to me."

She looked at Gu Siyu eagerly and asked her to come over by herself.

Gu Siyu threw her away, Huo Junxian didn't have as much strength as her, so she quickly broke free and comforted her hand.

Gu Siyu held He Xiao's wrist and walked directly to the side of the road.

He Xiao was at a loss, and in the same way, she could also feel that she was superfluous.

She could have hidden this feeling very tightly, giggling, and being best friends with Gu Siyu, even if they are not together for a lifetime, they can be friends for a lifetime, but now they say it and become someone else Emotional fuse.

He Xiao tried to reach out her hand to stop Huo Junxian, and also tried to help Gu Siyu, but she raised her hand and clenched the hem of her clothes, and when she reached Gu Siyu's wrist, the words of consolation were not yet there. After exiting, Huo Junxian's eyes sank.

Huo Junxian stared at her naked, naked, naked, and then turned her eyes to Gu Siyu, Huo Junxian asked Gu Siyu, "You want to go with her, don't you?"

He Xiao is also selfish, she is expecting Gu Siyu to say, "Yes, I will go with her."

Even if it is angry, it is a lie to Huo Junxian.

Unfortunately not, Gu Siyu is still circumventing the core of the question, she answered, "I will not follow you with anyone, you stay away from me, I will let you away I'm farther away!"

Anyone who is in a relationship will become sensitive. It takes a long time to ponder a sentence or two. Gu Siyu is emotional again, and is afraid of Huo Junxian again, but he doesn't think about going with her.

He Xiao took a deep breath, holding back the sourness.

It's painful, it hurts, everything that is staged at this time is a mime, and she has no right to speak.

The quarrel was so loud, the boss and the lady boss ran out to see the sound, they first carried the table in, then ran over to fight, "Hey, what's going on, don't quarrel, You are all friends."

The persuasion at this time was useless to anyone, and gradually, their voices became the background music of the noisy city. They walked a little further, and even if there was an extra step, Huo Junxian would chase after him, firmly pulling Gu Siyu back and dragging him back, even He Xiao was dragged forward and staggered.

She was at a loss until a tall man came over, and at first glance he was coming towards her.

Gu Siyu roared, "Huo Junxian, you dare to touch her."

Gu Siyu kept He Xiao behind and protected He Xiao tightly. The scene irritated Huo Junxian, and her eyes were hurt by the needle.

She stayed where she was, adjusting to the pain.

Gu Siyu reached out and stopped the taxi on the side of the road, and made sure that it was a female driver before letting He Xiao board.

He Xiao squeezed her clothes, "Siyu..."

Gu Siyu didn't hear the same thing. He told the female driver in front of the location. Gu Siyu went to the back to help her close the car door. He Xiaoshou never let go.

"Go back and have a good night's sleep, as if nothing happened." Gu Siyu's breath was intermittent, she said, "I can't afford it, He Xiao."

What is it?

I can't afford to make her lose her job, or I don't like you.

I don't know, I dare not ask.

He Xiao released his fingers little by little, and with a bang, the door closed.

The car drove slowly and slowly, and two people arguing on the side of the road could be seen in the rearview mirror.

Even if she confesses, it will not melt into Gu Siyu's heart. She is staying away, and the city is going backwards.

The lights of the city were printed on the car window, she covered her mouth, not making herself cry too ugly.

The driver said: "Little sister, why don't you open the window and let the wind blow."

"No blowing, no blowing." He Xiao kept wiping away her tears. When they met that day, Gu Siyu took her to blow the wind. Walking on the side of the road, she will think of this person, Gu Siyu is the wind, can't understand the color, can't see the shape.

She sees it very openly. When she learns that a person does not love her and has no future, she will press her love to the bottom of her heart and treat her hard work as an ordinary heartbeat.

To be excavated like this today, to be said "you are very good" and "not worth it", it is not something to be happy about, it can cause cardiac arrest in pain.


"Don't **** touch me."

"Stay away from me, just like that, stop!"

Gu Siyu did not allow Huo Junxian to approach, Huo Junxian stood under the tree, her fingers clenched her clothes, she looked helpless and cramped. This time, she did not approach Gu Siyu as recklessly as before.

