Pretend To Be a Boss

Chapter 209: Tibetan Lin

  Chapter 209 Hundred Beasts Hidden Lin

  Yuan Wu was very afraid of Xi He's voice, as if he had heard it in a certain memory.

   Akas also felt the same way, but Akas seemed much calmer than Tang Suoye.

  In just a few seconds, Akas had figured it out.

   It shouldn't be that Stuart and the others betrayed them, but that they didn't even know that their so-called secret operations had long been known to the forces represented by Xi He.

  The evolution zone's rule over this area is far more optimistic than those agents who are still insisting on dealing with the evolution zone imagined.

  This place is completely different from the second fort where Arcas stayed.

  In the evolution zone in the second fortress, everything is done carefully.

  But judging from this labyrinth on weekdays, which can be turned into a colosseum to provide cage fighting at critical moments, it can be seen that the evolution zone has already gained considerable power in Fort Lincoln.

   Occupying one-sixth of the area of ​​the fifth floor, the super-large headquarters and these extremely intelligent equipment. It has already been explained that the evolution zone is the same existence as the brain of Fort Lincoln.

   Akas looked at Xihe, and thought that maybe he was facing a person of extremely noble status like Li Wanye.

   Otherwise, why would such an ordinary-looking person dare to call himself king?

   "Ono, Yuanwu, cover for me."

   Tang Suoye nodded, and Yuan Wu hurriedly responded.

  The battle begins.

  After the experimental subjects walked out of the laboratory, they became irritable very quickly.

  Such cage duels are no strangers to them.

  When they saw that there were only two children and a young man in the center of the arena, the experimental subjects did not take it lightly.

  They are all monsters that survived several deathmatch.

   The one rushing to the front is an A-level experimental subject with exaggerated muscles.

  Akas didn't know his name, but felt that if he hit him, even one punch would easily kill him.

   But he didn't pay attention, he just looked at Xi He.

  At this tense moment, Xi He's expression was also very relaxed.

  He came to the arena in person, and this behavior was like a slave owner holding a beast fight, coming among a bunch of slaves who were fighting to the death.

  However, it is worth noting that behind the slave owner, at some point, six people covered in black mist appeared at six angles, guarding Xihe.

  A powerful punch hit Akas in the blink of an eye!

   But just behind this, Tang Suoye's eyes were full of blue light, like the eyes of the eyes of the deep sea, staring majestically at the rushing experimental subject.

  Akas could even feel the blow of the punch, and although he could easily dodge it, he never took any action.

  The fist like a heavy hammer did not fall.

  The monster with exaggerated muscles floated up in an instant, and the whole person was in the air, as if weightless, and could not find a point of support.

  He who charged like a human tank a moment ago is now like a ladybug that has been turned over, kicking his legs continuously, but he just can't turn his body back.

   This is Tang Suoye's thought power.

  Just under the gaze of the eyes, a perfect creature can fly to a height of seven thousand meters.

  Although the strength in the pyramid has declined, it is more than enough to deal with these A-level experimental subjects.

   All this happened in just a few breaths.

  At the same time, more and more attacks hit Akas and Tang Suoye.

  These are melee fighters. Some of them can use hand knives that cut through steel in an instant, and they also have strong acid upper limbs that can corrode metal, or extremely fast leg strikes that look like burning.

  The transformation of the evolutionary zone made these ordinary life forms have abnormal lethality after being injected with various serums.

   But the result was the same. When they tried to get close to the Akas trio, all of them flew into the sky without exception.

  Floating like the muscle giant who was the first to eat a crab, unable to borrow strength.

   Tang Suoye seemed to do all these things with ease.

  The blue-eyed little witch once held up a huge rock and saved all the elite hunters.

  Compared to what happened at the end of the hunting event, it was easier to deal with these A-level experimental subjects.

  But the attack of the experimental subjects did not end.

  Although melee fighters cannot get close, there are still those who can attack from a distance.

  This place seems to be a gathering place for monsters.

   It's just that the most terrifying monster is Yuan Wu.

  The experimental subjects in this department all have an astonishing synchronization rate, so that they can use various elements like beasts.

  In just a moment, ice arrows, thunderbolts, highly compressed storms, flames, and all kinds of destructive forces condensed in the space.

