
"At the end of the game, Seigaku Echizen won, 6-4!"

The referee breathed a sigh of relief and announced with a somewhat tired expression.

In this match, Echizen and Kite, the two fought very intensely.

Especially the tricks of both sides, the people who watched the battle were dazzled and addicted!

In the end, Echizen was a step ahead of his skills, and he relied on the powerful 'Tornado Smash' to completely end the wooden hand! It's strong!!

"Youth School Park compared to Jiazhong,The total score is 5-0,Successfully advanced to the quarterfinals of the national competition!"

After the referee slowed down, he announced the final score loudly, very dedicated.

"Oh oh oh, we won!"

"Qingxue, Qingxue, Qingxue!!"

At this moment, the youth students who came to cheer and cheer excitedly cheered and vented their inner excitement.

In their eyes, with Coach Su Han here, Qingxue is the strongest!

Reaching the top eight is nothing, only the national championship is the goal of Qingxue.

Under the leadership of Coach Su Han, all the members of the tennis team will go all out to compete in the country and win the coveted national championship!

So, come on, Qingxue!!


At the end of the singles match, the players of both teams were led by their respective ministers and re-established themselves on the tennis court.


"Thank you for your advice!!"

At this moment, the members of Qingxue and Higa Middle School bowed and thanked one after another.

No matter how fierce the scolding on the court is and how hard the fight is, you still have to greet politely after the game, this is the tradition of the national competition! It continues to this day!!

"Eishiro, let's start over."

Looking at the minister who was a little depressed, Pingguchang patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

"This summer is over, but next summer, it's our Higa era!"

Fei leaned over and nodded at the wooden hand, equally comforting.


In the face of the comfort of the team members, Mu Shou looked stunned and nodded a little relieved.

After all, this is the first time in 26 years that they have reached a national tournament. Even if it's a second-round tour, it's a very satisfying answer!

Although it is a pity, but the skills are not as good as people, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Especially those guys in Qingxue, they are all monsters, and it's not a shame to lose to them!

After comforting himself, Kite, at last, thought about it, gave Echizen a deep look, and then turned to leave.

And the players in Higa immediately followed and left the field gloomily.

"In this competition, everyone performed very well and played our demeanor as the champion of Kanto."

"And those who don't play, don't have any slackness, the list of your companions will arrange for you to play at any time."

"Finally, in order to celebrate your excellent performance in the first round, Master Ben has decided to reward each of them with 2 million yen."

After gathering the members of the Qingxue team, Su Han first praised their performance today, and then waved his hand and rewarded them directly, which was very wealthy!

Due to the tight schedule of the national competition, Su Han did not hold that kind of big celebration, for fear of affecting the state of the players.

However, Su Han has always been generous, and if he wins a match, he should be rewarded, so he directly gave everyone in the tennis team a bonus of 2 million yen to motivate them.

Because in Su Han's heart, their efforts are worth these pocket money, if you want to be in good health, you must eat well, only if you eat well, can you have the strength to train!!

"Wow, a prize of 2 million yen! Long live the coach!! Hearing

the coach's heroic reward, the players of Qingxue were shocked in their hearts and exclaimed excitedly.

No matter how hard they play tennis, they are still junior high school students after all, except for Yakutsu, everyone else depends on their families to have pocket money to spend.

So now when they heard the bonus that Su Han had awarded them, they were immediately overjoyed.

Even Tezuka, Fuji, also looked at each other, a little surprised in his heart, the coach is worthy of being a coach, and as soon as he shot, he actually gave each person a bonus of 2 million yen, which is too arrogant!!

"Thank you, Coach."

Tezuka, Oishi and other team members solemnly thanked them, with Coach Su Han here, they simply lived an open life, as if they were dreaming.

"These are all things that you have earned through your own efforts."

"However, during the national competition, everyone must not be slack, and they must be strict with themselves."

"The most important thing is that the nutrition of the body must keep up, don't be afraid of wasting money, Young Master Ben has money!"

Su Han said seriously, although he knew these players very well, he was afraid that after they got the bonus of 2 million yen, they would start to relax.

After all, this is the period of the national competition, and the schedule is still so tight, Su Han doesn't allow anyone to have an accident!

As for Haitang's kind, it's purely 'deserved'!!

Kaido in a wheelchair: ....

"Yes, Coach!"

Hearing the coach's advice, the team members of Qingxue nodded seriously.

Compared with money, at this age, they still like to play tennis the most, and tennis is the most important thing for them.

Of course, it would be great to be able to play tennis and earn some 'pocket money' at the same time! Long live Coach Su Han!!

"Hehehe, Su Han, this stinky boy, after coming back this time, he has matured a lot!"

Looking at Su Han's style of doing things, the companion sighed a little in his heart, compared to Su Han during the Kanto competition, Su Han is undoubtedly much more mature now.

Is this what happens after inheriting a trillion family property? Hehehe!!

"Alright, let's go back."

Su Han carried the tennis bag on his back, said with a gesture, and then put his hands in his trouser pockets and slowly walked to the parking lot.

"Go back!"

"After the game, I'm hungry, let's go have a barbecue together."

"Okay, do you want to be together?"

"Hehehe, the old man won't go, you young people go to eat, remember not to be too late."

"Got it!"

In a burst of laughter, the members of the Qingxue team, under the envious gaze of other school teams, walked to the parking lot together.

Look at this coach, it's too arrogant! Winning a match will reward 2 million yen per person, which is simply envious and crying!!

I don't know if I don't compare, and it's nothing compared to my own coach!

It's another day of envy for the youth coach!!

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