Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 77 Changes of Times

When Gao Zheng pulled his suitcase and stood in front of the gate of "Yang Wenlong Football Training Class", he looked at the mottled signboard, and he was still a little dazed, as if he had been away for a long time, but in fact it was only half a year...

Gao Zheng, who was outside the door, heard the whistle from inside, and the old man's loud voice: "Pass the ball! Go! Yes! That's it! Shoot! Okay, next!"

Gao Zheng laughed. Hearing the old man's energetic voice, he was relieved that the old man was in good health.

Then he dragged his suitcase and walked in.

The wheels rolled and rubbed on the rough concrete road, making a continuous noise.

The sound also caught the attention of the children who were training on the court, and they diverted their attention one after another, looking outside the court.

Seeing that the children were not serious, Yang Wenlong shouted angrily, "What are you doing? They're training. Where are you looking?"

He also looked to the sidelines, wanting to see who came to interrupt his teaching.

Then he froze.

He saw a tall and handsome young man in casual clothes, standing on the sidelines with a suitcase.

Gao Zheng took off his sunglasses, showed a sunny smile, and waved to his mentor: "Hi, old man, I'm back!"

The children on the court were stunned for a moment, and then collectively exclaimed: "Wow! It's Coach Gao!!"

Yang Wenlong sighed, knowing that today's training session cannot continue, so he waved his hand: "Disband, rest!"

The children cheered and ran towards Gao Zheng.

"Coach Gao, why are you so dark... If we hadn't listened to you, we wouldn't have recognized it!"

"Coach Gao, where have you been? We asked Director Yang, but he didn't say anything... We thought Director Yang defaulted on your salary, so you ran away..."

Gao Zheng laughed out loud when he heard the children's innocent guesses, and then winked at Yang Wenlong: "Look at your image, old man!"

"Go away!" Yang Wenlong stepped forward and waved away the little students, "If you are not tired, run around for me!"

The children hurriedly acted like birds and beasts, but they didn't run too far, they just looked around curiously.

So Yang Wenlong dragged Gao Zheng into his office, closed the door and turned on the ceiling fan, but the heat in the room didn't ease, because the ceiling fan only blows hot air. After being exposed to the sun for almost a day, the simple prefabricated house has accumulated a lot of heat, just like a steamer.

Gao Zheng didn't care about such harsh conditions. He lived with the old man last year and slept in this kind of room, so he was used to it.

Without waiting for Yang Wenlong to greet him, he consciously sat on the broken sofa whose leather was worn out, revealing the yellow sponge inside, and put his legs up on the tea table where the paint leather had fallen off.

Yang Wenlong took a look at him like this, and couldn't help but said, "Going to a professional team for training didn't change your foolishness?"

Gao Zheng smiled: "Old man, this is my home, can't you be more comfortable when you go home?"

Yang Wenlong put on a straight face: "I'm not your home here. Your home is in Wuzhi, more than two thousand kilometers away. You don't know your own home, so why come here?"

Facing the serious Yang Wenlong, Gao Zheng still said with a playful smile: "As the saying goes, one day is a teacher and a lifetime is a father. Parents and mothers are not as good as teachers and fathers. Of course I want to visit you as soon as possible."

"You don't want to go home, do you?"

Gao Zheng smiled: "How can I? After visiting your old man, I will go home. There is no direct flight from Milan to my small place. I always have to come here for a transit, so I will take a look first. You... oh, don't be suspicious, old man."

Yang Wenlong snorted, accepted Gao Zheng's explanation, and then sat down on his swivel chair that was also tattered and peeled off.

The chair creaked as he sat down, making one fear that the chair might collapse at any moment.

"In Sampdoria, what is there to gain?" he asked after sitting down.

"Won a reserve league championship." Gao Zheng made a "V" sign to the old man.

"Excellent!" The old man snorted.

Gao Zheng looked at the old man and smiled.

"How is your physical fitness now?" Yang Wenlong asked again.

"I started the reserve team final and played for almost 70 minutes."

"It's just a reserve team game...take your time." Yang Wenlong sighed.

Then he asked about Gao Zheng's life training in Italy and other details, and Gao Zheng answered him one by one.

Yang Wenlong was generally satisfied with Gao Zheng's performance in Italy, but he didn't offer any praise. He just nodded when Gao Zheng answered, which was an affirmation of himself, the most proud disciple.

As a traditional Chinese man, he is always stingy with expressing his positive emotions. Even if he is happy, humming a tune is enough to express it. But there is no mercy when scolding people.

Even Gao Zheng was yelled at by him.

That's why Director Zhao is so afraid of Director Yang.

Most of the time, Yang Wenlong is already in a good mood if he doesn't scold others.

Gao Zheng turned his head and looked out the window at the children who sneaked in to eavesdrop outside the prefab room: "Old man, you are still in the same class..."

Those who are training here today are all his familiar faces, and of course some faces have disappeared.

Soccer training is actually a very hard job. No matter how much you emphasize happy football, years of training will not make people feel so happy... Not many people can persevere, not to mention there are other factors Affected the children to continue playing football.

"I'm the only one, why recruit so many classes?" Yang Wenlong glared at the children outside the window, and immediately some children shrank their necks and squatted down, and the timid ones ran away.

