Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 671: Company on fire?

Chapter 671: Is the Company on Fire?

Now that the two parties have reached a consensus on the price of the land, the rest is to sign the contract. Sanye has already drafted a contract and only waits for me to get it back to Mo Yizhi-say that one day, you even have the contract Drafted up, and said that you do n’t earn this sale rarely, do n’t care about this money, ghost believe it?

I have read the contract carefully, Mo Yizhi would not have an opinion, but the premise of his writing is that the third master will help us find out which way the tension is, and where the underground money bank borrows money, and this matter Very urgent.

In the past two days, there will be news of land sales leaking from the wind. The current situation of the Beitiandi industry with more wolves and less meat is destined to intensify the competition. At that time, the third master will borrow money from the Liu family to prepare for a tough battle, and then Liu Xiaosheng will go. Find Zhang Mingjie and say that he only has one hundred million in his hand. He can't wipe Sanye's face. He wants to lend some to Xiao's land ... Zhang Mingjie will definitely not let Liu Xiaosheng lend money to Sanye because he is waiting for Liu Xiaosheng. One hundred million lives, in order to lend Liu Xiaosheng's money to his own hands, he will definitely give San Ye a trick, this is the best time to take the underground money bank from his mouth ...

I came up with the idea. Sanye agreed with my plan. In terms of how to guide Zhang Mingjie to actively introduce the details of the underground bank, our discussion was extremely smooth and smooth. Sanye had almost no objections. It was all I wanted him to do. Whatever he did, it surprised me. I thought that I had just uncovered his bottom line, and he would never be willing to cooperate with me, even if he was not angry or angry.

After all the discussions, I realized that my saliva was dry, and I took the cup of herbal tea and drank it, feeling very happy.

"Boy, it's too wasteful for you to be a clerk in the wind. You said that you don't want to change jobs and don't want to be promoted and raise your salary. You are afraid that others will think you have accepted the favor of the three ladies. But you see, I am Xiao Zhan He is just like you, but I ’ve heard that I have n’t seen that pussy. I ca n’t slap her ass. I ’m a grand old man. I did n’t want to hug a little girl ’s thigh. Simply, help me. After completing this cooperation, please come and help me. Although my temple is small, it is different from yours. So many shareholders and so many small groups fight all day to fight for power and profit, tired! Here I am, I am alone After all, you can treat other shareholders as farts, how about it? You come here, you can choose my position, in the future, no, a few years later, no ... just next year, "Sanye stood up and patted His chair, "When you marry my girl next year, this seat is yours!"

Third Lord is a weird man. Sometimes he thinks about it. I, including many people, can see it through at a glance. But sometimes, what exactly is he thinking about and what does he think? Thoroughly, for example, what exactly does he think of a goblin being close to me? What on earth did he think of my peach blossoms that were so complicated that they were so tangled? And ... what on earth does he think of me?

I haven't figured out how to politely decline. The fairy suddenly came in and came in ... maybe it should be more appropriate to use the word 'banging the door'. It seems like the police arrested someone for a surprise attack, which scared me and the third grandfather. This girl was carrying two food boxes, her face flushed, panting, and sweating. Obviously, she came back and ran away. The door was not knocked. She was so anxious that she was obviously worried.

I smiled with San Ye, what the fairy was worried about, we didn't know ...

"What are you talking about?" The fairy tried to pretend to be natural, but anyone could see her unnaturally. The girl put the bag on the table and pulled out the food boxes one by one, but her eyes never looked at me. ——Shy, this girl who can cheek her chest in front of me is still shy ...

Sure enough, there must be a father and a daughter. The parents have the same attributes. Sometimes you can see through at a glance, sometimes you can't understand it ...

"It's nothing," Sanye laughed. "I asked your brother if he wanted to jump in and help me. He said that he would come over when he was busy ..."

"Really ?!"

The fairy was shocked and happy, so I couldn't bear to say what I denied, but I didn't admit it, "If I really can't eat anymore, I will consider it."

