Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 90 Reputation and Escape

Sampdoria's first team is training on the training ground, and Atzori's loud voice rang out over the training ground from time to time.

But it was different from when he first came to the team. No matter how loud he yelled this time, he couldn't create even a trace of pressure in the players' hearts.

Instead, the players felt that the head coach was just bluffing, or even dying...

Now everyone is waiting to see when he will leave get out of class.

In the middle of training, the club's general manager Sagramola appeared on the sidelines.

He first watched the team's training quietly on the sidelines for a while, and after a while he turned and left the training ground.

After a while, Atezori threw the training to the assistant coach, and then followed him to leave the training ground.

This scene did not escape the eyes of the players-in fact, when Sagramola appeared on the sidelines, everyone was a little absent-minded in training.

You must know that as the general manager of the team, Sagramola does not come to the training ground often. Every time he comes, there must be something.

Sure enough, not long after Sagramola left, the head coach also left.

Are the two people going to have some negotiations, and will the specific content of the discussions be related to the fate of the head coach?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel distracted, how could they seriously devote themselves to training?


As those players guessed, Sagramola came to Atezori precisely to discuss his fate.

"The club hopes that you will resign voluntarily, and this is also to preserve your reputation."

After Atzori heard Sagramola's words, he laughed angrily: "For my reputation? For my reputation, you shouldn't dismiss me halfway. You should give me full trust, and I will use my actual results. Come and defend my honor!"

"It's not necessary..." Zamoragla frowned slightly. "Everyone has seen the results of your leadership."

The implication is that everyone should not waste each other's time with such bad grades.

Atezori disagreed: "The club didn't give me enough support, I was fighting alone! The team's performance is unstable because we have some internal problems..."

Zamoragera said very bluntly: "Whoever you want to buy, the club will buy it for you. What happened? The Piovacari and Bertani you bought by name cost the club more than four million euros. You only scored two goals in nine league rounds, and scored five goals in one of your first 14 games. How do you want the club to support you, Mr. Atzori?"

Atzoli was rendered speechless.

But Zamoragera didn't intend to let him go just like that: "Oh, I forgot. There is also Gao. The talented player of our reserve team, the club has high hopes for him this season, but what about you? Not letting him in, saying that he is not ready. The club originally planned to loan him out to exercise, but you said that you want to let him continue to train with the team... Our club has satisfied you with these requirements and suggestions. How could you think that you are just because of being with the team? His personal grievances and want to punish him!"

Speaking of Gao Zheng, Atzoli was a little emotional: "I need to establish authority in the team, what's the problem with that?"

"No problem, Mr. Atzori. But after you put your authority up, you have to have a good result, right? I think I need to reiterate to you again that our goal this season is to return to the first division, not the first division. Relegation in the second division."

"We are now only four points away from sixth in the league, and there are still 28 rounds in the league. We have plenty of time to catch up..."

"Sorry, Mr. Atzori. The club has no confidence in you now. We are worried that after the 28th round, we will be 14 points away from sixth in the league. But we still want to thank you for your coaching, so I hope you able to resign on their own,

It's for your own good too, Mr. Atzori. "

"I don't want to be a deserter," Atzoli said firmly.

Zamoragra stared at Atezori for a few seconds: "Okay, I see."

After speaking, he stopped talking nonsense with Atzori, turned around and walked away very simply.

After he left, he recalled Atzoli's resolute face saying "I don't want to be a deserter" just now, so he couldn't help snorting: "Don't want to be a deserter?"

He knew that Atezori definitely didn't want to take the initiative in history for this reason, but was reluctant to part with the salary the club gave him.

If he still refuses to resign, the club can only be forced to fire him. But note that it is dismissal, not termination. Although he will no longer continue to serve as the head coach of Sampdoria, the club will still pay him as usual until his contract with the club expires, or unless he finds a job again in the meantime.

Atzori signed a two-year contract with the club at the beginning, which means that in the next one and a half years, as long as he does not look for another job, he can lie at home and do nothing. Salary paid into his bank account...

