The monkey said with a guilty expression:

"Master, the disciples failed to protect the younger brothers and sisters, please master to punish!"

Ziyuan quickly said:

"Master, as a senior sister, I failed to protect the juniors, Master, please punish me!"

Jun Ao said with a hoarse voice:

"Master, the disciple is incompetent, unable to..."

Li Xuan interrupted directly:

"Okay, okay, don't talk anymore, you still have half your life left and you can do it?"

Jun Ao gave a dry cough and dared not speak any more.

Li Xuan looked around and glanced over their faces one by one, and finally showed a bright smile, but quickly converged, coughing dryly:

"Your performance is a teacher..."

Everyone's hearts were caught instantly, waiting for Li Xuan's scolding.

Unexpectedly, Li Xuan's next sentence shocked their hearts:

"As a teacher, I am still very satisfied."



Everyone's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it.

The monkey said:

"Master, the disciple was so embarrassed to lose and lost your face, you still..."

Li Xuan interrupted the monkey directly:

"Goku, Wukong, if you talk about you, the juniors and sisters are all confused. After all, they are all teenagers. But as a senior brother, a monkey of several hundred years old, you have even the most basic knowledge. No."

"You are not in the realm of Golden Immortal Daluo, and you can maimed a group of half-holy chaotic elements. Is this shameful?"

"Do you know the realm of this old fellow who tortured you to death?"

"This is the peak of the Holy Realm."

"A sacred peak who has lived for thousands of years is not ashamed to bully a group of little kids who have practiced for less than a year,"

"This is shameful!"

Everyone was dumbfounded when he said this.

What the Master said, seems to make sense.

Feng Jian and Fu Niu's faces were extremely ugly, and their faces were full of shame.

Because they are all powerhouses at Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's peak, but they were beaten like this by a group of people lower than their own level, and Master Shadow came to rescue...

Li Xuan ignored their expressions and continued:

"Why don't you act as a teacher?"

"I just don't want to bully the weak with the strong like this old man is not ashamed,"

"If this old man is not ashamed to do anything today, even if you kill someone, you will not do it as a teacher."

"Because you are inferior to humans and cannot cross the border to kill the enemy, you are not qualified to be my disciple of Li Xuan."

"But this old man is not ashamed to take action and bully my apprentice. As a teacher, he will naturally take action, teach lessons, and seek justice for my apprentices."

With that said, Li Xuan looked at the blind man and said lightly:

"I'm not ashamed, since you are shameless and bully my apprentice, then I will bully and bully you. Isn't it reasonable?"

The blind man looked at Li Xuan and said blankly:

"Happy to accompany you."

As he said, he held the middle of the black stick with one hand and the end of the black stick with the other, slowly exerting force.

The wooden stick was slowly pulled out by him, revealing a white sword body.

This is a sword!

Li Xuan watched him draw his sword out of its sheath, and smiled:

"You use weapons, if I don't use weapons, I wouldn't be too smart."

With that said, Li Xuan looked at several disciples and frowned:

"Look at you one by one. Good weapons are all used for you."

"Jun Ao, use your Qingping sword as a teacher."

With that, Li Xuan stretched out his hand to hold it imaginarily, and the Qingping sword in Jun Ao's hand flew into his hand.

Li Xuan held the Qingping sword in his hand and said lightly:

"I'm optimistic. I will only demonstrate it once for the teacher. The sword is used in this way."

With that said, Li Xuan drew his sword out of its sheath.

One foot,

Two feet,

Three feet!

Three feet green front, all out of the sheath!


Qingping Jianfeng buzzed, like cheering,

Everyone's eyes widened. They all knew that the Qingping sword in Jun Ao's hand was an extremely powerful weapon. It was because of this sword that Jun Ao had such a terrifying strength.

But I have never seen this sword unsheathed a foot, let alone completely unsheathed!

At this moment, Jianfeng was completely out of the horrible coercion and sword aura, suffocating all of them, including the master of the sword, Jun Ao.

It turns out that this is the true power of Qingping Sword!

With this coercion, even the two black-clad men Feng Xiu Fu Niu showed fear on their faces.

And the blind man showed a solemn expression for the first time:

"This is the legend, Qingping, the sword of Master Tongtian?"

