Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 505 The Two Gods of Time and Space: Okay, now you can summon us at any time!

Everything ended happily, no one was hurt and no one cried.

Arceus is ready to return to his own dimension.

But when he stood up to leave, Populus euphratica suddenly called him: "Arceus!"

Arceus turned around.

Hu Yang glanced at Gengar next to him.

Now only the ghost tablet is left on Arceus. Judging from what happened before, the tablet is the source of life for Arceus.

If the stone slab is lost, Arceus' body will also be greatly affected.

Arceus didn't mention it, but he had to say it.

But before he could speak, Arceus understood what he meant.

He looked at Geng Gui, shook his head slowly, and said, "I'll leave that stone slab to you for safekeeping!"

Hu Yang was slightly startled.

After saying that, Arceus flew away and returned to his latitude.

On the ground, Xiaozhi and others waved goodbye to Arceus: "Goodbye, Arceus!"

Hu Yang stood there and fell into deep thought.

According to Arceus, he doesn’t want the ghost slate anymore?

And He didn’t say when he would return it…

Populus euphratica and Gengar looked at each other without saying anything. Could it be that this ghost slate was Arceus' gift of thanks to him?

Hu Yang thinks this is possible.

However, he has no time to dwell on this matter now.

Because Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina were floating in front of him, looking at him.

Hu Yang looked at Dialga and asked, "Have you merged these two timelines?"

Although it was a question, the tone was very affirmative.

Dialga nodded. This was not the first time it had done this. "Only in this way can everything get back on track."

Hu Yang nodded, glanced at the three gods with a smile, and said: "Thank you for your hard work!"

With the anger of Arceus calmed down and Team Galaxy disbanded, the plot in the Sinnoh region has come to an end.

Next, all that was left was to go to the Lily of the Valley Conference to attend the championship award ceremony, which was something he had promised Sirona before.

At this time, Dialga and Palkia looked at each other.

Diamond orbs and white jade orbs flew out of their bodies and floated in mid-air.

The two gods also returned from their origin forms to their original ordinary forms.

Dialga: "You seem to have agreed to others' request to find the secrets of these two orbs."

Populus euphratica was slightly startled, and soon realized that they should be talking about Dr. Jie Zilan's incident.

Dialga continued: "Take us there, please don't refuse, this is our thanks."

Palkia on the side also let out a melodious cry.

Hu Yang: "...Okay."

He felt that Dr. Jie Zilan would be shocked.

"Take them, and when you need our help, call our names softly." Dialga said: "At that time, no matter where we are, we will find you."

Hu Yang nodded and said with a smile: "Yes."

The three gods in front of him took one last look at him, then turned around, traveled through time and space, and returned to their respective latitudes.

For a time, only Hu Yang, Xiaozhi and others were left on the Midina Giant Mountain.

"Dialga and the others also left?" Xiaoguang felt that this was a trip worth remembering.

"Yes!" Xiaozhi said softly: "Dialga and the others must also have their own things to do."

With that said, he turned around and looked at Hu Yang: "Senior Hu Yang!"

Hu Yang looked Xiaozhi up and down, thinking of the battle between Xiaozhi and Qixin he saw in Arceus' memory, and praised him: "You have become stronger again, Xiaozhi."

Xiaozhi was a little embarrassed.

Xina walked forward with a smile, looked at everyone, and said: "Everyone, thank you very much for your help!"

At this time, there was a gurgling sound in Xiaozhi's stomach.

Xiaozhi became even more embarrassed.

Fortunately, Xina didn't say anything, but said clearly: "Please come over here, I will prepare a sumptuous dinner for you tonight!"

Xiaozhi and others did not refuse, and Xiaogang rushed forward: "Miss Xina, Xiaosheng's cooking skills are very good. If you can, please and Xiaosheng..."

Before he finished speaking, a bad frog jumped out, grabbed Xiaogang's collar and dragged him away.

Xina covered her mouth and chuckled.

Xiaoguang said speechlessly: "Really, this guy is here again..."

Hu Yang stood aside and couldn't help but laugh at this scene.

Amidst the burst of laughter, the sun sank into the skyline, leaving only a beautiful cloud in the distance.

It's dinner time.

Xiaogang didn't give up yet, holding hands and dreaming: "It would be great to taste the dishes made by Miss Xina herself!"

Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to taste it.

The evacuated townspeople returned to the town one after another.

Even if they didn't experience it themselves, they could roughly guess what happened.

It was this group of young people who saved them and Midina!

Simple and kind-hearted people gathered in the square in the center of the town, lit a bonfire, placed sumptuous food on the table, and held a grand dinner.

The tall Rejichicas stood aside, and several children with smiles on their faces happily ran forward to help put on the knitted garlands.

But Regichicas was too high for them to reach.

When the ancient giant saw this scene, the three pairs of dots on his face flashed a few times, and then he squatted down gently so that these innocent children could put the garland on his head.

"Wow! So cool!" A little boy touched Rejichikas' thick and powerful arm.

Regichkas thought for a moment, reached out and picked him up, letting him sit on his arms.

So, within a few minutes, Rejichicas was surrounded by children holding garlands.

Hu Yang and Xiao Zhi sat together, looking at the warm scene over there, with smiles on their faces.

"Regichicas, the legendary giant Pokémon that dragged the continent. I didn't expect it to be so popular with children." Xiaogang looked at Regigicas with burning eyes.

Even now, he still hasn't forgotten the scene where Regichkas, who was dozens of meters tall, slapped Arceus.

Although it did not cause any harm to the opponent, the visual effect was also very strong.

Miao Miao, Musashi and Kojiro sat on the right side of Populus euphratica.

When the Pebbles of Sanctions fell, they also drove Porygon One to help many people.

Therefore, they were also regarded as heroes and wore garlands.

The meow with a garland on his head looked at the feast in front of him and swallowed wildly. Faced with people's sincere thanks, he couldn't help but said: "It feels so strange, meow..."

All the while, they were the villains who were blown away.

Musashi's eyes flashed. She looked around and suddenly felt that sometimes it was good to be a "good person" who helped others.

Among the three, Kojiro was relatively calm. He fed a tree fruit to the wind chime and corrected it: "No, I should say it feels great."

The wind chime on the side gently shook its body: "Ringling~"

As if agreeing with Kojiro's words, Musashi's Guo Ran also jumped out, made a salute gesture, and said: "So-Nas!"

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