The next day, Rikumaru got up amidst Cattleya’s complaints. Don’t get me wrong, Cattleya just came to Rikumaran’s room from her own room and woke Rikumaran up..

Although Cattleya usually has the habit of sleeping in, it is not as serious as Rikumaru. She usually wakes up at nine o'clock, while Rikumaru doesn't wake up until noon.

When your wife wakes you up in the morning, it feels good to Rikumaru, but he seems to be quite sleepy.

After washing up quickly and going downstairs, Cattleya had already ordered breakfast and was waiting for Rikumaru to come down to eat. The elves were already eating beside them.

After having a wonderful breakfast with Cattleya, the two of them prepared their luggage and prepared to leave Rainbow City.

Because he bought too many things, Rikumaru's backpack was already bulging. Fortunately, the space technology in this world is still good, and Rikumaru's space backpack is the latest model, otherwise it would really be impossible to stuff all these things.

"Come out, Wind Speed Dog," when Rikumaru and Cattleya walked out of Rainbow City, Rikumaru released his transportation tool

"Come on, Xiaoya, come up." Lu Wan, who was riding on the back of Fengsu Dog, grabbed Cattleya's little hand and pulled her up.

He held Cattleya's soft and fragrant body in his arms, and under his crotch was a majestic The fierce wind speed dog, life is really beautiful.

"Come out, Ghost Stone, Fire Dinosaur, Kuailosaurus," Rikumaru released the three elves and said,"Just stay outside, follow the Wind Speed Dog and don't get lost."

"Wanzi, why did you release the elf?" Cattleya said with some curiosity. Generally, trainers only let the elf out when necessary, and keep the elf in the elf ball the rest of the time.

""This is just to let them move around. After all, staying in the elf ball is not as good as outside," Rikumaru explained. In fact, Rikumaru just released three elves to fight wild monsters.

Although he has quite a lot of master coins now, But he couldn't sit still. Rikumaru had a strong sense of crisis.

In order to prevent Cattleya from misunderstanding that he was bullying the elves, Rikumaru also asked the three elves to go farther away to fight wild monsters. At least not to let Garde. Liya saw that if anyone was seen, they would not have to eat lunch.

"Well, then I'll let the elves out too," Cattleya felt that what Rikumaru said was very reasonable. The elves should indeed come out to move around more sometimes.

Now Rikumaru and Cattleya had more goths around them. The three elves, Miss, Artificial Cell Egg, and Yongjira

"Maruko, don’t you still have a Shakira, why don’t you let it out," Cattleya asked a little strangely when she found that Rikumaru’s Shakira was not outside.

"Shakira is currently accumulating energy while evolving into Bandira, so except for eating, I usually keep it in the Poké Ball," Rikumaru explained.

"Oh, that's right," Cattleya nodded in realization and said,"Wanzi, your Shakira has been cultivated very well, and the effort value is almost reaching the top. As long as it evolves to Bangira after reaching the top, I don't know how powerful it will be."What does it look like?" Bangila is a quasi-god, and his destructive power is still higher than that of Kuailong. Cattleya is very proud that her lover will have such a powerful elf in the future.

"The later the effort value goes, the harder it is to increase it," Rikumaru sighed. Among his elves, only Kati Dog has raised his effort to the top, and then successfully evolved into the Wind Speed Dog.

However, Rikumaru is still a little dissatisfied. Understand, according to the racial value of Wind Speed Dog of 555, which is higher than Charizard and Gengar, and second only to Quasi-God's 600, how could he be the first to raise the effort value to the top level?

After thinking about it, Rikumaru could only think. It's because the elves have different levels of effort. When they were still Kati dogs, Wind Speed Dog often increased the training time Rikumaru gave them on his own, so he probably evolved ahead of the Fire Dinosaurs.

"Xiaoya, you specialize in super-type elves, right?"


Cattleya, who has super powers, naturally cannot waste her powers, so like Nazi, she focuses on the super power system, unlike Rikumaru who completely wastes her powers.

"So Xiaoya, you only have three elves at the moment."

"Well, because I haven't met the right one, and there are too many and I can't cultivate them," Cattleya explained.

When Rikumaru heard this, he knew that Cattleya, like him, took the elite route. As long as they were masters, most of them would take the elite route. All are elite routes, of course, it does not exclude selecting the strongest elf among many elf and then abandoning the weak one.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here now, Xiaoya, you can catch whatever elves you want, I can raise them well even if you don't level up," Rikumaru said, patting his chest.

"Forget it, there are too many elves, it’s not fair to them," Cattleya shook her head and said.

Some people only use the elf a few times a year after catching it, and they have very little affection for the elf. Catching it is completely done on a whim, but once the elf has an owner, he has a very deep feeling for the owner.

""Wonderful" Dream was flying outside. He saw a giant butterfly and chased after it with a laugh.