Li Xuan smiled:

"I regret it now, it's too late."

"I'm not ashamed, I don't bully you either,"

"I only use the Hunyuan Daluo realm cultivation base to make a sword. After a sword, regardless of life or death, let this matter go away."

As he said, Li Xuan slowly handed out the Qingping sword in his hand.

This is an ordinary trick to stab, although it is very slow, but the blind man feels that there is no way to go back, as if all the way back is blocked.

He understood that he had to take this sword if he took it, or if he didn’t take it, he had to take it!

The blind man shook his middle long sword abruptly, his body aura suddenly soared, his holy realm peak cultivation base broke out to the extreme, facing Qingping Jianfeng, it was a sword point.

"Shadow Kill One Sword!"

This sword, as if integrated into the world, disappeared in an instant.

Let everyone's heart be chilled, they asked themselves, if they face this sword, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

But Li Xuan's sword made them feel nothing.

It seemed to be an ordinary and powerless sword handed out by a person who had no cultivation base or martial arts.


The tips of the two swords finally touched together.

There was no waves, just a soft sound of collision between gold and iron.

Li Xuan handed out a sword, and then took the sword into its sheath.

There is no earth-shattering, mountain-breaking and earth-shattering as imagined.

It seems to be sparse and common for eating and drinking.

But the blind man stiffened on the spot. The blade of the long sword in his hand began to crack every inch. The hand he held the sword fell weakly, and his expressionless face was now pale.

Li Xuan said lightly:

"You abolished my big disciple's golden cudgel, and I abolished your sword."

"The arms of my three apprentices were scrapped by you, and I scrapped one of your arms."

"You have badly injured my apprentices, and I have also badly injured you."

"It's reasonable to treat the other body by the other's way, isn't it?"

The blind man was speechless.

At this time, in his body, countless terrifying innocence was rushing around.

Just suppressing these zhenqi has consumed all his cultivation.

The eyes of the wind sickle next to him were red:

"Master Shadow!

He glared at Li Xuan:

"Your apprentice exchanged arms with me, what's the matter with Lord Shadow?"

"You are deceiving too much!"

Li Xuan smiled:

"Are you still coming to kill my apprentice?"

"If I don't kill you all, it is already a gift. What qualifications do you have to reason with me here?"

The wind sickle was also willing to fight, and he was about to stand up with an angry shout:

"Then you kill it!"


Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder, pressing him in place.

Feng Jian suddenly turned his head, only to see a familiar face, and his whole body trembled suddenly:

"Lord, master."

"Yo? The boss is here, you want to give it to your men, will you come out?"

Li Xuan looked at the burly man in the black robe with a smile on his face.

At the moment the burly man appeared, a beautiful woman in a gray robe also appeared beside Li Xuan.

The burly man looked at the beautiful woman, then looked at Li Xuan, and smiled:

"Not urgent,"

"Today's matter, I have taken note of the Dao Destruction Organization and the God Hunting Tavern."

"Let's, Japan will be long."

Li Xuan laughed and said:

"If you are afraid of this auntie, I can keep her from taking action."

The beautiful woman rolled her eyes, but didn't dare to complain.

The burly man looked at the beautiful woman and smiled:

"It's not that I am arrogant. If I want to make a move, you, a friend who has just stepped into the realm of God, I really don't care about it."

Beautiful woman yin and yang strange airway:

"Oh, it's the first time I heard someone say so uniquely, I really laughed at the slave."

The burly man was unmoved, and with a wave of his hand, he put all the members of the Extinction Organization into his sleeves and turned directly away.

The beautiful woman saw that the burly man disappeared, her expression became a little solemn, she leaned slightly towards Li Xuan and said:

"I have seen seniors."

Li Xuan said lightly:

"Broken so soon?"

The beautiful woman stretched out her hand to lift the hair around her ear, and whispered:

"Only relying on the help of seniors can the slave family step into the realm of gods."

Li Xuan smiled without saying a word.

The beautiful woman looked solemn again and said:

"Senior, there is a saying in the slave family, I don't know if it should be said or not."

Li Xuan didn't care:

"It's about God Hunting Tavern."

The beautiful woman's face is solemn:


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