Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 144 Girl's Gorge

Union 200, May 26.

Early in the morning, after Eminem and Xiaoxia had breakfast in Pokémon, they rushed to the port and took the boat that Xiaoxia negotiated rent yesterday to Maiden Gorge!

If you just go to Maiden Gorge, Dead Leaf City has regular boats, which is definitely cheaper than renting a boat, but Xiaoxia will go to sea from Maiden Gorge to try to track Laplace, so she must rent a boat.

After all, it was "near Maiden Gorge" who discovered Laplace, and Laplace would not swim directly to the port!

What Xiaoxia rented should be a normal fishing boat, with only one owner, who is also the captain and sailor at the helm. Afterwards, within the scope discussed in advance, he will go wherever Xiaoxia asks him to go...

"Let's go to Maiden Gorge today, and rest for one night in Maiden Gorge, and then go to the waters where people witnessed Laplace to search, and return on the 30th at the latest." Xiaoxia and the owner confirmed the itinerary.

"Okay, no problem! Don't worry, I have three white sea lions here... As long as it is not a particularly big storm, I will dare to accompany you. If the boat capsizes, I can carry us back, hahaha..." The ship owner said Quite cheerful and optimistic.

And there is no taboo at all!

"However, it is not easy to meet Laplace. I have been at sea for so many years, and I only met one last year... It was just one." The owner chatted very talkatively.

Xiaoxia immediately asked with interest: "Really? Where?"

"It's around Maiden Gorge," said the ship owner.

Hearing what the captain said, Xiaoxia was both excited and apprehensive.

I was excited because I witnessed the Laplace group, which was probably true, but I was anxious... The owner of the ship seemed to be in his forties or fifties, and he had only seen it once after all the years at sea.

Eminem was lying on the railing of the deck, looking down at the sea curiously.

When I went from Rampur to Zhenxin Town, Eminem also took a boat, but it was a large passenger ship, and the deck was very high from the sea—it was Rampur, a small seaside town on the west side of Ashwood Town, not Dead Leaf City. Next to the Blue Poole Resort.

Xiaoxia came over at this time and said: "When I subdue Laplace, I don't need to rent a boat to go to sea!"

Indeed, except for the Gyarados, Xiaoxia's Pokémon are not suitable for water riding, otherwise they don't need to rent a boat. As for the Gyarados...they are not suitable for riding.

"By the way, what you said... I don't have a Pokémon to ride now. During the duel with Xiaozhi, Duan evolved. When we are on the road again, let's ride one." Ah Mu suddenly remembered .

Xiaoxia rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and said at the same time: "I don't think I need it for a while. When I go to Rampurqi later, I can take a boat, and maybe I have conquered Laplace. Then I will go to Rainbow If you are in the city, you must buy a ticket directly.”

Eminem figured it out, and it was true.

I'm not in a hurry to find a new mount Pokémon...

The speed of the boat was not fast, but luckily the distance to Maiden Gorge was very short. At around 2:00 in the afternoon, Eminem and Xiaoxia arrived at Maiden Gorge.

Xiaoxia often surfs, and the water quality is very good, so she doesn't get seasick naturally. Eminem has a strong physique and is also very adaptable, which relieved the uncle of the ship owner, so as not to have to wash the deck.

Although the small town of Maiden Gorge is small, it is quite lively now. After all, today is the day of the Maiden Festival!

And along the way, Eminem saw several spooky guys, and even... there were two umbrellas during the day!

Sure enough, many of the people attracted by the "girl ghost" were trainers of the ghost department.

Haunting ghost stories and exploring ghost places are also things that ghost trainers are willing to do - it is best to find ghost Pokémon, and even if you can't find it, you can add some underworld breath to yourself...

When Ah Mu and Xiaoxia came to the Pokémon Center in Maiden Gorge Town, they found that it was already full.

After all, the size of the town is small, and only during this time of the year are there a lot of people, so the Pokémon Center cannot guarantee that all new trainers can live in free rooms.

"Sorry, you can choose to pitch a tent in the camping area, and we will also ensure the safety of the camping area and food delivery..." the staff of the Pokémon Center said.

"Forget it, let's go to the hotel." Eminem said helplessly.

But it's not that poor, and you have to pitch a tent when you come to the town!

"Then this coupon is for you. If you need Pokemon-related services, you can come back anytime." The staff said, and gave two coupons to Emma and Xiaoxia.

Emma and Xiaoxia took the coupons and went directly to the hotel above...

"Huh? What are you going there for? It's on the slope here, it seems not far from the Shrine of the Girl." Ah Mu looked at the map and then at Xiaoxia.

"I... went to see that takoyaki shop, hehehe..." Xiaoxia laughed dryly.

In fact, Xiaoxia also looked at the map just now, but it was reversed!

Eminem has already guessed, but as a thoughtful adult, he still waits in line with Xiaoxia to buy takoyaki.

Xiaoxia came to the end of the line, looked at the people in front and said, "There are a lot of people... why don't you forget it?"

At this moment, a voice that Ah Mu and Xiaoxia felt faintly familiar came...

"Beautiful lady, I don't know if I can offer you my fiery love, just like this hot takoyaki..."

I saw a squint-eyed boy offering takoyaki on one knee to a woman who was also impatient in line!

"Xiao Gang?"

"Are they there?"

Ah Mu and Xiaoxia immediately recognized who this slut was.

It’s true that I just met yesterday at Dr. Sakuragi’s research institute. With the kindness of these three guys, it’s not impossible to rush over after hearing the rumors...

Um? Wait, this legend belongs to Maiden Gorge...

When Ah Mu was about to think of something, he suddenly saw a child with a potato head crawling along Xiao Gang's body to the top of his head, and said to the lady who smiled awkwardly: "Beautiful big sister, Eat mine! This perverted brother must be thinking something bad!"

"Thank you, thank you! Little brother..." The lady on the side resolutely chose the more innocent-looking child.

Immediately, the boy with the potato head showed a "pure smile".

"Hey! Who are you? Come down!" Xiao Gang immediately lifted the boy with the potato head down.

At this time, a couple rushed over and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...Xiaoxin, you are naughty again!"

"Really, my parents must have caused you a lot of trouble, right?" Xiaoxin also apologized in a downbeat manner.

"That's what we're talking about!" the couple yelled at him.

But in this way, Xiaogang can't say anything, and Eminem... has nothing to say!

I always feel that the three people in front of me are full of instant vision, and I really want to ask: Does your family have a lot of mortgages?

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