Prominence in Football Community

Chapter 12 A Little Stranger

When Lin Sisi brought her younger brother to learn how to play football again, she found that the tall and handsome figure was no longer in the training class.

Just as she was looking around, Director Yang's voice sounded behind her: "He's gone."

"Huh?" Lin Sisi looked at Director Yang unexpectedly. "Gone? Are you home?"

"No, let's play football."

Lin Sisi froze for a moment, as if she was thinking whether this going to play football was the usual kind of amateur game, or whether there was some deep meaning to it.

"He probably won't come back again." Director Yang looked at the girl's bewildered look, and said again, then turned and walked to the football field, ignoring her.

Lin Sisi stood there alone, like a statue.

Lin Yuan glanced at his sister, and saw her sitting on the sidelines, motionless. Although they were far away, Lin Yuan could tell that her sister was in a daze.

This is the first time Lin Yuan has seen this somewhat distraught sister.

"Lin Yuan! What's wrong with training? Go down and rest if you don't want to practice!" Director Yang's scolding quickly drew Lin Yuan's attention back.

After scolding Lin Yuan, Yang Wenlong also cast his eyes on the girl and shook his head slightly.

That brat...


After the training, Lin Yuan packed up his things and went home with his sister. On the way home, her sister didn't say a word, and she seemed to lose her spirit.

Lin Yuan knew it was because his sister hadn't seen Coach Gao. In fact, during training, he heard from his teammates that Coach Gao would not be here anymore. As for where Coach Gao had gone, he didn't know.

So my sister's appearance should have something to do with never seeing Coach Gao again, but he is still very strange.

"What's wrong with Coach Gao..." Lin Yuan pouted.

"What do children know?" Lin Sisi snorted.

"Why don't I understand? I know you like Coach Gao, right?"

Lin Sisi glanced at her younger brother, but said nothing.

"Why didn't I see what's so good about Coach Gao? He's just fooling around all day long... I heard Director Yang took him in, but he often makes Director Yang angry... What's there to like about such a person?"

Lin Sisi looked at her younger brother's angry look, and suddenly asked, "Do you think Coach Gao likes to laugh?"

Lin Yuan didn't expect his sister to ask this question suddenly. He thought about it seriously, and then nodded: "Indeed, I always see him smiling, and I don't know how there are so many happy things in a day..."

"Then have you seen that every time Coach Gao smiles, there is a little melancholy in his smile?"

Lin Yuan stared at his sister dumbfounded: "It's obviously a smile, where does the depression come from?"

The elder sister knocked on the younger brother's head: "So what do children know?"

Lin Yuan put his head in his hands and protested: "Why don't I understand? Laughter means happiness, aren't happiness and depression antonyms? I'm in the fifth grade, I understand!"

Lin Sisi reached out and touched his head: "When you grow up, you will understand..."

Lin Yuan pouted, very unconvinced, he was already eleven years old, and he could already understand many things, how old would he have to be to understand?

But he could also tell that his sister was not in a good mood today. He was afraid of being hit on the head by her again, so he suppressed his silence.

Lin Sisi suddenly stopped and looked back towards the direction of the training class, which was the direction of the sunset, west.

Her gaze didn't fall on the gate of the training class, but jumped over to look further away. Is he working hard for his dream in that place that is so far away from her reach?


Gao Zheng set up an arbor with his hands, even though he still had to squint his eyes, otherwise the sunlight reflected on the court would still be glaring enough.

On a winter morning in Italy, the sun is strong,

Shaking the yellowish turf into white.

He was a little dizzy, and he didn't know whether it was because of the glare of the sun, or because he hadn't arrived yet—he and Uncle Guo arrived in Milan yesterday afternoon, and then Uncle Guo rented a car, and they drove straight to Modena. Because Sassuolo is a small town and there are not many hotels, they live in Modena, more than 20 kilometers away from Sassuolo.

It was already late at night when we settled in the hotel.

Obviously he should sleep, but because of the damn jet lag, Gao Zheng was not sleepy at all in bed, and couldn't fall asleep even if he wanted to.

Just tossing and turning in a daze until the morning, because the first match of the trial training arranged was in the morning, so he and Uncle Guo got up early, took a shower, had a simple breakfast, and then drove to Sasso lo.

After a lot of tossing, he finally stood on the turf of the Enzo Ricci Stadium, Sassuolo's training ground.

But his mental state and physical condition are really not good.

Who told you to wait for a long time to apply for a visa, leaving no time for yourself to prepare?

Of course, he doesn't have much money, so he needs to be careful on the budget. If he can save a day in the hotel, he can save more money.

Now this situation can only be caused by many factors.

Gao Zheng has no way to complain about all this. If he told Sassuolo about his difficulties, would the club agree to postpone his trial training for a few days?

And he wasn't the only one in this trial training. Gao Zheng looked around, and besides him, there were two other people who also came to participate in this trial training.

A tall, strong black man, and a short white man, plus him, a total of three people participated in this trial.

"Okay, boys. Let's play a game first and see how you perform." A man who looked like a coach stood in front of them and said, "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't perform well, this is just a simple test , Your fate will not be determined based on the performance of this game. Next, you will have a trial training with the team for a week, and there will be a game at the end. All the performance in the entire trial training process will determine whether you To be able to stay here. Good luck.”

After speaking, he left the field.

Gao Zheng looked at his teammates again. The two people who came to the trial training with him, one was a guard, standing in the back line, and the other was a winger, standing on the sidelines. And of course he is still a center forward, standing outside the center circle, waiting for the main force of the reserve team on the opposite side to kick off.

Most of the reserve team are players of the same age as Gao Zheng. He came to try out this team, not Sassuolo's first team. Even if he can pass the trial training and sign with the team, he has to go to the reserve team to train and play before he can enter the first team.

A whistle blows and the game begins.


Although this is not a fateful game, the people who participate in the trial training are still working hard. After all, if you perform well, you can leave a good impression on the coaches watching from the sidelines, and the first impression is very important. .

Gao Zheng's performance was not good at the beginning, and it was obvious that his body was not in the best condition.

The first time he took the ball, he lost possession of the ball under the interference of the opponent. When the opponent hits him with a little force, it is difficult for him to maintain control of the football. In amateur games, he also faced various physical contact, but none of them can be compared with today's.

This is a world completely different from the amateur game he played in China. The intensity of confrontation and the speed of the game are far higher than those in China. In comparison, the amateur game in China is like a child's play house.

Gao Zheng has not experienced such a feeling for a long time...

A little strange.

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