For the first time, she listened to Gu Siyu quietly, her sensitive nerves were saying "Go, go and hug her", "Go, let her belong to you only", but the movement was slow, she Standing under the tree, I felt that my heart was torn, and someone used brute force to pull out a oozing hole.

Similarly, Gu Siyu's heart was also broken, as if he had returned to the past, being beaten to the ground, stoned on the head and body, all, all, all screaming with her sadness.

Gu Siyu supported herself and said seriously, "Huo Junxian, it's impossible for us, I don't like you, please, stay away from me."

Tell it to the person you meet, and also to yourself.


Huo Junxian responded to her, not wanting to listen to her, and walked towards her step by step.

"Let me go." Gu Siyu stepped back, "Huo Junxian, you are really good, you agreed that we will cooperate, I will take Jin Yuansen 300 million, and you will give it to you later. I keep my hands like this. What's the difference between you and Jin Yuansen?"

Huo Junxian frowned, feeling uncomfortable with her description, and said, "I never thought about getting the money back, what I gave to you is yours, I like you, as long as you don't run away..." will get there.

"Don't say it's all you want." Gu Siyu couldn't listen anymore, what she wanted was not a reason, but Huo Junxian shouldn't do it, she couldn't hurt her, she said: "Huo Junxian, under the sun There are so many people rushing to play with you, don't stare at me, I can't afford to play."

Gu Siyu pointed to her ear, she could hear it clearly, every word hurt her, she couldn't bear it. She couldn't tell what she was upset about, what she was struggling with, and how to struggle.

If Huo Junxian really likes her, how can she treat her like this.

"If, if, at this point, you still want me to be with you, then kill me and dig my heart out so that I can't speak or struggle , my heart belongs to you too."

Gu Siyu said word by word.

Sure enough, as expected, people with heartache can speak poetry.

Huo Junxian wanted to go up and hug her, her arms tightened, and then she blocked her mouth to tell her to stop talking, but she couldn't move her feet. Her notifications around her were poor, and she needed a reference to distinguish other people's expressions.

She froze in place, her brain came to a conclusion very slowly: Gu Siyu was angry, she was angry, she was sad, because she became sad.

She's going to lose her.

There are many paths in this world, and they can go against Yu Fang for a long time without having to choose two paths. But Huo Junxian didn't. She insisted on holding her and pulling with her. She was paranoid and would not let go. She pinched Hong Gu Siyu's wrist, and Gu Siyu scratched the back of her hand when she struggled.

Huo Junxian approached forward, and Gu Siyu stepped back, fast back to the middle of the road, she was not afraid of being hit by a car, she just wanted to keep a distance from her. Huo Junxian pulled her back hard and asked her, "Did you want to go with her just now? Why are you being nice to her and being so bad to me?"

Gu Siyu smiled.

"Anyone else can do it, but I can't." Huo Junxian asked, but Gu Siyu didn't answer, as if it was a default, Huo Junxian's virtuous temper was cracking, frowning, "Why? What? I don't understand."

She is indeed different, she will refute, she will be sober, and the same will make her sad and uncomfortable. Knowing where she hurts and where she will lose control, put needles where she is.

It is not too late now, the street lights and street lights are not off, the customers around the snack bar are in an endless stream, those who came to see them quarreling backed away and dispersed.

These two beautiful women are breaking down, arguing and entangled.

"One by one, they will all be killed sooner or later, as long as you dare." Huo Junxian answered her.

Gu Siyu's momentum is already low, it's not that she can't win Huo Junxian, but when she faces Huo Junxian, something is entering despair .

She turned around, closed her eyes, exhaled, her fingers clenched, her eyes were dry.

Gu Siyu was held, she took two steps, her legs were stiff. She has already been captured once without her hands. This time she doesn't want to go the old way. She struggled hard, shook off the hands of those people, kicked them, beat them with their fists... A few people were beaten by her, so they only dared to hide, because Huo Junxian did not Even though Gu Siyu was injured, they did not dare to fight back. Gu Siyu's ability to face a few burly men is still inferior, and his hands are suppressed by back-cutting.

Gu Siyu was forced to bow her head and hunched her back, sweating on her forehead. She looked up at Huo Junxian, imprinting her aloof appearance in her eyes.

