"Has been followed?" Zheng Yuqiu only subconsciously repeated Sister Hu's words, not realizing the normal response of "Shooted". With her on the side, I can't help but be surprised that ziji has calmly reacted like an insider of Sister Tiger. I I did n’t look back, but adjusted my sitting position slightly. Tongguo saw the car behind us on the right side rear view mirror.

"Baby, are you kidding me?" I rubbed my eyes and made sure that Ziji was not mistaken. There was only the black car that was eye-catching and dazzling. "Which silly + playing tracking is so high-profile? That's a Porsche How about 911? "

Sister Hu was very dissatisfied with my questioning of her, staring at the eyes of Dan Dan, and said, "You are stupid, because it is a very conspicuous good car, so he was sticking to him from leaving the hotel." "Please search Gone with the astronomy, the novel is better and faster!.. Su Su Cong Ding Ding also gu ants Lu Song 鬯  stealing 诟  僭 勖  髂 慊 嵝 嵝 嵝 嵝 嵝    蛩 蛩 蛩 寄 寄 寄 兀br />

Zheng Yuqiu finally reacted and was shocked: "Isn't it a sand boat coming to kill you?"

Dong Xiaoye's eyes narrowed and he touched the pistol in his arms. "It should be."

"Yes, without him, I jiji lie down in his car."

Sister Tiger frowned. "Why?"

The calmness and calmness of this girl is actually a manifestation of too tight nerves. In addition, it is too blindly trusting in me, and subconsciously agrees. I said that if you anger the tension, you can lead to the sand boat, and the sand boat must be Will appear

I sighed, and the insider hate iron is not the way to go. "A criminal with a high IQ who knows reverse thinking and sees that you drive turán and change direction and become more and more remote. Did he follow up? In this case, instead of running away and not covering up, he still followed you closely, and he was afraid that he might lose you and prove shime? "

The two silly girls said in unison, "If you don't kill you, don't give up!"

"I am!" I will have two mouths, and I will spray both of them at the same time. "If the sand boat has the courage to share with me, I'm afraid I've died more than once! Take the money and money for the disaster, We both have no injustice. He wanted me to die, which proves that he doesn't want to die, and he wants to live better than he is now, understand? Moreover, the car behind ruguo is a sand boat, whether it is his or he steals Yes, no one has ignored such a swagger, hasn't the Beitian police really become a rice bucket processing factory that does not eat? He just opened a Jetta Alto set of cards and you wo n’t find it for a while. That ’s it. A Porsche 911! What do you think is a taxi running across the street? "

Dong Xiaoye was refuted by me with a big red face. "Then you mean that the bull + bully sports car in the back just happened to be on the same road with us, wasn't it following us?"

"I mean, there is a difference between following blatantly and sneakingly, at least it can be asserted that he must not have come to my life, nàme, it must not be a sand boat."

"Who is that?" The two girls spoke in unison.

"I, he + mom zhidào," the man couldn't help but swear, did not admit it in his mouth, did not deny it, it was upset, if it were not followed by this goods, I really look forward to the tiger sister Méiyou guts and me The field vehicle shook. "Stop and meet him."

"Here?" Dong Xiaoye apparently wanted to find a difāng that could not be easily escaped by the other side and then stopped.

"If you hide the remote point of the car again, he is fat again or his purpose is bright, and he is embarrassed to follow."

Sister Tiger is extremely simple, "for shime?"

My little lost little resentment said: "Because I think you are going to pull me to the field."

"Get off!" Sister Hu shrugged me with a punch, and accidentally exposed the fact that Ziji was disguised as a cheek. Zheng Yuqiu, a perfect fox, suddenly found that Ziji had been taken, but also relieved, and despised Dong Xiaoye Take.

Dongxiaoye parked on the roadside, and the car in the back stopped in a hurry. It was considerate. Bacheng thought that the guys who just came out of the hotel took two beautiful ladies to find difāng with less trees, not to drink. It's messy, that is, someone needs to liberate their physiology. In short, it keeps a very polite and safe distance. After seeing me getting off, I leaned on the back of the car. Méiyou had to untie the trend of the belt to make sure I found him. Without hesitation, Porsche moved forward slowly, stopped ten meters ahead of me and intentionally emphasized that Ziji was not hostile. Before getting out of the car, extinguish the car.

It is a meticulous and well-prepared guy who has never seen anyone. I have these two definitions in mind.

"Dude, you're driving Passat with Porsche, you're not good."

A young man dressed casually and wearing brown sunglasses got out of the car and asked with a smile: "How do my brothers know that I'm 'brother', not 'sister'? How can I say that I am a bad person?

