Seeing a large wave of Team Rocket's elves falling to the ground, Rikumaru's heart suddenly ached. This was all wasted money. He had just wasted it. He had known that he would treat the injuries of these elves later. Okay, a bunch of losers.

After killing Team Rocket's elves, a lot of the resentment in the hearts of the elves in the warehouse dissipated, and the remaining resentment was directly directed at the members of Team Rocket.

After the noisy Team Rocket patrol, Rikumaru and Makoto stepped out of the warehouse with hundreds of elves, leaving behind a bunch of circle-eyed elves and a bunch of Team Rocket.

"Okay, real bird, let’s start our separate operations now. You take these elves outside, and I’ll go find Shangcun and Nan, uh, Nan, anyway, Doctor." There was a lot of movement just now, and everyone in the base must be Knowing that someone had broken into the base, it was really inconvenient to bring so many elves, so I had to let the real bird take them out.

"Master, let me go find it, and you take the elf out," Zhenniao said worriedly.

"Are you as powerful as me?"


You can't lie in front of the facts, so the real bird reluctantly accepted the task of transferring the elf, and once again strategically retreated.

Seeing the real bird leaving with a group of elves, Rikumaru was not worried that he would run into Uemura. This place was not far from the gate. Even if he ran into Rikumaru, he would still have time to rescue him. Besides, as long as Uemura wasn't stupid, There won't be any problem if one person takes on a group of people

"Okay, let's make a big fuss now," Rikumaru yelled, the violence factor in his blood was completely aroused, he threw a few poke balls and said loudly:"Come out, everyone."

"After three"bang","bang" and"bang" sounds, Shakira, Fire Dinosaur, and Kati Dog appeared in front of Rikumaru. Together with the Ghost Stone outside, Rikumaru's four elves had all arrived.

"Come and rob, burn, and smash with me," Rikumaran said with great momentum with a wave of his hand.

Although I don't know why Rikumaran did this, I still have to listen to the master's words, otherwise there will be no food to eat. Do you think so?

Rikumaran Slowly walking forward, I also saw a few researchers wearing Bai Gua, but after seeing Rikumaru and the four vicious little elves, they very wisely avoided them, and Rikumaru was too lazy to look for these little elves. fish trouble

"Fire Dinosaur burned down that seemingly high-end office, Cady smashed the vase, and Yukila opened the door for me. Ghoststone, just wait until the door opens. Throw shadow balls at me as hard as you can," Rikumaru directed the four clay-legged men to do"harmful" things.

The flames turned the office into ashes.

The vase that looked like Yuan Qinghua was smashed.

And in the end The door did not hold up under Yukila's destructive light, and fell down resolutely.

Ghoststone shamelessly went to hit it, and kept throwing shadow balls in. There were constant explosions inside the door. If you listen carefully, you can still hear people crying.

After smashing nearly fifty shadow ball balls in Ghost Stone, it finally stopped.

Even Ghost Stone, who was born in a medicine jar, seems to be a little overwhelmed.

Okay, Rikumaru looked at the panting Ghost Stone and shook his head secretly.

He stepped on the fallen door and saw that the laboratory inside was almost destroyed.

Look at the glass shards on the ground.

There were instruments emitting smoke and sparks, coupled with the wailing researchers, it was such a cruel scene, but as the manufacturer, Rikumaru stepped in with a smile on his face because Rikumaru went out of his way.

As I said, the elves in the laboratory were not hit by the shadow ball.

These elves were all in a corner of the laboratory, so as long as they didn't hit them in that direction deliberately, they used a few bottles of potion to kill them again.

After all the elves were cured, Rikumaru sent them away directly.

I guess Team Rocket didn't have the intention to catch them back now.

Well, they didn't have the manpower anymore.

""Hey, where are Uemura and Nanmi?" Rikumaru asked a relatively uninjured researcher,"What is Minami called?"

Maybe what Rikumaru did just now made the researcher label Rikumaru a lunatic. label, so this guy said very spinelessly:"Sir Uemura and Dr. Nampi went in that direction."

It's called Nanpi, it doesn't feel like it."

Rikumaru looked in the direction of the finger and said,"Why are you going there?" Rikumaran looked at the deep passage and thought to himself:"Do you want to ambush me here?"

"I don’t know about that," the researcher said quickly after being glared at by Rikumaru,"There is a helicopter there."

"escaped?"Riku Maru said differently. This is how it is played on TV and in movies. If someone knows something bad, he will use a helicopter to escape.

Faced with Riku Maru's disdainful tone, the researcher did not speak. His life was not saved. , what to say.

Looking at the researchers on the ground, Rikumaru didn't know what to do for a moment.

It would be bad to let these researchers run away.

Although they were all injured, they were not serious.