   These attacks are more threatening than the melee attacks just now.

   It's just that the result doesn't change anything. All attacks were blocked by the arena itself.

  If Tang Suoye's ability is to make objects float weightlessly, then Yuanwu's ability is to change the shape of objects.

  At the moment when the powerful A-level experimental subjects started to attack frantically—

  The arena seemed to come alive.

  Like a giant piranha, it quickly closed its petals after sensing its prey.

  This arena is like this now, and the terrifying power of thought makes the environment begin to distort and mutate.

   But this piranha is not devouring Akas and the others, but protecting them.

   Around the trio, huge barriers rose instantly, and all attacks were swallowed by the arena itself.

  At the same time, Tang Suoye's thought power was activated, and the experimental subjects in the distance lost weight again.

  The whole process was only half a minute away from Xi He's saying that the king is here.

  Xihe prepares to applaud.

   I didn't expect these defectors to be so powerful.

   "He is too noisy." Akas said.

  Tang Suoye and Yuan Wu are two masters who control mind power, one is in charge of control and the other is in charge of defense.

   The one responsible for the offense was naturally Akas.

  After the voice fell, Akas' figure disappeared in place.

   Murderous aura and storm instantly filled this small arena.

   Without any mercy, after seeing the confused expressions on these people's faces, Akas did not regard them as his own kind.

   It's like there are many mirrors floating around, and Akas is the light refracted between the mirrors.

  Xi He's expression was full of surprise, as if he had seen a miracle.

  Akas's speed was too fast. Those floating experimental subjects hadn't stabilized their center of gravity. Before the second round of attack could start, they were killed by the streamer-like Akas cleanly.

   Akas raised his knife and dropped it, and ran to the next one without any hesitation once he succeeded.

   Like the footsteps of death harvesting life! With the help of two power thinkers, this silver-haired **** of death wiped out all the experimental subjects Xi He had prepared with just a snap of his fingers!

   Among them, there are even some super experimental subjects whose ratings were originally higher than Akas.

  The pure white arena was instantly stained with a large swath of crimson.

  When the figure of Akas stopped again, those noisy and even noisy breaths had disappeared.

  He stood coldly in a pool of blood, his whole body was covered with blood, except for that silver hair, which was clean and dazzling.

  Like a touch of white snow against a blood-red background.

  Xi He's expression became a little more serious.

   Originally thought that these battles would put some pressure on the three defectors.

   They should at least get hurt.

  But I didn't want most of the experimental subjects in the entire super-s-level experimental area to be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

   The battle is not over.

  Akas's figure didn't stop, and the six S-level experimental subjects who were covered in black mist and guarded Xihe became his next target.

  Xihe looked at Akas with a half-smile.

  The serum injected by these six super s-class test subjects is the serum of an extremely rare elite-level creature.

  Akas has the serum of the fastest Lei Xiao in his body.

From the perspective of the doctors who cultivated the experimental subjects, the difference in strength between the owner of the elite-level serum and the owner of the natural disaster-level serum is not as huge as that of the elite-level creature and the natural disaster-level creature, but they still have almost the same proportion of winners and losers .

   But there are very few exceptions.

  Akas's speed was extremely fast, like a winding line—quickly crossing the necks of the six figures.

  The seemingly gentle cut can easily cut off a person's spine.

  But something weird happened, Akas only felt the force of the feedback seem light.

  I seemed to hit them, but it seemed like I didn't hit anything.

  He looked back, his pupils shrinking.

  Six flying human heads floated in the air, but in the next second, the bodies of the six severed experimental subjects, as if they had been liquefied, began to change into an irregular fluid shape of the machine, merging with the heads in the air.

  This process is very similar to those liquid metal men in science fiction films.

  Xi He's voice sounded:

   "On the southern border, near the Dark Sea, there is a place called the Unending Swamp."

   There are no other creatures in the swamp, only a strange soil called endless silt.

   This is information that we have not disclosed to humans. In fact, this soil itself is a living thing.

   This kind of creature is very rare, because it is not aggressive, so we count it as an elite creature.

  The ability of the seamless silt is that it can be reorganized anyway.

   No matter how violent and shattering the attack is. "

  This behavior of playing while uncovering the bottom line is very wise.

