Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 264 Fortunately, I didn't bring it with me

Ah Mu took Xiao Ai together, first went to Daosi Shopping Mall not far from Professor Zhengsi's home, briefly bought some door-to-door gifts, carefully collected the shopping receipts, and then went to visit Professor Zhengsi's home.

"Papa papa" knocked on the door, and a middle-aged woman who was visibly overweight opened the door.

"Here we come... Huh? You are..." The woman with perm was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Ah! Are you friends of classmate Yamei? Hey... What a pity."

The perm-haired woman obviously heard her husband talk about Eminem's visit today, and also recognized Yami, so she expressed regret and said a few words of comfort.

Then he led E'Mu and Xiao Ai to the study on the second floor.

thump thump——

The professor's wife knocked for a long while, but no one responded. Eminem couldn't help feeling tense, and Xiao Ai looked even more serious.

Eminem just wonders if the "Conan breath" on his body has not dissipated, causing the old professor to encounter some kind of crime, and Xiao Ai has already suspected that someone from the dark organization did it!

But Xiao Ai thought about it again, and felt that it didn't look like it - if it was them, they should burn down the house with a fire.

"It's strange... You told me in the morning that there was a guest coming at noon, did you fall asleep?" the professor's wife asked wonderingly.

"Hold me up!" Xiao Ai looked up and found that there was a ventilation window on the top of the door, so she hurriedly said to E'Mu.

"Ah?" Ah Mu was taken aback when she heard this, but after hearing Xiao Ai's words, she still put her hands through her armpits and lifted her up high.

Xiao Ai: ...

"Face inward! Does this mean I'm looking at you?" Xiao Ai said speechlessly.

"Chaoli? Oh!" Only then did Ah Mu realize that Xiao Ai wanted to look inside the room, so...

Just let Geng Gui get out of the shadow... No, to be precise, he got in through the crack in the door below!

Xiao Ai: ...

Only then did Xiao Ai realize that she didn't need to see it by herself?

But he gave Eminem a blank look even more speechlessly—so just now, I thought that I just wanted you to "raise high" right?

"Ah!" The professor's wife couldn't help exclaiming when she saw Geng Gui.

"Don't be afraid! It's my Pokémon, I'm afraid that the professor will be in danger..." Eminem quickly comforted him.

Before the professor's wife said "what danger could there be?" Geng Gui inside shouted, "Someone fell to the ground!"

Eminem's heart tightened when he heard this - how could it be like this without Conan? If I had known earlier, I might as well have taken it with me, at least I could solve the case!

"What? I..." Mrs. Professor panicked when she saw this.

Eminem said quickly, "Do you have a spare key?"

"No, no, the only key is with my husband..."

Before the professor's wife finished speaking, Ah Mu had already released Ah Duan—with the tonnage of the super-armored wild rhino, it didn't hit much, and it felt like he forced the door open!

At the same time, Ah Mu, Xiao Ai, and the professor's wife also saw Professor Masami lying on the ground, and the bookshelf beside him also fell down, and everything was in chaos.

"Oops! Report to Junsha, don't destroy the scene of the crime!" Eminem said seriously.

Well, at least Eminem left a shopping receipt - if the time of death was not long ago, he would have sufficient alibi.

After all, we are in the same city with Conan, and Eminem follows the principle of "you must keep the receipt when you are innocent, and you must completely destroy the receipt when you want to kill someone".

But at this moment, Xiao Ai calmly took a few steps forward and checked the "corpse" of Professor Masami...

Eminem quickly asked, "Do you still know forensics?"

Obviously the "Xiao Ai" in this world is not a "scientist" in biology...

Xiao Ai glanced at him and said: "I don't understand forensic medicine, but I can tell that there is breathing...it's quite stable!"

slim Shady:……

"Honey! What's wrong with you!" The professor's wife hurriedly stepped forward and shook Professor Masami.

Just now I heard what Eminem said about the "crime scene", and the professor's wife was really taken aback for a while, and then she came back to her senses - no matter how you think about it, people of this age may faint due to their own health Bigger!

And after she shook her, Professor Masami was really woken up...

Seeing this, Ah Mu whispered to himself in a voice that only Xiao Ai could hear: "It's a good thing I didn't bring Conan, how could I save him?" It was completely "thanks to me".

"Hiss... what's going on? Why did I fall asleep?" Professor Masami said, and looked suspiciously at the chaos in the room and the strange Eminem.

"Hi, Professor Masami, I'm Eminem who talked with you on the phone last night..." Eminem quickly introduced himself.

"Last night?" Professor Zhengsi was stunned for a while, and then said: "Oh! By the way, there is such a thing...Why did you come so early?"

Seeing this, Amu became a little worried. There are also dementias in this world, and the professor is also at this age...

"Honey, what's the matter with you? Didn't you say that the appointment with Mr. Eminem is at one noon?" The professor's wife took the initiative.

"Eh? It's already one o'clock? Tell me what's wrong with me..." Masami looked at the messy room in confusion.

"Look at the way it looks here... If it's reasonable to speculate, is it because you were climbing up the bookshelf to get something, and then the bookshelf fell down and you fell down, so you fainted?" Xiao Ai said calmly from the side.

The professor's wife looked at her husband reproachfully...

Professor Masami also wondered: "Should... no, right? There is nothing on the bookshelf, and I am also at this age... Even if I want to go up, I will take a good step stool." But this tone, it sounds Some guilty conscience.

"That...Professor Masami, about the USB flash drive..." Seeing that there was nothing serious about it, Ah Mu hoped to change the topic.

"Oh! By the way, I'll give it to you first." Professor Masami seemed to want to change the subject as soon as possible.

But then the old professor searched in the drawer for a long time, but he didn't seem to find anything. Seeing this, Eminem already felt a little bad.

"Strange, why is it missing?" Zhengsi said to himself.

"Are you sure it's in the drawer?" Seeing that he was only looking for the drawer, Ah Mu reminded him.

"It must be there! All my USB flash drives are here...why are they gone?" Masami was a little flustered as he spoke.

"All?" Ah Mu frowned when he heard this, it seems that he didn't remember it wrong... It seems that things are not that simple!

"By the way, you said before that there are other guests in the morning? Are they here?" Eminem asked hastily.

"Come...or didn't you come?" Zhengsi said and looked at his wife. There was obviously something wrong with his memory, but fortunately, it was only today's memory.

The wife said helplessly, "I'm not at home this morning..."

"They didn't come here to pick up the USB drive, did they?" Xiao Ai asked keenly.

"Well, it is indeed three people who came to pick up the USB flash drive..." Masami said honestly.

When Ah Mu heard that there were three people, he immediately sighed in his heart for his wit - if Conan appeared with three of his "enemies", it would be impossible to save the gods!

"I think...it's time to report to Junsha." Ah Mu said calmly.

"Ah? You don't need it?" Professor Masami looked reluctant, but the professor's wife had already been persuaded.

"At present, it seems likely that someone hypnotized you, causing you to coma and lose your memory, and then took away all the USB drives... You'd better check again, there are still many other things missing." Xiao Ai stood aside analyzed.

When the professor's wife heard this speculation, she hurriedly reported it to Junsha, but Professor Zhengsi's house did not lose anything else, including his wallet, which was also fine...

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