Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 633 Conspiracy

"Wait... has [Time Ripple] appeared here?" Ammu suddenly realized where this familiar feeling came from.

"Huh? What's wrong? There is indeed a saying that about a thousand years ago, this place became full of life with the blessing of Rabbi Celebi..." Zhulan mentioned an uncommon "legend" at this time.

According to legend, the forest north of Enzhu City began to appear thousands of years ago.

Ancient people believed that "Celebi" could not only travel through time, but was also the god of the forest. Wherever he appeared, the grass was luxuriant...

However, modern people have understood something more deeply - "Celebi" itself will not make the grass and trees lush. It is the dissipated power of "Time Ripple" after "Celebi" has dealt with [Time Ripple] that will make the grass grow lush. The surrounding area has been full of life for a long time.

Of course, "long time" cannot last for a thousand years. The forests in the north of Yuanzhu City are now very ordinary. Because of the cold weather in autumn and winter, they are not very lush.

However, scholars have indeed verified that thousands of years ago, there was an extremely lush forest environment here that defied the climate.

After two phases of verification, it should be believed that [Time Ripple] has appeared here before.

It's just that the time point of "thousand years ago" is somewhat inconsistent with the seven hundred years before the [Bell Tower] was built.

"I seem to...feel a [time ripple] forming nearby!" Ammu said, rubbing the center of his brow.

This feeling is the same as when Eminem had the power to sense [Time Ripples] in "Girls' Gap" before, because of his "forehead protection", he felt like being "blown" into his head by [Time Ripples]!

Maybe it's like after a cold wind blows hard on your head, you become sensitive to the breeze?

Zhulan's eyes lit up when she heard this and said, "So... Celebi will come?"

Wherever there are [time ripples], "Celebi" will definitely appear. Zhulan never expected such a harvest!

"The feeling is still very slight, let's go up and have a look first..." Eminem said after sensing it carefully.

Then the group of people returned to the stairs. This time Zhulan released his "Bite Land Shark". It bent down and put the fins on its arms in front of everyone.

At Zhulan's signal, after everyone stood up, "Bite Land Shark" raised his arms and lifted them to a height of more than two meters, and then jumped back to the stairs before the break...

"By the way, be sure to be optimistic about [Shipai]." Eminem turned to remind Sakura.

"Don't worry! I'll look at it myself!" Xiao Ke said with half of his body exposed from the backpack on Sakura's back.

Previously in Yanmo City, [Shipai] suddenly took effect, sending Eminem back to two years ago - compared to "Celebi" who can communicate and may even know Eminem, [Shipai] is uncertain. Too much sex!

Now that [Time Ripple] appears, we have to make it more honest.

"Is this also Kuro Rido's magical creation? It's really magical." Zhulan stood aside, not too surprised.

After all, as a mythologist, Sister Zhulan is well-informed...

Seeing that [Shipai] has been "guarded", Eminem felt a little more relieved. From now on, he only needs to wait for "Celebi" to come over.

This is not the first time Eminem has dealt with "Celebi". Whether it is the one he knows or not, "Celebi" is a very friendly beast.

After returning to the first floor, Zhulan took Amu and others to the stairs to the second floor.

Unlike the secret and narrow stairs on the first floor of the basement, the stairs to the second floor are in a very conspicuous position.

This staircase is winding and folded. From a distance, it looks like a huge hollow pillar, going up to the top of the rock more than ten meters high...

While walking, Zhulan also curiously asked Eminem whether [Shi Pai] had brought him any trouble.

For Eminem, there was nothing he couldn't say, so he told Zhulan about what happened in Yanmo City.

"I see... time travel occurred while taking the elevator? Indeed, in mysticism, [stairs] do have the symbolic meaning of traveling through time and space. It seems that [elevator], as an extension of [stairs], also has a similar image... ..." Zhulan has studied mythology for so long, so she naturally understands this.

After arriving at the second floor of the "Scorched Tower", everyone continued to the third floor without stopping. Sunlight could already be seen at the stairs, because the third floor itself collapsed a hundred and fifty years ago. .

At this moment, Zhulan’s illustrated book rang...

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm right in the Scorch Tower..."

"What? Let them recover as soon as possible!"

"The signal here is not good, I'll send you a text message..."

Zhulan hurriedly answered a phone call.

At the same time, not far outside the "Scorched Tower", Kotai, the president of "Kotai Network", hung up the phone angrily - "Kotai Network" is a company that provides Internet services in the Sinnoh region.

At this time, Kotai no longer looked like a business elite. Instead, he was dressed in a smart outfit. He was accompanied by his bodyguard "Gu En" and several trainers who seemed not to be trifled with.

"How's it going? Is our information correct...Mr. Kotai." A man in black next to him reminded.

Kotai glared at him angrily, but he still said calmly: "Thank you Team Flare for reminding me this time. I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Kotai originally came to attack "Celebi" secretly. He understood that "Celebi" would reveal its weaknesses when absorbing [Time Ripple]. After all, he had tasted the benefits!

Eighteen years ago, he captured the power of "Time Ripple" from "Celebi", which gave him the ability to "predict the future."

So from a Pokémon poacher, he became the legendary businessman today...

But just before he was about to take action in Yuanzhu City, someone from the "Flash Team" appeared and reminded him that Zhulan was nearby!

Of course, Kotai didn't want to give up, so he deliberately made it look like there was a malfunction, paralyzing some important networks in Sinnoh, and took the opportunity to send people to test Zhulan.

After learning that Zhulan was really in Yuanzhu, and even really in the "Scorched Tower", Kotai had no choice but to give up.

The man in black left immediately. If you look carefully, you will find that under the sunglasses and disguise...it is the staff member who was at the door of the Burnt Tower before!

Although he is not even a formal member and does not even have a code name within the black organization, in addition to his work in the Quartz Alliance, he does have a second job - an undercover agent belonging to the "Flame Team".

"President, do you want to change the previous arrangement..." Gunn asked at this time.

"No need! Let's evacuate directly...immediately!" Kotai said angrily at this time.

The power of "Time Ripple" that he captured before is now about to be exhausted. If he does not "renew" it in the past two years, his ability to "predict the future" will expire...

In order to maintain his business kingdom and maintain his status as a successful businessman, Kotai must "calculate" "Celebi" again!

But this time with Zhulan here, Kotai felt that even if he succeeded in subduing "Celebi", there would be nothing he could do to Zhulan. He could only calculate the time and place when the next "time ripple" would appear in Tianguan Continent.

It's just that Kotai did not dismantle the trap set up for "Celebi" before. Firstly, it was too late, and secondly... he was confident that after triggering it, there would be no trace left behind, and no one could find it on him.

And just when Eminem and others were about to reach the third floor...

Time - time!

Accompanied by a burst of "Celebi's exclamation" that came from nowhere and sounded far and near, a violent time fluctuation swept through, and at the same time, the stairs that Eminem and others were walking collapsed instantly!

It happened that Zhulan was still sending messages at this time, asking in detail about the "Koutai Network", but failed to stop it at the first time...

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