   But the reason why Xi He said this was only because this so-called cage fight was a preparation for testing Akas and Yuan Wu.

  The seamless silt is not aggressive, but the six super experimental subjects injected with serum are.

   Their bodies softened and split infinitely, ready to wrap Akas.

  Akas's reaction is also very fast, his speed is extremely fast, not just the speed of running. The speed of swinging the dagger is also exaggerated.

  At the moment when the six experimental subjects who could not be attacked by physical attacks surrounded him, several cuts cut the six experimental subjects into countless tiny pieces.

   But without any blood.

  He could only see the sticky, earth-colored body, which expanded rapidly, and then merged with other bodies that flew out to be recast.

   During this process, Akas noticed that these were not six experimental subjects at all, but one experimental subject.

  He can't imagine what kind of state this person is in, can he still be counted as a human being?

  Feeling that the opponent was in trouble, Akas did not forcefully confront him, but winked at Tang Suo and Ye Yuanwu very calmly.

  The next second, Akas' figure suddenly retreated.

   Tang Suoye stared at the mass of mud shrouded in black mist.

  The powerful thoughts struck again, and the whole ball of mud floated in the air, as if a glass of water had been spilled in the weightless space.

   At the same time, the terrain of the arena also changed again.

  The flat terrain became covered with thorns, and these thorns pierced Xi He in an instant.

  When the silt man was dragged by Akas and Tang Suoye, he was in charge of attacking Xihe.

  The mutation also happened suddenly at this time.

   It was just a short moment, as if the arena had been brought back to its original appearance in an instant.

  At the same time, Akas felt that his legs were as heavy as lead.

   Tang Suoye's eyes still glowed like the deep sea, but he found that he couldn't use his thoughts.

  The unique feeling disappeared instantly.

  The three of them seemed to be deprived of their abilities.

   But the mud man didn't, his body was still splicing together. Not long after, he appeared in front of Akas intact.

  Although the speed of the silt man is not fast at all, Akas' speed has completely slowed down.

  The silt man approached Akas again. Tang Suoye wanted to help, but he just couldn't establish the slightest connection with Nianli.

  It seems that there is an extra magnetic field here, as if human talents will lose their talents when they return to the pyramid.

  But the experimental subjects of Akas are still strong in the pyramid, not because of talent, but because of the power in the serum of beasts.

  When Akas was puzzled, Xi He explained:

   "Among all beasts, there is a catastrophe-level creature named Zang Lin.

  Every value of it is very ordinary, like a perfect creature, it can be classified as a catastrophe by us only because it has a powerful ability.

  Everything is silent, and all beasts hide the forest.

  When any creature encounters Zang Lin, its body functions will return to its weakest state.

  It’s like, when you haven’t mastered the use of mind power to change the malleability of matter on the zeroth day, or before you are injected with the serum of the deer of Eden, a natural disaster-level creature, on the 19th.

   Or Akas, when you are not so fast. "

   Xihe moved forward slowly, stepping into the center of the arena.

"It's not easy to catch a Cang Lin. My name is Xi He, the God of Calendar. Cang Lin can bring you back to the weakest moment, so I also accept the injection of these dirty animal blood. After all In order to manage human beings, gods will also pollute the mortal world."

  Xi He looked at Akas:

   "Your abilities are indeed very strong. The combination of the three of you is beyond my imagination, but what I want to see is even stronger, which can be called the power of evolution."

  A chill spread, and Akas couldn't help thinking that if there was no thought power—

  Yuan Wu and Tang Suoye lost their mind power, and they are not much different from ordinary people.

  Akas barely avoided the attack of the mud man.

   Years of physical exercise made his body far superior to ordinary people even without the blessing of serum.

  He has never heard of any experimental subject that can withstand the serum of a catastrophe-level creature.

  From the very beginning, he felt that Xi He was speaking in an outsider's tone.

  Who is this person?

  Xihe looked at Akas coldly, and said:

"Starting now, the test is entering the second stage, Akas, and Yuan Wu. If you want to beat me, you need to show strength other than serum and prepare emotionally. I will do it for you. This girl is just right. Useful."

  Akas' eyes widened, and he froze. Because the mud man didn't attack him again, but used the fastest speed—

   ran to Tang Suoye.

  (end of this chapter)

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