Fifty miles away from Wangxian Village, there is a hill, and there is a cave on the mountain, and there is an immortal cultivator living in it.

Zhu Heng is a monk with the dual cultivation of qi, and this cultivation can be regarded as just entering the ranks of immortal cultivators.

The hierarchical division of immortal cultivators in the other world is Qi Lian, Foundation Building, Jin Dan, and Yuan Ying.

Each grade is divided into 10 levels.

He is a casual cultivator who just came here ten days ago and wants to do penance behind closed doors.

But looking at the fact that there are no two halves of spirit stones in his pocket, this penance is a joke.

"No, you have to go out and try your luck, otherwise how can this immortal path be achieved.

Reluctantly got up, Zhu Heng walked out of this immortal mansion.

In fact, the so-called luck is actually to rob.

But his cultivation is too low, so he has only practiced qi twice, and no one can beat him.

Even if you sometimes meet someone who has a heavy Qi practice, who is lower than his realm.

If someone has a magic weapon or something, he has to admit it and take a detour.

There is no way to force the most hard-working casual cultivator is like him, he has nothing on his body, he can only bully mortals.

"Alas, I think I, Zhu Heng Shuanglinggen Cultivator, have excellent talents, but unfortunately I lost in the cultivation resources.

Zhu Heng couldn't help but sigh that his spiritual roots were water and wood twin spiritual roots, which complemented each other and were superior among the monks.

But because of the lack of resources, he has been stagnant in Qi cultivation for several years, how can this not make him sigh for a long time.

At this time, a golden yellow in front of him caught his attention, and he took a look.

It was actually a spiritual field, the spiritual valley was ripe, the breeze was blowing, and the full ears of grain were flooded with a faint spiritual light.

Zhu Heng's heart was moved, spiritual rice is also a cultivation resource, and it can also improve cultivation after eating.

He couldn't wait to rush to Lingtian and came to Wangxian Village, and found that all the people around him were mortals, and there was no immortal cultivator.

"Haha, God really helps me, it's time for me Zhu Heng to send a sum today.

Zhu Heng's eyes flashed with greed, and he did not hide the ecstasy in his heart.

At the same time, he pinched a trick in his hand, aimed at a thatched hut and threw it out.

A burst of fire burst out, and the hut ignited instantly, and in the blink of an eye, the flames burned to the sky.

"Listen to it all, quickly go and collect the spiritual valley in the field for me, and give it all to me.

Zhu Heng roared loudly, as an immortal cultivator, he didn't look down on the mortals around him at all.

Even if they had hundreds of them, what could they do?

A small spell could scare them half to death.

Sure enough, seeing an immortal entering the village, the villagers of Wangxian Village ran around in horror, and the village was in chaos.

The village chief hurriedly ran out and pleaded with Zhu Heng.

"Daxian's subordinates are merciful, these Linggu are all from Yunyue Sect, and they are given to you, and we are also guilty of capital punishment when we ask for a crime over there, and I also ask Daxian to raise his noble hand. "

The village chief can't help it, in this world of immortal cultivation, it is difficult for ordinary mortals to fight against immortal cultivators, and the opponent can knock down a large number of mortals with just one spell.

And he didn't dare to hand over the Spirit Valley, if the Spirit Valley was gone, the Yunyue Sect would also not let them go.

"Hmph, I don't care about your life or death, quickly go to collect the Spirit Valley for me, and if you dare to hesitate, I will kill all of you mortals.

There was not the slightest pity in Zhu Heng's eyes, in the world of cultivating immortals, the strong were respected, and he wanted to achieve the path of immortals as soon as he scattered his cultivation, how could he be soft-hearted.

With a bang, another spell was thrown out, and the village chief's house turned into a sea of fire,

and the village chief turned pale with fright, frightened and distressed.

He also knew that if he continued to resist, this immortal would definitely kill someone, and then he and the villagers would lose their lives.

Let's live first, as for the punishment of the Linggu Yunyue Sect, I can only think of another way.

Gritting his teeth, the village chief shouted.

"Daxian spares his life! We are willing to offer Linggu, and we also ask Daxian to raise his noble hand.

"Then hurry up, whoever dares to swallow it slowly, I will kill it too!" Zhu

Heng's palm was another flame rising.

Although he was a Shuimu Linggen Cultivator, he was still the most practical fire type spell against these mortals.

Look at a few fireballs, as soon as they are thrown, they are already scared, and they are obedient.

Later, as soon as the Spirit Valley arrived, he would leave, and these Spirit Valleys were enough for him to practice for a few months.

Sure enough, I had good luck today.

Zhu Heng's heart was already proud, but he didn't know that a group of people in the Dragon City in the distance were paying close attention to him.

"Mr. Han, should I save the villagers of

Wangxian Village?" No. 1 asked Han Cheng for instructions, he controlled the drone terminal in his hand, and everything Zhu Heng in Wangxian Village was filmed on the display screen.

The corners of Han Cheng's mouth curled, and a wave of joy surged from the bottom of his heart.

This guy who broke into Wangxian Village can use spells, and he is obviously an immortal cultivator.

Didn't you just want to capture the immortal cultivators?

didn't say it, this vote is dry, and this guy must not be let go.

"The lives of the villagers have nothing to do with us, they are of little value. "

But this immortal cultivator is very important to us, so we must capture him alive.

Han Cheng stared at No. 1.

"Do you have the confidence to take him down?" No

. 1's eyes flashed with essence, as a special combat soldier, born and died for the country and the people, how could he retreat.

Immediately cut the road to the knack.

"I'm sure I'll get the job done. "

Okay, that's all I want, let's go.

Han Cheng was full of energy and ordered loudly.

In order to capture the immortal cultivators, he asked for twenty combat personnel with strong combat effectiveness a few days ago, and also asked for a batch of non-lethal weapons, which was the right time to come in handy.

Three infantry fighting vehicles, a Type 90 tank drove out of Dragon City.

Rushing to Wangxian Village, the four cars had to be painted in camouflage, which was integrated with the surrounding green vegetation, and it was almost impossible to find without looking carefully.

Getting closer, Han Cheng let the tank move slowly.

Zhu Heng over there didn't notice the approach of the chariot at all, and he was still showing off his might to coerce the villagers to harvest the Spirit Valley.

At this time, Han Cheng ordered.

"Reload, give that immortal cultivator a shot first, remember to deviate from the target thirty meters. "

Han Cheng wants to test whether the immortal cultivators can withstand the attack of modern weapons.

It would be bad if you couldn't resist being hit by a single shot, so it was 30 meters away from the target just to be on the safe side.

This distance should be just right, as long as it is an immortal cultivator, it should be able to survive.

Bang! The

tank ran away, and the 125 mm caliber gun was very powerful, and a shell landed accurately 30 meters beside Zhu Heng.

The explosion set off a wave of qi and overturned Zhu Heng directly.

Zhu Heng fell into a dog and ate, got up with a confused face, and said in his heart What is going on

? Nine Heavens Xuanthunder! Heaven Descends Punishment

? It's impossible to think about it, Lao Tzu is just robbing a small village, and God can still be angry?

Just when he was in a daze, he saw the chariots and tanks that were coming quickly, and at this moment, Zhu Heng's eyes were about to fall.

What is this? It's covered in iron bumps.

Especially one of them didn't have wheels yet, just a chain-like thing rolling, and a long pipe on top.

And it looks bulky, but it's not slow.

It was so rumbling that it was like a rainbow.

Zhu Heng was dumbfounded, where had he seen a tank, it was simply blinding his eyes.

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