The power of anger...

"Let's find the coach again..."

"No need, this place doesn't have so many students, it's a waste of money." Yang Wenlong waved his hand.

Gao Zheng looked around the office again. There was a dilapidated sense of decay everywhere. Just looking at this office made people feel that this is not a powerful and formal football training institution. Any parent who brings their children to sign up Seeing this scene, I am afraid that if I paid the money today, the old man will run away with the money tomorrow...

Now he is really worried about whether the old man's training class can last until he becomes famous and helps him advertise.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and said to Yang Wenlong, "Old man, let's take a group photo."

"Why?" Yang Wenlong was not very happy, frowning and wanted to refuse.

"Come on, come on, we haven't taken a photo together yet." Gao Zheng pulled Yang Wenlong's arm.

"Why not? What is that family portrait of you playing football when you were young?"

"You said it was a family photo, but I'm talking about a group photo of the two of us alone." Gao Zheng opened the door as he spoke.

As soon as the door was opened, the children lying at the door and eavesdropping lost their balance and fell in.

"You guys..." Yang Wenlong blew on his beard and stared, wanting to scold again.

Gao Zheng picked up one of them, and then stuffed the phone into his hand: "Come on, Lin Yuan, take a photo of me and Director Yang."

Lin Yuan held the square black mobile phone in his hand, and felt a little embarrassed: "I...I don't know how to use..."

This is the Apple iPhone 4 released in June last year. Although it has been on sale for a year, it is still not available to ordinary people in China. The children trained in Yang Wenlong's football training class are generally not from rich families. They may have seen it. It's a high-tech gadget, but I really don't know how to use it, and I don't even dare to use it, for fear that it will be worn out.

"Come on, I'll teach you."

Gao Zheng taught Lin Yuan how to use the camera function of the iPhone, and let Lin Yuan try to take a few photos.

Only then did he stand with the old man, with a smile on his face, and Lin Yuan took several pictures in one go, and he didn't finish until the smile was about to froze.

"Toss all this..." Yang Wenlong was a little embarrassed.

Gao Zheng looked at the photos on his phone, and he was very satisfied with Lin Yuan's photography skills.

"Yes, the young man can become a photographer in the future!"

Lin Yuan snorted: "I want to be a professional football star, I don't want to be a photographer!"

Hearing these childish words, Gao Zheng was happy: "Okay, come on!"

Lin Yuan could hear the perfunctory in the coach's tone, he snorted heavily again, and then ran away.

"Old man, in the future, develop the photos, hang them on the wall, or print them on the enrollment brochures. I guarantee you a prosperous business!" Gao Zheng didn't care about the children's attitude towards him.

"Crazy ways..." Yang Wenlong snorted.

"Oh, how is this crooked? It's a marketing campaign, old man, you have to keep up with the times... Don't keep using the old machine."

Gao Zheng looked at the Nokia placed on the desk, and the sunlight from outside reflected in and shone on the desk. Among the mottled light spots is the same mottled Nokia 3220, the edges of the blue soft number keys have all been worn white. There are two light strips covered with plastic shells on each side of the mobile phone. Whenever there is a call or text message, the colored lights will start to flash. This was a very fashionable way to notify incoming calls back then, but now the four plastic strips Half of the cover has fallen off, and the remaining two are also crumbling, and I don't know when they will follow in the footsteps of their companions.

It is such a tattered mobile phone that the old man has been using since 2005 until now.

The mobile phones that were easy to use and fashionable back then seem to be out of date now. Under the impact of smartphones led by the iPhone, the former mobile phone giant Nokia is also declining rapidly and has lost its due market position.

It's really like the old man.

When Wu Zhi was the football school coach, he was so high-spirited.

Now I can only support and run a football training class here.

"What's wrong with the old phone? The battery life of the old phone is good. Why do I need so many functions just to make a phone call?" Yang Wenlong frowned.

"I'll change your mobile phone for you, just as I honor your old man. It's the same as mine." Gao Zheng shook the iPhone 4 in his hand.

"I don't want it!" Yang Wenlong stubbornly refused.

"Don't, old man. Now there is an easy-to-use software called WeChat. It is very convenient to contact people. There is no phone bill, as long as there is an Internet connection. If you change your mobile phone, I will install WeChat for you. My mobile phone There is also WeChat on the Internet, let’s add each other as friends, and you can contact me directly. Otherwise, you can’t always rely on Uncle Guo to send you a message? This is 2011, and you still find someone to send a message like in ancient times?”

"I can't type..." Yang Wenlong's tone of refusal was no longer so firm.

"Ha! It's okay. Wechat now supports direct voice sending... Well, it's like this." Gao Zheng took out his mobile phone and gave Yang Wenlong a brief demonstration of how to use Wechat, "Isn't it very convenient?"

Yang Wenlong stared at the shiny little phone in Gao Zheng's hand. The screen was bigger than his usual Nokia, and the appearance was many times better. He couldn't even read the colorful icons on the screen, let alone use it. .

He suddenly realized that he was really old.


PS, tonight the World Cup rekindled the flames of war, and our X**C activities also restarted:

I am optimistic about France's one-goal victory over Uruguay.

And Brazil may fall at the feet of Belgium, Belgium beat Brazil by one goal!

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