It rained all the time.

"The rain doesn't stop!" Kikumaru felt inexplicably irritable.

At this moment, Coach Ryuzaki came back with a red umbrella.

"Quiet! The results of the committee are out," Ryuzaki said.

"How's it going?"

"Will the game go on?"

"No! the game has been postponed for a week!" said Coach Ryuzaki.


"This level of rain is not a big deal, let's play, let's play!" Momojo was very eager to compete to prove Qingxue's strength.

"Calm down, don't mess around, it's the decision of the tennis committee!" Coach Ryuzaki advised.

"There's no way!" Qingxue and his party had to leave the scene of the Kanto Conference.

"Changfeng, come on, be careful of that guy named Kirihara!" said Tachibana worriedly.

Ye Changfeng smiled, "That kind of grade guy, I won't take it to heart, but Sanada, the deputy minister of Lihai University, is still a little threatening." "

"Okay, when we go back to school, we'll train and come back in a week!" Ryuzaki said.


Walking in the last night, Changfeng heard that there seemed to be people training in the venue of the Kanto Convention.

"Who is it??" Ye Changfeng had a hint of curiosity in his heart and decided to take a look.

"Oishi-senpai, I have a stomachache, go to the toilet first, you guys go first!"

"It's just you kid who has a lot of things, okay, let's go first, don't worry about him!" Dashi smiled.


on the pitch.

A guy in an orange jersey and a black tennis cap is practicing his serve in the rain.


A shot hit the droplets of water dripping from the fallen leaves, and the droplets instantly turned into a hemispherical shape, and then splashed in all directions, showing the speed of the ball.

This person is the current ace ACE deputy minister of Lihai University High School, Sanada Koichiro!

"Oh, not bad!" "Night Wind took out a racket from his tennis bag and stood next to Sanada.

The night wind jumps, gets up, hits the ball, and does it in one go.

The ball flew towards another drop of falling dew.

Bang, the water droplets were directly scattered by the ball, turning into hundreds of small water droplets, and then they evaporated in the rain in an instant, quite a weird scene.

One serve, one decision!

At this moment, the system prompt that I hadn't heard for a long time sounded.

Trigger Random Open: Defeat Sanada Koichiro

Mission Level: Orange Mission

Failure penalty: 100,000 points will be deducted if the points are negative, and the supergod system will be dormant

Successful reward: 100,000 points plus one for the number of draws

Mission Evaluation: Defeat Sanada Koichiro and fight the arrogance of Lihai High School!

"The mission came just in time, I really want to fight this guy!" said Ye Changfeng in his heart, "The reward is also good!"

Ye Changfeng's points have accumulated for so long now, and it has passed the 150,000 mark, and if he wins Sanada again this time, he will break through the 250,000 mark! From the initial poor peasant to the current small rich, it is not easy! If he loses, (addd) will directly become 50,000, which is unacceptable to Ye Changfeng.

So, this game can only be won,

Sanada Koichiro ignored the provocative Night Long Wind and continued to serve on his own.

"If you have a mission, I can't help you, I'll do it!" said Ye Changfeng in his heart.

The tennis ball in his hand hit Sanada's serve, and after hitting Sanada's ball, it hit the falling drop that Sanada was aiming for.

Sanada glanced at the night wind, and finally couldn't help but say, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, your serve is nothing more than that!" Ye Changfeng said arrogantly, "It seems that your Lihai High School can dominate the country twice in a row, because I haven't been promoted to the middle school yet!"

"Nani, what the hell are you trying to say, you kid!" Sanada said unpleasantly.

"It's too long to wait for a week, let's play now!" Ye Changfeng said with burning eyes, "Of course, if you're afraid, I didn't say it!"

"If you really want to come, I'll accompany you!" Sanada Koichiro raised his head, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, "We Lihai never flinch!"

"Okay! happy!" Ye Changfeng also ignited his fighting spirit in his heart, and it always made people so excited to play with a master.

The camera pans to the other side, the Qingxue Gymnasium.