, At least the legs are good, those bastards can run away, but these researchers should be the backbone of the Rockets, it would be a pity if these eight or nine key members of the Rockets run away with Nan Zai, an elite doctor and senior cadre.

Uemura didn't know which one was more important.

The former was about quantity, and the latter was about quality.

Alas, it was better to make Ghost Stone confused. Rikumaru made the right choice. When Maru asked Ghost Stone to use hypnosis, the voice of"Master, Master" came from behind. Rikumaru saw that it was a real bird running over.

"You came just in time, watch these people here, I will catch the big fish," Rikumaru quickly walked into the passage without waiting for the real bird to speak. The real bird looked at the smiling researchers and thought in his heart He secretly wondered if his brain was broken, and he was still laughing when he was about to go to jail.

He didn't know how happy they were to see Riku Maru go.

After entering, he also discovered that the garbage dump turned out to be a laboratory. These people who looked like scavengers were researchers. I couldn't help but secretly marveled at the destructive power of Rikumaru, which could reach millions.

""Ta Ta Ta Ta" came the sound of footsteps in the passage,"This passage is really long enough." Riku Wan, who had been walking in it for a few minutes, found that he had not seen the big fish yet, and he felt a little anxious.

"Huh huh huh." At this time, a sound came from the other end of the passage. When Rikumaru heard it, wasn't it the sound made by the propellers of those helicopters on TV when they were about to take off?

"Dr. Nandi, why do we have to leave in such a hurry? The people from the Alliance must be just some trash fish. The experts have been deceived. I can handle these trash fish alone," a middle-aged man with a small stature on the helicopter said to him. An old man complained

"It's Nanbo. The results of Uemura's research have come out and the research data has been backed up. This means that the role of this foundation is no longer useful. So why are we still here? Besides, who can break into the Rockets base? How could it be a trash fish?" Nan Bo said while holding his briefcase. He seemed to be used to his name being called by the wrong name. Dr. Nan Bo didn't even complain.

"But it cost a lot of money to build this base," Uemura said with a heartbroken look. If Sakaki knew that he had such a subordinate who saved him money, should he be promoted and raised?

"The most important thing our Rockets lack is money," Nanbo looked very proud at this time,"But as long as you send me to the Rockets headquarters safely, Uemura, I will definitely praise you in front of the boss."

Nan Bo's position is one level higher than that of Shang Cun, so he has more opportunities to meet the boss.

Listening to Nan Bo's words, Shang Cun seems to have seen himself becoming a special cadre, serving as a branch chief, reaching the pinnacle of his life, and marrying Bai Fumei.

"What's going on, why hasn't the helicopter taken off after so long?" Uemura wanted to send Nanba to the headquarters, but found that the helicopter was still on the ground.

"I don’t know, the helicopter seems to be restrained by something," the helicopter pilot said anxiously.

"Trapped? Nan Bo looked questioning,"Is it the power of telepathy?""

"By the way," he answered Nan Bo's voice, which he had obviously not heard before, and it seemed to be coming from outside.

Nan Bo and Uemura looked outside the helicopter and saw a young man slowly walking out of the passage.

"Super power," looking at the young man's blue eyes, the well-informed Nanba immediately knew the reason.

In the passage, Rikumaru saw the helicopter that was about to take off, but it was too late to run over, and in a hurry He used his superpower. For such a large and powerful helicopter, Rikumaru really didn't have the confidence to restrain it at first, but sometimes the results were unexpected. Rikumaru successfully restrained the helicopter, and he He found that he was not forcing himself at all.

Ever since he got his super power, Lu Wan had not relaxed in using his super power. He also took some pills to increase his super power from time to time. Even Lu Wan didn't know how much he had increased. Now he is like this. It seems that it has increased quite a lot.

"Should you come down on your own or should I destroy this helicopter and let you become stars and fall from the sky by yourself," Rikumaru said politely to Nanba and Uemura.

"Boy, you are looking for death." Seeing Rikumaru pulling him like this, Uemura was the first to get upset and immediately jumped out of the helicopter. Nanba didn't stop him even if he wanted to.

"Oh, let me get down too." Seeing that Rikumaru was still using his superpowers to restrain the helicopter, Nanba, who originally wanted to wait until Rikumaran's superpowers were used up, fled, but he came down honestly. Even if he didn't come down, next to Rikumaran The little elf was about to destroy the helicopter.

Seeing Nanbo also jump out of the helicopter, Rikumaru took back his super power. After using it for so long, Rikumaru also felt a little tired. This feeling had not been felt for a long time.

As soon as Rikumaru's super power was released, the helicopter immediately flew out, leaving Uemura cursed below. The pilot was still very discerning. If the situation was not good, he ran away by himself. As for what he said later, he ignored it. Okay, save your life first, right?

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