Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 137 I hate...

Although Huadao is in the first grade, when he saw Liansi, he immediately started to quarrel and said, "Caizi, how come outsiders come in casually?"

"Oh, they are from the Sakuragi Research Institute. They want to see everyone practice. It seems that there is something that needs to be coordinated..."

As soon as Caizi opened her mouth, Huadao curled her lips and said: "We still have to practice basketball, how can we have that time, let's drive them away... together with those guys!" girls.

It seems...they are all "fans" of another classmate Afeng.

"What's none of your business? After a while, you and your Pokémon will also participate in the second group of passing and catching exercises. Let me see if you have mastered the basics!" Gangxian knocked on the flower path angrily.

During the five minutes of rest, coach Anxi took out another elf ball, and it was the "Magic Wall Doll" that was released from it.

"Please." Anxi said, looking at the magic wall puppet.

The latter nodded when he heard the words. Looking at the movements, it seemed that the magic wall puppet had also reached old age.

Then I saw that the magic wall puppet rubbed out a transparent "wall" little by little - this is not any skill, but uses the characteristics of the magic wall puppet to create various "barriers" to create a "wall". A temporary barrier similar in nature to the division between the inside and outside of the basketball court!

Don't look at it as if it is old and not suitable for battle, but it can skillfully create this special barrier.

Otherwise, it would be too dangerous for humans to catch the ball with the full force of the Pokémon, and if the Pokémon deliberately withdrew its force, the training effect would be compromised.

The barrier made by coach Anxi's magic wall puppet is actually unqualified to be placed in the competition venue. After all, the serious venue not only has its own facilities, but also more than one Pokémon is working hard, not an old magic wall man Occasionally replaceable...

Fortunately, these high school students and Pokémon are not very strong, so they can barely be used for practice!

After coach Anxi came to Kubei, the training quality of the basketball team has been greatly improved. Firstly, Anxi's own level, and secondly, his ball target Rotom and magic wall dolls are also suitable for training.

After the magic wall puppet finished its work, Gang Xian saw that it was almost time for a break, so he immediately clapped his hands and said, "Okay! Get up, let's practice passing the ball!"

I saw that the members present, except for Sakuragi, each released two Pokémon. Among them, Captain Gangxian released a throwing monkey and a smart-wielding gorilla...

"Pfft...cough cough." Amu accidentally laughed out loud, and immediately pretended to be choking.

At this time, Huadao whispered from the side: "Hey, it looks similar, right? I'll say it's the orangutan trio..."

It wasn't until being shrouded in the shadow of Gangxian under the light that Huadao became honest.

And next to Huadao is his only Pokémon partner-a hooded bastard.

This is the evolution of "Slick Boy". Considering that it needs level 39 to evolve, this "turban bastard" has at least level 39, possibly more than 40. As a student at school, this level is already very high!

The most conspicuous thing is that the red "hair" on its head, which looks like a cockscomb, is faintly larger than that of ordinary "turban gangsters"-in "turban gangsters", the larger the hair crown, the better the qualifications.

Another conspicuous little boy, when releasing his Pokémon, caused the girls outside the venue to scream.

It's really a Lucario, an Elledo...

Obviously this should be classmate Afeng.

"whispering sound……"

Eminem and Huadao found that the other party also made the same voice.

"Meow, I hate people who pretend to be "beep" the most." Huadao whispered.

"I always feel that every time I see Lucario, it's in the hands of a trainer pretending to be "beep!" Eminem also added.

Of course, only Huadao and Lianji next to him heard it, and the latter just smiled awkwardly.

Huadao's "dislike" towards Eminem because of "suspected personnel of the Sakuragi Research Institute" was greatly reduced, and even began to increase in positive favorability.

As for Elle Duo, it is a variant of the male Xanadu—note, it is not the male form of Xanadu, Xanadu itself has males, but only the unevolved body of the male "Xanaido family" can evolve into Elle Duo , Different from Xanadu who is "fairy + super power", Elle Duo is "fighting + super power".

"Fighting" is a common attribute of basketball players.

Other Pokémon...

They are all passers-by!

"This is a newly bought game ball. If anyone breaks it by using skills other than the regulations, he will compensate me according to the price!" Gang Xian said and took out a technologically-looking ball." Ball", and glared at Huadao.

And Huadao just smiled awkwardly at this time, obviously he was the one who broke the game ball before!

Eminem also knows this. In basketball games, most of the skills are on the "banned list", and only a small part can be used.

Gangxian said that everyone should be divided into two groups and four teams with three people in each team—because the field is not as big as the normal infield, and now we need to "simulate" the infield and outfield. To occupy one half of the court, not only is it completely different from the real division of the inner and outer courts, but the area is also very "crowded".

It is mainly to simulate the interactive passing of the inside and outside fields, and the steals during the interactive passing, and practice in two batches.

The vice-captain (Mu Mu) Gongyan wearing glasses saw that Hanamichi was on the same team as himself, and they were both in the second group A, so he said to Gang Xian in the first group: "Gang Xian, let's switch between the two."


There is only Hanamichi in the team, there is only one Pokémon, and there is only Gang Ken, and there are three Pokémon - after all, it is neither a special Pokémon school, but they are all students, there are more than one Pokémon, and most of them are on vacation The result of "remedial lessons (short-term travel)" by myself.

Because I don't plan to be a trainer, I don't care about the "newcomer competition", and I won't wait until I graduate to receive the illustrated book...

But in the first grade, it is the most normal for Huadao to have only one Pokémon!

Gang Xian has already nodded in agreement, and if he does not seek "foreign aid" from other bench members, he can only be with Huadao.

But at this moment, Huadao always felt that Afeng looked at him, as if he was contemptuous!

Of course, this is entirely his own imagination, Afeng just looked around normally.

"Hey, kid, what's your look?" Hua Daoguo broke the group.

"Huh?" A Feng just responded with an unwavering expression.

Huadao was even more sulking when he saw this, but he looked around... Yohei and the others didn't come today, otherwise he would have "borrowed" a foreign aid Pokémon from Yohei at this time.

Huadao looked left and right, skipped Liansi directly, looked at E'Mu and asked cautiously: "Are you also from the research institute?"

When Caizi was about to remind Huadao not to provoke the "visitors", Ah Mu directly shook her head and said, "It doesn't count, I just went to have a meal today, and then...help him carry things." She pointed at Lian Si .

Regarding Eminem's cutting mat, Lianji just smiled awkwardly, but Caizi's eyes became more and more confused.

Huadao saw that Eminem was not from the research institute, and also had a friendship with "people who hate pretending to be 'beep'" with him just now, so he pulled him aside and said to the others: "Don't worry about me, I'll borrow it from this friend A foreign aid!" Then he asked Eminem in a low voice: "By the way, your debut as a trainer...hasn't been three years?"

"I just received the illustration book this year and started traveling..." Eminem said truthfully.

"Eh? Then you look old!" Huadao was surprised.

"Ahem, I should be the same age as Captain Gangxian, I just got the illustration book later!" Ah Mu guessed that he thought he was only sixteen years old.

"So that's how it is..." Huadao said, and instinctively glanced at Gang Xian: "When you mention the captain...you look younger by comparison."

As a result, Gangxian was keenly aware of it, and turned his head to stare at it, Huadao hurriedly avoided his gaze with guilt.

Dongdong: The Conan line is getting too much and I’m tired of it, and my brain cells are wasted. Let’s start the "Slam Dunk" line...

To be precise, it is the "Pokémon Basketball" line, not only "Slam Dunk", but also "Heizi's Basketball" and "Captain Tsubasa"...

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