In the northwest of Cangyang County, the Sanyang Mountains lie across this area, and Qingyangkou, where the Pofeng Camp is stationed, is also located in this area.

After Liu Zhen collected five thousand shi of grain and grass, he asked the county captain Ding Sheng to send someone to escort the grain and grass to Qingyangkou.

The person Ding Sheng sent was his brother-in-law Zhang Shanyong. Zhang Shanyong's sister was Ding Sheng's second wife. He loved to dance with guns and clubs since he was a child, and he had no problem with seven or eight county soldiers with a muddy iron gun.

In addition, there is a brother-in-law who is a county lieutenant, who is also a well-known figure in the county barracks.

This time Ding Sheng entrusted Zhang Shanyong with the task of escorting food and grass because he is good at martial arts and loyal to him.

The distance from Cangcheng to Qingyangkou is nearly 150 miles, and it has to pass through three or five dangerous terrains. If you really want to change to a half-hearted person, you can lose the grain by yourself without other people robbing the way.

Now that cartload of food is no longer money, it is life!

Zhang Shanyong was dressed as a county soldier and rode a tall horse. In addition to the iron spear hanging on the horse, he also had a Yanling knife at his waist.

Zhang Shanyong is eight feet tall, taller than ordinary people, and he looks even more mighty when riding a horse.

"Brothers, step up your guard and transport the food and grass to Qingyangkou as soon as possible. After returning to Cangcheng, I will invite everyone to drink and ask Lord Ding to reward everyone!"

Zhang Shanyong is not a dandy who relies solely on nepotism to become a thousand households. He is competent for his official position in terms of force and ability.


"Master Qianhu, don't worry, we will do our best to transport the grain and grass to Qingyangkou."


A good guy with three gangs, with a few nails hammered all over his body, Zhang Shanyong knows that if he wants to secure his position, the relationship between the top and the bottom must be hard, and there must be a group of people working hard for you, plus a little bit of himself Only with strength can he go more and more steadily, even surpassing his brother-in-law, Ding Sheng Ding Junwei.

Therefore, although Zhang Shanyong in the county barracks can't say that he loves soldiers like a son, he has done a good job of winning people's hearts.

This time, Zhang Shanyong brought a total of 700 people to escort the food and grass. These are all the county soldiers under him who are capable of fighting.

At the same time, there were 300 coachmen accompanying them, who were either driving or pushing the carts.

Zhang Shanyong had made full plans for this ration transportation trip. When he learned from his brother-in-law that the sheriff was worrying about collecting rations, he had already started to make preparations secretly.

In other words, Zhang Shanyong is a capable person. He knew from the beginning that the county guard must collect enough grain, so he must need a grain transport officer who can escort the grain safely.

What's this? This is the opportunity!

An opportunity for the county guard to see his ability, and an opportunity for the adults of the Zhenbei Army to see his ability.

If you are dealing with a few thieves who don't have long eyes on the way, you will show your face even more.

If any adult from Zhenbei Army took a fancy to him, that would be a great opportunity for him.

If there is anything wrong with the county barracks, go to the battle barracks if you want to go, preferably the battle barracks of the Fourth Army.

So Zhang Shanyong carefully planned a hop-hop grain transportation route. The route is short and the terrain is simple, and the route rarely passes through remote places, so it is very safe.

The only downside is that you have to go through two more dangerous mountain passes.

One is the remaining veins of Sanyang Mountain. It is said that there are bandits in the mountain who often go down the mountain to rob.

The other one is a lonely mountain with a cottage on it.

It is unbelievable that the grain escort chose a route with two robberies.

Why did Zhang Shanyong dare to go like this?

Did he really think that he and the hundreds of soldiers under his command could deal with the bandits in these two places?

It may be possible to win, but the casualties of the county soldiers are definitely inevitable, and the loss of food and grass is more likely.

Zhang Shanyong swollen?

of course not.

The reason why he dared to choose such a bold route,

It was because of the arrival of the Zhenbei Army.

After Pofengying arrived in Cangyang County, it wiped out the bandits who were rampant in the village with lightning speed, and deterred the eighteen bandits from fleeing back to Yangchang.

Then under the leadership of Zhang Zhixiao, they swept from Sanyang Town in the northeast to Qingyangkou in the northwest.

All the thieves on this route were unlucky, they either fled to other places, or were wiped out by the Pofeng camp like a thunder.

The premise for Zhang Shanyong to formulate this route is that these two dangerous places have been swept away by the Breaking Front Battalion not long ago, so they should be safe.