Due to the rain, there was no way to train outside the stadium, so Coach Ryuzaki borrowed the field of the gymnasium and put it on the net for everyone to train. Although the stadium has wooden floors, it is not as used to as the hard courts of the tennis court, but it is better than nothing.


The sound of Taocheng can be heard from far away from the stadium.

"I can understand your feelings, but you're going to mess around too!" Oishi looked at Momojo a little worriedly.

Momojo exhaled and put the racket on his shoulder, "But I don't know how to restrain my high emotions!"

Next to him, Haitang practiced swinging the racket.

Kawamura is training his strength on the equipment.

Sadaharu Kan pressed his legs while writing and drawing in his notebook.

On the other side of the arena, the rookie trio threw the ball to Kikumaru at the same time to practice stunt hitting.

"Hurry up, the rhythm has come down, you have to have speed to have an effect!" Kikumaru said.

"Yes!" the freshman trio picked up the pace of their throwing, and soon a box of tennis balls was finished.

"Senior, there's no ball anymore!"

"So are we!" the three of them were too tired to just throw the ball.

"Okay! rest!" Kikumaru laughed.

Dashi intimately handed over the towel, which is worthy of being a good friend!

"Really, Fuji and Tezuka don't know where they went!" Kikumaru muttered, "Nagafeng isn't there either!"

"Fuji and Tezuka seem to have gone to the hospital!" Oishi explained, "Nagafu, this stinky boy hasn't come back from the toilet until now, so he can't have fallen into the pit, right?"

"Haha, it's really possible!" Kikumaru laughed.

Coach Ryuzaki is here!

"Now is not the time to care about others, let's get ready for the competition in a week, let's hurry up and practice hard!" Coach Ryuzaki said.



Tokyo No. 2 Hospital.

Knock knock knock on the door.

"Is it an apricot?" Tachibana asked.

"Excuse me!" said Fuji Shusuke smiled and opened the door.

"Fuji, there's Tezuka!

"How's it going, Tachibana!" Tezuka asked.

"As you can see!" Tachibana Juping helplessly pointed to his plaster leg, "I'm sorry, that's it for the time being, when we compete in the national competition, we're competing!"

"Don't care!" Fuji smiled, then gently took out a bouquet of carnations and said, "This, I'll plug it in for you!"

"Thank you, Fuji, for bothering you and Tezuka!" Tachibana said.

"It's raining today, the finals have been canceled, and they won't reopen until a week later!" Fuji said slowly, "Today, your sister and member Kamio came to the Kanto Convention site, and it is said that they will help you collect information about the Tachikai High School." "

"Hehe, they didn't bother you!" said Tachibana.

"No, but they seem to have a deep hostility towards Lihaida!"

"Tezuka, weren't you injured before, and how are you doing now?" Tachibana changed the subject.

"Well, it's all right!" Tezuka took out a small bottle from his bag, "This is what Changfeng asked me to bring you, you can try it after you remove the plaster!"

"Oh?" Tachibana took the small bottle and smiled, "My sister's 'friend' really has a heart!"

"Tezuka!" Tachibana Tachibana's face suddenly turned grim, "Lihaida is very powerful!"


"To be honest, we can't play against them with our strength, especially with my fight, I have to be very careful, he is an unscrupulous guy. Tangerine said solemnly, "However, with your Qingxue strength, and the night wind should not be a problem to deal with him!"

"I'm sorry, forget what I just said!"

"No, I'll remember it, and I'll tell Changfeng about it, thank you, Tachibana!"

"Alright, it's not too early, we're going back to training!" Tezuka Kunimitsu stood up, "Tachibana, see you at the national competition!"

"Okay!" Tachibana replied, "I'm sorry to let you come to see me!Oh! Oh, by the way, please give this to Ye Changfeng, it's a return gift!"

Tachibana took something out of the drawer next to the chuang and handed it to Fuji Shusuke.

"What is this?"

"This is my usual tennis grip!"

"Well, then we're gone!" turned to leave. _

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