Huo Junxian walked in front of her, her breath was heavier than Gu Siyu, she squatted halfway, inserted her fingers into the broken hair on her forehead, and gently pushed her hair up, Showing half of her face.

"Does it have to be?"

If they are two normal people, they should break up at this time, they should end this entanglement and cut off their relationship early.

Unfortunately, they are not normal people, let alone lovers.

Gu Siyu said, "Huo Junxian, from today onwards, I will..." She swallowed the latter words, she was an idiot, and she told Huo Junxian that from today, the only thing she had to do was to escape Huo Junxian.

Gu Siyu was grabbed by the bodyguard and sent to the car. She was held inside and slumped into the seat in an embarrassed posture. The car was about to start, and the bodyguard let go of her control, but Gu Siyu was not afraid to pull the door open and jump out, fell to the ground and was so painful that she couldn't stand up, so she supported the flower bed next to her, no matter how embarrassed she was, she had to stand up leave here.

On such a quiet and indifferent night, the two of them were very stubborn, and they were entangled in the cold wind. Huo Junxian was sitting in the car, looking at her sideways, watching Gu Siyu cruelly shattering her beautiful dream, Gu Siyu really jumped out of the car, and would leave her in death.

Huo Junxian's heart was uncomfortable, and Gu Siyu was injured again, turning the discomfort into pain.

The bodyguards wanted to go down to pull people, but Huo Junxian didn't let them move. Gu Siyu was exhausted and had no choice but to leave. Huo Junxian got out of the car and walked over. She gave Gu Siyu her hand, but Gu Siyu patted it off and didn't answer, Huo Junxian handed it over again, and Gu Siyu continued to pat her hand, making her hand popular.

Huo Junxian was very uncomfortable, bit by bit accumulated together, Gu Siyu tried to stand up with her legs, rejecting her and rejecting her again. Gu Siyu is very cruel, making her happy makes her happy. Whenever she has a certain level of possessiveness towards this person, she will slap her and make her sad.

She has worked very hard at Gu Siyu.

In the whole world, she is the only good.

Gu Siyu is not rare.

It's heartbreaking.

Huo Junxian stood in front of Gu Siyu, facing the cold wind.

"I am afraid that you will die, I will save you, you know, I will not save others except you in this life, I am destined to love myself in this life, I will not go for anyone Desperately. But I am willing to sacrifice my life for you, subconsciously, listen to me like this, are you very moved..." Gu Siyu was still talking, starting a new round of torture, she was injured, and she had to use The remaining strength increases the damage value and attacks the wall in front of her.

"Anything else you want to know?"

Gu Siyu looked into her eyes, she stood up, leaned against the tree, and said very roguely and seriously: "I love you, I love you, I love you to death, first of all When I saw you, I thought that such a good woman would be my wife. I was used to it, but I lost my head at the time. Huo Junxian, I found that I can't live without you in my life. "

The words of the confession are the happiest. She said it sweetly, as if her mouth was rubbed with poison, sweetly inserted into Huo Junxian's heart.

Gu Siyu smiled evilly, and if she was not serious, she seemed to be teasing her, mocking her, "I'm responding to you, Huo Junxian, I love you."

The word love was biting very hard, she hummed, not sure whether she was telling the truth or coaxing Huo Junxian to be happy, how to believe the words of a liar.


Huo Junxian's lips were white.

I don't care whether others tell the truth or lie, she only listens to what she wants to hear, and now it's all torn apart.

Even if she doesn't want to admit it, Gu Siyu is sometimes no different from those who seduce her for money.

No, those people are not as cruel as her.

She said she liked it, and she responded with love.

Both of them's breathing is breaking, and they are both gasping for breath.

Don't be a human being, everyone will die together.

After a while, Huo Junxian was very sad, but smiled and said, "That's great."

Gu Siyu stared at her eyes, and she couldn't tell the truth from what Huo Junxian said, what's the good? Huo Junxian's original angry expression was instantly withdrawn, and she looked at Gu Siyu expressionlessly.

When a person does not show any expression, then her expression is more worthy of fear than the night.