"Actually, I ’m pretty fènnu, but the fact is the truth. Although I think ziji is handsome, but I have lived so big, I have n’t been seen by any sister who knows it. Besides, there are really sisters who know about it. No, I should be ashamed to see that there are two beautiful eyebrows falling from the sky in my car, so well, my buddies who want to dig into my corner are the most sexual, so I ’m not talking about it? Porsche vs Passat, your advantage is not a little bit. "Flattering is an investment. It doesn't cost money or taxes, but the returns are great. Why not? The sister Hu and Zheng who just got off the bus were very useful. They also gave me a shame and gave me a glance. The style is infinite, and the scenery is not far away. Of course, I only aim at the winter night, and I have absolutely no ambition for Zheng Yuqiu.

"Clever, clever," the man in sunglasses gently clapped his hands as he approached me. "Bei Tianchu Shao is indeed well-known and better known to meet."

I was startled by snacks, not because the goods recognized me, but because he didn't hide his recognition of me and me. 'Chu Shao' is just Liu Xiaosheng and Zhang Mingjie who seem to be polite and mocking my 'nickname' for eating soft rice with a little white face. This sentence reveals that he is a member of the Beitianyuan circle, that is, he appears inexplicably. And follow us, there is no chance that the Zhang family can't be related

In addition to Mo Yizhi and Duanmu mother and child, there is only tension zhidào, my poor boy will go to Dalang to wash sand for dinner today

My nerves were tense, but I heard him say again: "But Chu Shao misunderstood the buddies this time. The buddies have a good vision. They can see that the two fairy-like girls are not human customs. They thought that a little material wealth could capture their hearts. That ’s the biggest insult to them. This kind of girl who has a fairy tale from the inside out, the most important thing is the connotation of a person, the jingshén wealth that a person owns. I ’m here in Chu Shaoyou In front of me, that's a poor egg. It can't be compared, it can't be compared. "

The goods are more professional than me, pretending to stand out in front of me, and making them more useful than holding the tiger sister Zheng Yuqiu, saying that it is a professional ass.

There is a thin layer of sweat on the forehead, and there is more pressure on the road. The only certain thing is that this pressure has nothing to do with the current situation. "So, buddy, you follow us all the way, why?"

I definitely don't know this product, but as he walked up to me, through the brown lenses, he could vaguely see that he had a pair of vicissitudes and restrained eyes that were totally incongruous with the charm of speech and conversation. I suddenly felt that he was familiar, Very familiar

Yijing moved to my side, Dong Xiaoye loved to listen to his flattery, but he never relaxed his vigilance against him. When he saw his hand raised, he instinctively touched the gun, but was stopped by me, as normal as a lover. Intimacy and demeanor, which made Zheng Yuqiu, who had stuck with me for a long time, uncomfortable.

The young man raised his hand and just took off his glasses, exposing the eyes of a man who was so envious of literary arts that he was not envious of and envious of men, and said sincerely and eagerly: "I just want to make a deal with Chu Shaoyou friend."

Dong Xiaoye fought a cold war, Zheng Yuqiu was even more exaggerated. He even took a small step backwards and asked, "Which kind of friend?"

The young man did n’t know if he understood or did n’t understand, pretended not to understand, and grinned. Although he was not handsome, kěnéng was too melancholy and steady. This smile was a little bit of sunlight shining through the dark clouds. Man, he laughed even better than Zheng Yuqiu, a 98-year-old girl, and with a neutral voice that was completely inconsistent with the rough and mad appearance, we brushed off the goose bumps, "First Let ’s start with ordinary friends. Of course, I urgently hope that we can have further development. "

"A deeper development is" Zheng Yuqiu still has to ask, and I glanced back at me. I don't think this is her shihou who used her rich imagination.

"Give me a reason." A Kaipasar who is not yet ziji, said so proudly to a Porsche, gǎnjiào is quite weird, even me ziji thinks that I have this connotation and confidence This shelf is a little strange to hold.

A man who is not so handsome but smiles pleasingly: "It's good and harmless."

"How good is it?"

"I have a lot of friends in Beitian, and they will become your friends."

"And then?" I said, "My friend will also be your friend?"

The young man shook his head. "I am not greedy, as long as you are willing to be friends with me, it is enough."

I haven't answered yet, Dong Xiaoye blushed and said, "No, I don't agree!"

Zheng Yuqiu covered his nose and shouted, "I'm so overwhelmed, I can't stand it!"

Even me, who was always rational, was uncomfortable with his affectionate gaze, and asked carefully, "Are you a brother or a sister?"

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