I can also give Sanye an answer—my buddies are indeed a bit masculine, and I will feel that I am eating a woman ’s meal after accepting the favor of Miss San, but if Xiao is here, why am I not eating the softness of fairies? rice? Even if I really ca n’t eat, I do n’t think I will come to Xiao's.

San Ye smiled disapprovingly, and seemed to have determined that I would accept his proposal sooner or later. As always, he was blindly confident, and the fairy sulked his mouth with dissatisfaction, saying: "In the wind, there is Murphy's woman pressing on On your head, you won't be in your lifetime, don't you think that woman always wants to play with you in the palm of your hand? Uncle, it would be easier for you and Sister Cheng to come here to help my dad, it is easier than working for her Right? I don't think Sister Cheng likes that Murphy much. "

The fairies had a kind of instinctual resistance to Murphy from the beginning, but I just found out that the original enemy in the fairies' eyes seems to be Murphy only. She has no exclusion from the tassel which is closer to me.

"Your sister Mo is not a bad person ..."

"She isn't bad enough?" The Fairy hummed. "You're not angry because you deceived you so badly, should I call you stupid, or should I brag your heart is too good? This black fungus stirs my heart and lungs is my special Buy it for you, eat and eat, what you eat to make up for it, lest you always be so heartless and heartless. "


San Ye is not busy at all, even idle and doing nothing. After eating, he still refuses to let me go. He pulls me to drink tea and chat. Although the fairy is sitting quietly, he is obviously worried about being unable to get along with me alone. Sang Yingjie, looking at her, just smiled and said nothing.

In fact, the so-called gossip, most of the time I was listening to San Ye bragging. He is a person who likes to dominate the topic. No matter what questions I ask, I can finally drag myself on and blow it up. The fairy's patience expression proves she is If she can't stand the set of San Ye, she would be very anxious if she saw me smiling.

When Sanye was blowing on Xingtou, my cell phone was very loud. Sanye was stunned and a little bit unhappy, but still smiled and gestured for me to answer the phone, and myself ran into tea.

The fairy was not so polite. She moved her **** with vigilance next to her face, and looked at it on my mobile phone to show it. Is this a problem learned from Chu Yuan? I tried to look into her head, and she flashed back before I connected the phone.

"Hey, Xiaozi ..."

"Where have you been?" The caller was Ziyuan. I didn't know what had happened. Her tone was very flustered and she was very angry. "Really, why are you so unrememberable? Murphy just left you in public. Being late and leaving early, you will start work again, even if you leave work class. Anyway, say hello to others. Now everyone does not know what you are doing! The integrated team has exploded the nest. Yang Wei and Qin Lan took it with them. Everyone surrounded Murphy's office and asked to talk to Murphy! I don't care where you are, hurry back to the company! Hurry up! "Then he hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Murphy is outraged? Great, retribution!" Fairy's ears were stuck on my face, what Xiao Zi said on the phone, she heard them clearly.

I thought about it. It should be that Viagra heard that Murphy punished me severely, and went to her for a theory, but Murphy had already explained to Tassel that this was a scheming, and there was Tassel in the middle, which is not a problem. Son, so is Shi Yuan. She should also know that Murphy is a trick. Why should she be nervous? And, talk to me about this attitude ...

Xiao Zi is gentle and obedient to me from childhood to childhood. Even when I mischievous her, she was upset with me and rarely lost her temper. She knew me and knew whether to eat soft or hard, so even if I make a mistake She would only plead with me instead of teaching me, not to mention that I was ordered to order me like this now. The pride of the masters was subtly poked. I was a little bit worried, but I inevitably thought about-- If it's okay, with Xiao Zi's character, would there be such a big fire?

The third master heard the fairy's words and saw that my face was not right. I was about to ask. My phone rang again. The third master spoke and swallowed it back. The expression was inevitably depressed. I apologized and smiled and quickly connected the phone. What's wrong, Xiaozi just called and said ... "

Before I finished speaking, I was interrupted by Sister Liu: "My little ancestor, where did you go?"

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