"Yes." Huo Junxian walked to the tree and stood face to face with her, as if sighing, she said, "Indeed, I did this, but then have you trusted me? , you want me not to restrain you, why don't you stay with me obediently. Actually, what you said is not comprehensive enough. "


"If you want 300 million, I will give you 300 million. If you want to open a store, I will help you open a store. In the same way, if you dare to escape, I can make you have nothing. You can feel that it doesn't matter if you go to jail. ,but-"

Gu Siyu can't hear this the most, she looks at her pupils, even if she is afraid, she will not give in, "Do you think you are pampering me? You think I will give me money because you give me money, so I will Are you grateful, dreaming!"

Huo Junxian hangs her hands on both sides of her body, unlike Gu Siyu who stands so ruffian, she is very elegant, just whispering to her little cutie, "What about your friend, she It didn't cost you a million. I appreciate her approach, but she spent a million for her parents. I really want to do something, and her store can't open, right?"

Gu Siyu's breathing was tight, she was shaking, Huo Junxian never told her this, she was always very gentle and spoke softly.

"You scolded me that day, and I told you that I was angry, but you didn't coax me. However, when you came back with me, I won't be angry with you anymore, and I didn't do anything to them. So far I haven't hurt anyone around you. I didn't intend to hurt you at first. What I gave to you is yours. I never planned to take it back, let alone hurt you. But after that you kept running away and ignored me. Are you empty of money and people? I told you not to contact them, you have to cut yourself off, and now the situation is today, who is to blame?"

"You haven't done it now, what about in the future? Have you thought about the future?" Gu Siyu asked her, staring at her, "Can you guarantee the future? Can you keep getting better? "

"Gu Siyu, what kind of good are you?"

Gu Siyu struggled, she held down Gu Siyu and let her look directly at herself and see clearly.

Huo Junxian kept talking and kept talking about the sadness Gu Siyu gave her just now, she pinched Gu Siyu's chin, scratched her cheek with her fingers, and rubbed repeatedly, "You take Being happy with the money, I really feel very happy, and I can’t wait to give everything to you. The way you are wild makes me emotional again and again, but I am also curious about what you look like when you are good. Jin Yuansen is no different, so what is the difference between you and him?"

This is the most sad thing for her, Gu Siyu will really torture people.

Huo Junxian approached, afraid that she could not hear clearly, she leaned over and bit her ear hard, "You are making trouble without reason, I spoil you, and when you don't know how to praise, I am used to you, I I want you to be with me. However, you insist on provoking me and say such ruthless words, I am also very sad. My heart hurts, you know?" Huo Junxian clenched her teeth and bit her ear, Gu Siyu didn't resist, As she bites, the pain becomes clearer.

Her legs trembled with pain, she roared sharply: "Let go!"

It was clearly the person in front of her who bumped into her and said that she wanted to be with her and play with her, she reminded her so many times, she came to her heart, she was serious, and again I feel like I can't take it.

Let go?

"If you have to think that you are a pet, then clean up yourselves, clean up a little, and be a clean and lovable dog." Huo Junxian was angry. She pressed on her body, teasing her, "Come on, Gu Puppy, call your master twice."

Ling Chi Gu Siyu word by word, just like Gu Siyu Ling Chi, she doubled it back.

Gu Siyu didn't move, her chest was heaving, she blinked her eyes quickly, when Huo Junxian kissed her ear, Gu Siyu's lips touched her, bit her lips, and slapped her Bleeding from biting lips.

Huo Junxian just raised her wrist and wiped the blood from the corner of her lips.

They looked at each other with revenge and hatred.


The author has something to say:

Another day I dare not update.

Hey, I'm not human. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-1322:34:42~2022-04-1421:08:08~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Rilakkuma 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: only marry Yang Chaoyue 3; Let go 1 first;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Ming more than 20 bottles; Fusheng Qi, Qing, friendship and affection. Don't do it, I will recruit, do not eat coriander, eat greens, citrus flavor, Quan Keshi 10 bottles ; 8 bottles on the way home; 7 bottles of small cans; 6 bottles of chief environmental products; 5 bottles of hard work together; 4 bottles of SEXYoooo; 3 bottles of mk; Exclusive accident, Nueve., Wei Zisong Chu Feichen, Nianchuliang, 嘤嘤嘤, hanhan, Bjdhagy, Shanggong Yunwan, 35560153, 1 bottle of chasing Yu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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