However, he still has the awareness of vigilance that he should have. After two days of trekking, the food transportation team is about to pass through the first dangerous place.

"Everyone, pay attention to vigilance, beware of sneak attacks by thieves!"

Zhang Shanyong reminded his soldiers to strengthen their guard.

Not all thieves can rob a team of nearly a thousand people, so as long as he is not careless and is not plotted against by thieves, there should be no major problems.

Sure enough, Zhang Shanyong watched the last grain truck of the grain transport team pass through the mountain pass without any accidents.

"Phew... keep going at full speed, go to camp fifteen miles away, and I'll give you extra meals!"

Zhang Shanyong made a promise to his men.

After everyone in the food transportation team heard it, the speed that had slowed down was raised again.

Zhang Shanyong's reputation is very good, and everyone believes that he will not break his promise.

After walking peacefully for another day, the food transportation team was less than thirty miles away from Qingyangkou.

It was the hottest time at noon. In the past few days, Zhang Shanyong would ask the food transportation team to find a shaded place to cool off at this time to avoid heatstroke.

But today, he has not issued an order to stop and rest.

One of Zhang Shanyong's Baihu came to him, raised his head and asked, "Master Qianhu, I don't know when to rest today, those coachmen are almost unable to hold on."

Although the county soldiers wore some armor, they were still not hotter than the cart drivers.

Although it is almost September, the temperature at noon can still reach above 35 or 6 degrees.

It is impossible to march quickly under such high temperature and sun exposure without heat stroke.

Zhang Shanyong also wanted to stop and rest, but if they didn't hurry now, they would have to drive overnight to reach Qingyangkou today.

If the speed is slower, it can only be arrived tomorrow.

Neither of these two results was what he wanted, and there were too many variables.

However, it is obviously not a good way to travel under the sun, and it will get twice the result with half the effort if you walk on.

"Take a break in the woods ahead, tell the brothers and the coachmen to work hard today, and if you arrive at Qingyangkou before tonight, you will be rewarded."

"Yes, Master Qianhu."

Baihu hurriedly went to the front to convey Zhang Shanyong's order. Whether it was a rest or a big reward, it was good news. It would definitely improve the morale of the grain transportation team, so we must let everyone know as soon as possible.

At Si time, the sun was not as fierce as at noon, so Zhang Shanyong called the county soldiers and coachmen up.

"Go, go!"

Everyone wanted to reward the silver, and after hearing Lord Qianhu's shout, they got up swiftly, those who were in charge of guarding the guards, and those in charge of driving got up and drove the cars, each performing his duties, and after a while they started on their way.

This is already an extraordinary performance for the county soldiers and coachmen, and it turns out that silver is the biggest motivation.

In addition to time constraints, today's grain transportation team also faces a difficulty.

Erlong Mountain, one of the few independent mountains in Cangyang County that is not connected to the Sanyang Mountains, is named after two mountains.

"My lord, there is Erlong Mountain in front of me, do you want to check it first before going there?"

Zhang Shanyong looked at Erlong Mountain, which had already occupied half of his field of vision, and felt a little embarrassed.

"Immediately take someone to quickly inspect Erlong Mountain, and tell the drivers to slow down a little, but don't stop."


Neither stagnation nor excessive aggressiveness, Zhang Shanyong thinks his method is very good.

A hundred households led people to investigate, and returned to Zhang Shanyong before the grain transport team arrived at Erlong Pass.

"Master Qianhu, there is no problem, Erlong Mountain has not found any trace of the thief."

"Okay, speed up, after passing Erlong Mountain, Qingyangkou is in front of you, tell everyone to work harder!"


The grain transportation team passed the Erlong Mountain Pass in a mighty way, and on the mountain, nearly two thousand pairs of eyes were silently waiting for them all to enter the encirclement.

Not found doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Hundreds of soldiers in the county are in a hurry.

"The boss, the fat sheep have all entered the encirclement."

"Okay, brothers, kill!"

Bandit robbery still needs to be called, and the whole army is right.

whoosh whoosh...

"Enemy attack, enemy attack! Pay attention to concealment!"

The sound of arrows firing sounded, and Zhang Shanyong knew that someone was in ambush.

"Damn it, Wang Ming misunderstood me!"

Wang Ming is the hundred households who have just been in charge of investigating Erlongshan.

But now is not the time to pursue responsibility, he wants to defeat these daring bandits, does he really think that he can win by surrounding us?

You look down on me Zhang Shanyong too much, I am not those two idiots in Cangcheng.

bring it on! Let me see who dares to rob my food?

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