Pokemon: Reborn Xiaozhi, Make Up For Your Regrets And Become Stronger

Chapter 245: Vs. Lorelei, Everyone Is Watching!

"Contestant Xiaozhi, it's time for you to take the stage for an exhibition match!"

As soon as Xiaozhi left the lounge, a woman in uniform with round glasses almost bumped into him.

"Yeah, got it, let's go now!"

Xiaozhi nodded and immediately walked to the player channel.

The player tunnel for the exhibition match is similar to the Indigo Plateau Conference. Xiaozhi needs to wait here for a while before hearing his name called by the commentary broadcast.

In the field, facing the disappointed audience, the referee quickly came to the rescue.

"Next, let's invite Rival, the winner of the last Quartz Conference Champion, Xiaozhi from the second round of the Lorelei Masters Exhibition!"

The originally gloomy audience immediately became excited.

They are no strangers to the name of the Orange Alliance and the actual big brother of the Kanto Alliance.

The exhibition match between the champion of the last Indigo Plateau Conference in the Kanto Region and Master Lorelei should be interesting, right?

At least it should last longer than the previous one whose name has been forgotten, right?

As for Xiaozhi directly defeating Lorelei, they never thought about it.

Although one is the champion and the other is Elite, the Indigo Plateau Conference champion is not the Region champion.

It's just a symbol of the strong younger generation.

It’s a far cry from Region Elite!

Not to mention that the Elite Four of the Kanto Region are placed in some other Region Alliances and even have the ability to serve as Region Champions.

They just think that this game can be more exciting and entertaining, and it will also allow them to learn something.

Facing the long-awaited flowers and applause after the Quartz Conference 593, Xiaozhi walked out of the player tunnel, stepped onto the podium step by step, and looked at Lorelei across the battlefield.

The closer distance allowed him to observe Lorelei more carefully.

It has to be said that although this outfit does not push Xiaozhi's xp very much, it is enough to increase the attack speed of any man, including him.

Although Lorelei is still single, she is a mature woman after all.

She knows how to dress well!

Looking away from Lorelei's plump and slender legs, Xiaozhi waited quietly.

"Viewers, we can now see that Xiaozhi, the champion of the last Quartz Sky Club, has come to the battle podium.

His face was very young, and it was noteworthy that he had only been traveling for one year.

He is a truly talented Trainer!”

As the commentator revealed the identity of Xiaozhi Rookie Trainer, the audience became more and more excited.

The combination of the two words "genius" and "rookie" can always give people a sense of freedom and uninhibitedness of a young man in bright clothes and an angry horse.

Who hasn’t fantasized about being a genius Rookie and attracting the attention of thousands of people?

Even if you can't do it in reality, it is possible to substitute it.

Among the viewers who all supported Lorelei, there were a few more who stood by Xiaozhi.

Although it is clear that the (bbfh) genius Rookie will not be able to kill the big devil in the first battle, it does not hinder their imagination.

"The rules of the exhibition match are 3v3. Master Lorelei is the first to release Pokémon. During this period, challenger Xiaozhi can change Pokémon. If all three Pokémon on one side lose their combat capabilities, it will be deemed a failure and the battle begins!"

Lorelei stretched out her hand to push up her glasses on the bridge of her nose, and the lenses reflected a dangerous gaze.

Instead of just sending out the second team of Pokémon like they had to deal with the man in the role just now, they directly took out the visual list.

"Come out, Dewgong!"

A Pokémon with an elegant shape, pure white body, and almost the same appearance as Xiaozhi's previous sea lion, except for a small horn on its head, appeared in the battle field.

[Pokémon: Dewgong, Level: 7 Red

Xiaozhi's eyes flashed slightly, and sure enough, Lorelei still sent out the main Pokémon without sacrificing martial ethics.

I thought that besides the pygmy and huge Dragonite, his strongest Pokémon was only Elite level, so I wanted to teach him a lesson by using level suppression?

The stick education that was previously triggered before the Indigo Plateau Conference finals Lorelei got the right person on her mission.

This bad woman just needs a lesson with a stick!

If not for the Indigo Plateau Conference, the overall level of Xiaozhi’s Pokémon has improved a lot.

Just rely on Zapdos, without picking up Mewtwo and calling Dishang on behalf of you.

It is almost impossible to win this exhibition match.

First, there is a gap in the number of champion Pokémon, and secondly, there is a gap in level.

Lv71 Dewgong is okay, but if Lorelei takes out Trump Card Jynx, which has a high probability of reaching v78v79.

Even Zapdos had to kneel down before the Indigo Plateau Conference!

The last one is that there is a gap at the Trainer level.

Although Xiaozhi has been studying hard since starting the trip, coupled with his already good talent, and the deeper development of his brain brought about by awakening the power of Psychic and Waveguide, his talent advantage has been overwhelming.

Now it has a level that is not inferior to the Normal Elite Trainer.

But who is Lorelei? Elite in name, but actually champion Trainer!

Compared with her, Xiaozhi is a little younger and suffers from his younger age.

If only after a while, he might not be weaker than her.

It's just that at this point in time, he is destined to be at a disadvantage.

After three disadvantages, if it weren't for defeating Xiaoying's Swimmer, the random Pokémon level +6 reward would be randomly awarded to Zapdos.

Let it be directly promoted to the peak of Iv79 championship.

Even after the Indigo Plateau Conference, there are already more champion Pokémon on hand, including Pikachu Charizard and Zapdos, and they are not far behind in terms of numbers.

Xiaozhi guessed that he would have to bring Mewtwo over to fight in order to win steadily.

After all, Lorelei's Trump Card Jynx has always been a high wall that he can't get around.

As of now, Zapdos has a level of 79, a Species Strength that exceeds that of most Pokémon, and is equipped with an electric tower that increases the effect of electrical skills by 70%.

Xiaozhi is confident that even if he faces Lorelei who is getting serious at the Trainer level, he will be at a disadvantage after playing the Tokiwa Gym Kai for a long time.

You can still win this exhibition match.

As for the first-level god-level Mewtwo, it can still exist as one of his trump cards.

The trump card has been revealed, so why don’t I call it?

All the old men and women who play Landlord know that even if you have a big hand, you can easily lose the game by showing your cards directly.

As one of the Elite Four, every Pokémon in Lorelei is very recognizable.

Even though there were several Dewgong on hand, the audience still recognized the one on the field as the main force of Lorelei's team!

In other words, a real championship level!

The audience who realized this couldn't help but cast pity on Xiaozhi.

This young man is miserable!

I don’t know if Lorelei took any medicine today or if relatives came to see her.

In the exhibition match just now, just use three skills to lift the opponent down.

This time it was Xiaozhi's turn, and he sent out the real main Pokémon.

Isn't it an exhibition match with a teaching nature?

What does this teach?

Teach others to level up?

Some girls who have secretly fallen in love with Xiaozhi because of his handsome face and identity as a genius Rookie Trainer have closed their eyes unbearably.

I hope that after this blow, the male sex can recover his Contest Condition!

Dewgong, ice and water?

"The decision is yours, come on, Pikachu!"


Pikachu jumped down from Xiaozhi's shoulder and looked at Dewgong with warlike eyes.

It’s over, it’s useless!

The audience who saw this scene covered their faces with their hands.

Do they still know what Pikachu is like?

Although it looks cute, it is a bad street in Kanto and the Orange Islands. Even civilian Trainers rarely use it as the main Breeder Pokémon.

Xiaozhi is delivering!

(Picture: Cynthia!).

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