Atzori looked at the back of Zamoragra walking away, and snorted: "Maintain your reputation?"

He knew exactly what the club was planning.

Don't you just want to save money and not pay future wages?

There are no doors!

In Italian football, the head coach, as the best candidate to take the blame, is always fired frequently. In order to protect the rights and interests of those head coaches and prevent them from losing their financial resources instantly after losing their jobs, there is such a regulation.

Although his annual salary is not much compared with those famous marshals, it is still hundreds of thousands of euros. Why not use such a large sum of money? Is there any reason to spit out the fat that reaches the mouth?

Want to use the idiotic interface of maintaining reputation to persuade yourself to give up the rights you deserve, isn't the Sampdoria club thinking too simply of themselves?


The action of the Sampdoria club was very fast. They did not want to drag Atzori for a few days because they were reluctant to part with the salary, thus forcing him to resign voluntarily.

In fact, Zamoragra came to talk to Atzori this time to test Atzori's attitude.

Now that the club has had the feedback, there is nothing left to say.

Everyone firmly believes that it is impossible for Atezori to stand in front of the coach's bench in the next round of home games against Vicenza, and there is no need for Sampdoria to play any magic tricks.

So in the afternoon when the team was training, Sampdoria held a press conference. At the press conference, Zamoragra announced on behalf of the club that Gianluca Atezori had been dismissed as head coach.

With immediate effect, he will no longer be the head coach of Sampdoria.

At the same time, Zamo Lagra also announced that the club is actively contacting the successor.

Atzori did not attend the press conference, but reporters still blocked Atzori's car outside the gate of the training base.

"Mr. Atzori, what do you think of the club's decision?"

Atzori didn't like these reporters who kept hyping up the topic of his dismissal. He snorted, "Isn't this what you want to see?"

When the reporters saw Atzori's attitude, they also retorted: "But your performance in leading the team is the reason for your dismissal, isn't it?"

"Only one-third of the league has been played, and it is too early to say the results." Even if Atzori was fired by the club, he still behaved very tough in front of the media, just like he gave to the team in the past few months. people's consistent impression.

"Will you regret your attitude towards Gao?" A reporter threw out Atzori's "enemy".

Lu Bing and Wang Yixing were also at the interview site. When they heard this question, their hearts skipped a beat—they were constantly trying to cool down Gao Zheng, but the Italian colleagues obviously didn't care about the life and death of a young Chinese genius, as long as they could disgust Atzoli , they don't mind continuing to let Gao Zheng visit Lei.

"No!" Sure enough, when Gao Zheng was mentioned, Atzuoli became very excited, his voice became much louder, and his speech speed also accelerated. "I don't think I'll regret it. I said he wasn't ready for the first team with a valid reason. It's me who sees him every day in training, not you reporters. I'm a player with a lot of experience and experience. Coach, I know exactly what it takes to play in the first team. Relying on talent is not enough! You tried your best to tout that Chinese boy in order to pull me down, but you don’t know if he can carry your burden Tout and expect, I know, he can't!"

Speaking of this, the excited Atzori suddenly saw Lu Bing and Wang Yixing in the crowd, two people with obviously oriental faces, so he pointed to the two Chinese reporters and said, "Hey, you! Chinese reporters! In your country There must be many people who think that my resignation is a good thing for Gao, right? Very good, let you wait and see! This is not a good thing, you are ruining him!"

Atzori's actions made Lu Bing and Wang Yixing the focus of everyone present.

Under everyone's gaze, Lu Bing really wanted to say to Atzoli: "No, you are wrong. We are also worried that this may be a trap..."

But of course he can't say such morale-destroying words, but he can't continue to praise Gao Zheng, he can only remain silent.

"That Chinese kid can't afford to upgrade, and he can't afford the fate of Sampdoria!" Atzori said to all reporters, shaking his finger. "Your public opinion killed me, and he will be the second to be killed!"

After speaking, he honked the horn several times, started the car and drove out of the encirclement of reporters.

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