Zheng Tu was very "generous" and gave tens of thousands of yuan to Che Zhiguo's hundred officials, but everyone was very happy.

In fact, this is also because there are few people in Daxia, and the portal has personnel restrictions, so only some technicians and combatants can come over.

Ordinary work can only be done by people from other worlds, and sharing some benefits can also save a lot of trouble.

"How about it? These tens of thousands of yuan are a huge amount of money, are you satisfied?"

Zheng Tu tapped.

"Satisfied, satisfied, I really appreciate the generosity of the Great Xia Kingdom.

King Xue Wu smiled as if he had bloomed. Can you not be satisfied? Last time, he exchanged all the copper coins in his house, and only then did he exchange more than 100 yuan for the currency of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Isn't this tens of thousands of yuan a huge amount of money?"

"Well, then just now some people objected to our requisition of labor, this matter?" "

Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we have just been discussing whether the Great Xia Kingdom only recruits 60,000 laborers! We have nothing else in the Che Zhi Kingdom, and there are coolies, although the Great Xia Kingdom will requisition. "

King Xue Wu's face is also thick, and the city wall is still thick, and he can say this.

It's all about the rhythm of being able to sell anything for a little benefit.

Xue Yingyao was speechless for a while, but it was okay, she was the most reluctant to clash with the Great Xia Kingdom.

For such a powerful country, it is better to provoke less.

The factory started, 60,000 laborers worked in three shifts, and the people and machines were resting.

In the beginning, the products were made in the simplest and some semi-finished products.

Because the people of the other world could not be aware that there was another world, this secret had to be hidden as long as possible.

These semi-finished products are shipped out of the Atlas Factory, and the final finished products are assembled on the Blue Star.

Of course, at the end, it is necessary to print a sentence "produced in Great Xia"!


Han Cheng was in the office, and a sound sounded in his head.

Congratulations to the host for completing the task of living and working in peace and contentment, recruiting 50,000 workers, and upgrading the portal by one level. [

Portal system, host Han Cheng, level, level 11. [

Height, 9 meters. 【

Width, 9 meters.】 [

The number of people allowed to pass, 11995/15000 people.

【Special Skills,Firearms Specialization!Toxicity Resistance Advanced!Sword Skill Awakening Intermediate!】【

Auxiliary Facilities, Oil Pipelines. [

Strength, 100

] [Defense, 110] [

Speed, 60]

Very good, I just went back to the regular meeting.

Han Cheng pursed his lips and smiled, got up and went back to Blue Star.

That's when Number One happened to come in and reported.

"Colonel, the materials in the Spirit Sword Sect's Scripture Pavilion have almost been sorted out, and some of the documents are very interesting.

"This otherworld is not only the human race, but also other races, among which the largest number and the largest scale are actually the sea tribe, and the sea tribe and the human race are feuding, and they have been fighting each other for ten thousand years. Then

Number One handed over a map, a chart from another world.

Unexpectedly, this other world also has seven oceans, but there is only one continent, lying in the middle of the ocean.

Dragon City is located in the southeast of this continent, and to the south is the endless sea.

"I have sent this news to the comrades of the Ministry of Oceans, and they said that they will be careful, so far they have not found the sea tribes, but they have found a lot of natural gas in the coastal areas. Number

One couldn't hide his excitement.

"Colonel, the oceans of this world are completely unexplored, and its resources will be more abundant than we can imagine.

Han Cheng nodded, this is very good, there are so many resources that the Great Xia Kingdom must develop.

As for encountering the Sea Clan, if there is no conflict, Han Cheng will not bother to pay attention to them.

But if it hinders the development of the Great Xia Kingdom, then it must strike with an iron fist.

No force can stop the rise of the Great Xia Kingdom!"

"I'm going back to the meeting, and you're in charge of everything here for the time being."

After an explanation, Han Cheng returned to Blue Star.


The Atlas Development Conference is all good news.

First of all, the construction of the Otherworldly Factory allowed the Great Xia Kingdom to have a large number of cheap labor, so that the products continued to remain competitive.

Then the head of the Ministry of Oceans straightened his back, and a large amount of natural gas was discovered in the coastal area of Longcheng, and the reserves were very staggering, and he asked for the immediate start of exploitation.

However, to exploit natural gas, you first need sea vessels, and Longcheng does not even have a seaport, so you can only build a seaport first and follow the steps.

But judging from the strength of the infrastructure power of the Great Xia Kingdom, this is not a problem.

After the meeting, Han Cheng wanted to leave but was stopped by the leaders of the sports department.

"Han Cheng go slowly, I haven't thanked you for the last training camp, let's go have a cup of coffee." Han

Cheng thought of his uncle, and he drank coffee twice, so don't be an introducer.

I didn't want to go, but the leaders of the sports department dragged and pushed but didn't drop, so I still went.

When I arrived at the café, there was a large group of people here, all looking at the TV.

It turned out that the track and field Grand Prix, the men's sprint event, was being broadcast live.

"It just so happens that the following is Wen Xiang's project. The

leader of the sports department got excited, pulled Han Cheng to sit down, and ordered two cups of coffee.

Han Cheng understood, this is to let himself watch the sprint race.

These team members had just finished the training camp in Dragon City, and they didn't know how they were progressing, and Han Cheng was also very curious.

Looking up at the TV screen, the game above has begun.

Several athletes lined up in this way, sprinting hard after the starting gun sounded, each competing for the lead.

"The crowd is now leading the way with the athlete of Mei Guo, Philip the Flyer, who is also the current world record holder, and he is now leading the way...... "

Oh, no, my country's Wenxiang athlete suddenly overtook him, and it was unbelievable that this speed ...... It's more than a position...... We won, we actually won!" the

narrator was thrilled, because this sprint event has always been Meiguo's strong point and has never lost to other countries.

But now the people of Great Xia have won, and they have won so easily and domineeringly.

"It seems that a new world record has been created! I can't believe it, this is one of our veteran players, he is still injured, it was rumored that he was going to retire before, but now he has created a miracle, just like our country, in creating miracles......"

Wen Xiang on the sports field was already in tears, he was draped in the flag of the Great Xia Country on the track, and the people of the Great Xia Country around him were cheering.

The whole café was boiling.

The leader of the sports department was a little infarcted, he said with a smile.

"Han Cheng, you have helped us a lot, do you know how many dreams this first place has made us come true, thank you so much. "

You're welcome, thank you for the coffee.

Han Cheng was equally excited, but he had more things to do, and after taking a sip of coffee, he got up to leave.

When he came to Zao Wou-Ki's office, the general was busy, but when he saw Han Cheng coming, he immediately stopped what he was doing.

"Why does Han Cheng have time to come and see me?"

"General Zhao, I have nothing to do but go to the Three Treasures Palace, so let's just say it, I want to do something with you."

"What's the matter?"

"Can we hold a big military exercise in the whole army, I need a military exercise with millions of people to show our momentum, and this military exercise must be filmed in the whole process."

Han Cheng's request made Zao Wou-Ki slightly stunned, and then he understood.

"Do you want to bring the Otherworldly Propaganda to let the people of the Otherworld know the divine power of my

Great Xia Kingdom?" "Yes, I want the people of the Other World to know the true strength of our Great Xia Kingdom.

Han Cheng's eyes flashed with essence.

Zao Wou-Ki nodded heavily, he fully supported this matter.

"Very well, our psionic engine has been developed and equipped on new planes and warships, it's time to show your muscles.

At the same time, a dinging sound sounded in Han Cheng's mind.

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