"Yongjira helped me look at Mew." Looking at Mew that flew into the bushes, Rikumaru could only shake his head and told Yongjira to catch up.

Yongjira nodded, Cattleya's elf had long been killed by Lu Maru's food was bought, so he had no problem commanding them to fight.

"Mew is really naughty," Cattleya likes Mew very much. However, although Mew also likes Cattleya, she is more attached to Lu Wan.

"Haha, Mew is indeed still very young, just like you," Rikumaru blew a breath into Cattleya's ear in a bad way. He already knew that the ear is Cattleya's sensitive point.

""嘤" Cattleya immediately fell into Rikumaru's arms.

Rikumaran teased Cattleya. Although it was just a hand-to-hand addiction, it made Cattleya even more attractive.

Soon after, Yongjila brought Mew When they came over, looking at the uncomfortable look on Meng's face and the powder on his body, Lu Wan knew that it must have been beaten by the bad butterfly.

Lu Wan quickly took out a bottle of universal recovery potion and gave it to Meng. It wasn't the first time that Mew was beaten by a wild monster, but it just didn't stick to his memory, and it really gave Rikumaru a headache.

"Maranzi, what kind of potion is this? Why is it so effective?" Cattleya said with some surprise at the dream that suddenly became lively and energetic.

"This is a universal recovery potion," Rikumaru said proudly:"As long as the elf is still breathing, no matter what kind of injury it is, it can be recovered immediately."

Rikumaru's philosophy is that the things in the system belong to you, and what you buy belongs to you.

"Maruko," Cattleya couldn't help but feel a little annoyed in her tone, which confused Rikumaru. She didn't seem to have done anything bad. She just touched her waist a few times. Didn't she keep touching it all the way?

"How can you use such a precious medicine for minor paralysis? You can just use ordinary medicine." Cattleya felt that we must stop the waste of Lu Pills. This is completely using life-saving medicine to treat colds and fevers.

"This is it." In a moment of anxiety, Rikumaru forgot about Cattleya beside him and took it out directly. Since he couldn't tell Cattleya the truth, Rikumaran could only nod in agreement.

Seeing Rikuwan agree, Cattleya Nod with satisfaction


Because of the help of the wind speed dog, Rikumaru and the others were very fast, and they had already passed through a forest in one go. In fact, the main reason was that the forest was relatively small.

Although they passed through the forest, Rikumaru and Cattleya did not reach the city, but came to a rocky area surrounded by gray exposed rocks.

Because there are a lot of rocks, there are many rock-type elves here, and each has a strong sense of territory. As long as Rikumaru and Cattleya enter their territory, a boss will definitely appear with a group of younger brothers to beat Rikumaru.

At this time, in front of Rikumaru, there was a rumble rock with several rumble stones and dozens of small fist stones blocking the front of Rikumaru, as if he would not give him any money if he didn't pay for the passage.

Wind Speed Dog was already grinning at the rocks in front of him. As long as Rikuwan gave the order, Wind Speed Dog would let them know how sharp his teeth were.

".It seems we don’t have to stop for this stretch of road," Rikumaru spread his hands helplessly, actually feeling quite happy, wasn’t this just a gift to himself?

"It’s true, these little elves, didn’t we all tell them that we were just passing by, why are we still like this?" Cattleya, as a diplomat, tried to use peaceful methods to solve the problem, but these stone heads just didn’t understand.

"Okay, Xiaoya, it's useless even if you talk a little bit," Rikumaru hugged Cattleya and didn't want her to jump off the Wind Speed Dog to avoid any accidents.

""Kuailong" Rikumaru shouted to the sky.

He had just finished dealing with several waves of Kuailong, and when he heard Rikumaru's call, he immediately flew over.

"Wan Zi, please be gentle," Cattleya saw Kuailong coming and was worried that Lu Wan wouldn't strike lightly, so she warned her carefully.

""Yeah, I know," Rikumaru nodded. My brother is a gentle person and hates violence the most.

"Kuailong is left to you, please be gentle." In order to let Cattleya know that he is very gentle, Lu Wan also specially told Kuailong to reassure Cattleya.

""Aw" Kuailong nodded.

Even if Kuailong, who is at the peak of the king level, is merciful, these stones cannot stop him.

With a few"bang, bang" sounds........"

Rikumaru looked at the stones that had all revealed their circle eyes, shook his head and said:"Why bother, actually I really don't want to use force."

Rikumaru rode the wind speed dog and stepped on the"corpse" of many stones on the road again. , of course, some rocks that are not afraid of death will inevitably appear in the middle, but this time they are big rocks, and a few big rock snakes.

This time, Cattleya used Miss Gothic to solve the big rock snake. It seems that Cattleya also feels that negotiation is useless.

PS:Thanks to the"authoritative professor" for the false reward_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-Collection

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