Princess Consort Is No Pushover

Volume I_Chapter 2854 Glass King's letter

"I've written the method of medication in it, and you can just take it according to the prescription later." Yun Ruoyue reminded.

Tian Zhang was touched and said: "Okay, thank you, Princess."

As he said that, he glanced at the sky and said, "My lord and concubine, it's getting late, we should set off, please take care."

"Master Tian, ​​you also take care. Moli, you send someone to escort Mr. Tian's family to Jiangzhou, settle them down and come back to report." Chu Xuanchen ordered.

"Yes, my lord." Mo Li said.

In this way, Tian Zhang's family was escorted to Jiangzhou by people sent by Moli.

After arriving in Jiangzhou, Chu Xuanchen asked Jiang Ning to arrange some leisure duties for him first, let him hide behind the scenes, and help Jiang Ning while recuperating.

In this way, Tian Zhang can help him with work and support his family.

After Tian Zhang left, Yun Ruoyue said worriedly: "My lord, Mr. Tian is right, the disaster relief is imminent. The emperor refuses to allocate funds for disaster relief. With our strength alone, there is no way to save so many people. It seems that we still have to We have to find a way to persuade the emperor to allocate funds."

Chu Xuanchen lowered his eyes and said: "Okay, tomorrow morning, this king will propose to the emperor to allocate funds for disaster relief."


When he went to court the next day, Emperor Hongyuan came late again with dark circles under his eyes.

As soon as he sat down, Chu Xuanchen stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the summer is scorching, and now there are droughts and floods in Jiangnan and Jiangbei, and locusts are raging in the northwest, causing crops to fail. Hengsheng. Now the situation is critical, I implore the emperor to allocate funds for disaster relief."

When Emperor Hongyuan heard this, his face suddenly became gloomy.

Now the national treasury is empty, not even enough for himself, he doesn't want to use money to save those victims.

He thought for a while, and said: "Li Wang, I also sympathize with those victims, but natural disasters have occurred frequently in the past two years, and the treasury has not received much tax money, but a lot of money has been allocated for disaster relief. Now the treasury is empty, and I am really stretched. To allocate funds, you should think of a way to see if you can raise funds for disaster relief like last time."

When Dong Changfeng and others heard this, they felt that Emperor Hongyuan was really selfish.

He just didn't want to allocate funds, and put the fundraising on Li Wang's head.

Asking rich households and wealthy gentry to pay is an offense, and it is difficult to raise money.

This is really a good thing, not Li Wang at all, the bad thing is all Li Wang's fault, Emperor Hongyuan's calculation is really shrewd.

Chu Xuanchen lowered his eyes and said: "Your Majesty, even if the rich households and nobles in the city are willing to donate, compared with the needs of the common people, it is just a drop in the bucket and far from enough. Last time I heard from the Secretary of the Ministry of Households that the annual treasury The financial revenue is about 10 million taels. In addition, a large part of taxes are collected in the form of grain. In this way, after deducting the annual financial expenditure, there are at least tens of millions of taels in the treasury. I implore the emperor Open warehouses to release grain, allocate funds for disaster relief, and save the people from the fire and water."

This time, Emperor Hongyuan's face became even darker.

He stared sharply at Chu Xuanchen, and said in a deep voice: "It is true that there is still a little silver in the treasury, but my mausoleum has not been completed yet, and I need at least five million taels of silver. I still have to build it for Dong Gui, who has just entered the palace." For a palace, we need to repair the ancestral temple and the palace, and invite alchemists to make alchemy. This sum of expenses is huge, and I don’t know how to fill these holes, and where can I get the money to relieve the disaster?”

The ministers were very disappointed when they heard this.

Chu Xuanchen clenched his fists, eyes full of coldness.

Emperor Hongyuan was so extravagant and extravagant, he made a lot of construction and made his father's country like this, he hated him very much, but he had to bear it.

He took a deep breath and said: "The emperor is still in his prime, so the construction of the mausoleum can be postponed. There are many palaces in the palace, and there is no need to build a new palace for Dong Guiren."

Prince Rui, who was next to him, saw Emperor Hongyuan's gloomy expression, and said, "Prince Li, the emperor is the son of the real dragon. Building the imperial mausoleum for the emperor is a major national event. How can we postpone it? There have been many emperors in the past dynasties. Starting to build the imperial tomb, do you want to violate the etiquette?"

Chu Xuanchen said coldly, "I don't mean that. Of course the emperor's mausoleum needs to be repaired, but now that the situation is critical, I think it can be postponed."

"If we continue to build the imperial mausoleum now, it will only waste people and money, and consume a lot of manpower and material resources. With so much money, we can definitely help more people."

Speaking of this, he looked at Emperor Hongyuan, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the people are suffering now, and there are tens of thousands of refugees on the street. Relief for the people is a major matter. I implore the Emperor to suspend the construction of the mausoleum first and use the funds for disaster relief."

Now, Emperor Hongyuan's face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

He was very dissatisfied with Chu Xuanchen, but Chu Xuanchen held the military power in his hand, and he was very powerful, so he really didn't dare to do anything to him.

He had no choice but to say: "King Li, the construction of the imperial mausoleum is a major matter for the country, and it must not be postponed. You ministers eat the king's work, and you should take care of the king. In the future, you should find a way to solve such trivial matters by yourself. Don't bother me with everything. Retire towards."

After speaking, Emperor Hongyuan got up and walked out of the hall coldly.

What he meant was that he didn't even want to pay a penny, he just wanted to push the matter to Chu Xuanchen and others.

Seeing Emperor Hongyuan's appearance, Chu Xuanchen clenched his fists fiercely, very angry.

The other ministers also shook their heads and looked at Chu Xuanchen sympathetically.

After Chu Xuanchen walked out of the hall, he exchanged a glance with Mo Li outside.

Now that he can't persuade the emperor, it seems that he has to find another way.


Since Emperor Hongyuan summoned Xue Tianxiang last time, he hasn't summoned her to sleep with her recently.

I heard that Emperor Hongyuan now flips through Dong Shishi's brand every day, and listens to and sings with Dong Shishi all day long. He loves Dong Shishi very much.

With the newcomer Dong Shishi, he immediately forgot about the old Xue Tianxiang.

Thinking that Emperor Hongyuan hadn't called her again for so long, Xue Tianxiang was very worried.

She sat in the hall, looking at herself in the mirror, feeling very depressed.

She is still the same, her appearance has not changed at all, but why doesn't Emperor Hongyuan like her?

Men really liked the new and hated the old, and she was really afraid that Emperor Hongyuan would leave her in the cold forever, so that she might lose her phoenix seal and status, as well as her days of being sought after by others.

No, she can't sit still, she must find a way to get Emperor Hongyuan back.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and said to Amina: "Amina, help me dress up well, I'm going to see the emperor."

Amina nodded hurriedly, "Yes, Your Majesty the Imperial Concubine."

As she said that, she hurriedly helped Xue Tianxiang dress up with other court ladies.

After a while, Amina began to apply Xue Tianxiang's face, she opened a powder box, and suddenly said: "Oh, my lady, the pearl powder is gone."

Xue Tianxiang said lightly: "Tell Jin Chuan to get it from the House of Internal Affairs."

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