According to the data, there is a gap of about 30 minutes when changing shifts every day, which is the time to dive in.

Ye Yue took out a set of clothes from his backpack, which was the uniform of the lava team.

"Woe to me, I'm a genius." Ye Yue secretly rejoiced, and when he buried the person, he had a flash of inspiration and left his clothes first.

Reclaiming the recovered Pokémon from Miss Joy, Ye Yue left Kanaz City and came to the western suburbs.

It's not far from Devon, and it's relatively hidden.

Ye Yue changed into the uniform of the lava team in advance, and then put on a black robe outside.

As night fell, it was time for Devon to change shifts.

Ye Yue quietly released the large-billed finch, let the large-billed finch fly with him to the 24th floor, randomly found a room with an open window, Ye Yue turned over and sneaked into the building.

Due to the shift change, there are basically no people on this floor, and there are several researchers in the laboratory to research and invent other things.

"Phew." Ye Yue exhaled and calmed his mood a little.

Although Ye Yue sneaked into the building, he still did not act rashly.

Now that the building is still lit up like daylight, it's not a good time to get started.

According to the information gathered by Yangping, Ye Yue knew that the place where he came in was a small warehouse to store items, and there was still some distance from the laboratory.

It is basically impossible to walk to the laboratory in an upright manner.

Fortunately, there is a ventilation duct at the top of this warehouse, which leads in all directions to the various rooms.

"Ghost Stone, cut this pipe in the middle." Ye Yue released Ghost Stone's baby ball, "Light, don't make a sound." "

The duct vent is outside the building, so it's not practical to go in from there.

Hearing Ye Yue's words, Ghost Stone put away his mischievous expression and looked serious.


A wisp of flame appeared on Ghost Stone's fingertips, which is another application of Ghost Fire.

The pipe turned red after being burned by the flames, and the next second Ghost Stone quickly converted the flames in his hands into cold ice.

Freeze Fist!

Ghost Stone lightly hit the pipe, only listening to the "click", a big hole was opened in the pipe.

"Well done, Ghost Stone!" Ye Yue said with a smile.

With the help of Ghost Stone, Ye Yue got into the ventilation duct.

The pipe was very narrow, even if he was lying on his stomach, he couldn't stretch his hands and feet, and Ye Yue carefully crawled through the pipe, trying not to make any sound.

"If only someone had attracted my attention at this time." Ye Yue said in his heart.

Now every step he takes is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and the slightest mistake will be doomed.

"It's time to build up your own power as soon as possible." Ye Yue secretly admonished himself.

Team Rocket isn't entirely reliable, Sakaki has ambitions of his own, and Ha Yue is more of a tool for Team Rocket. If it weren't for his particularity, he wouldn't have such a high degree of freedom.

After crawling in the pipe for nearly twenty minutes, Ye Yue repeated his skills and drilled out of the pipe.

"Phew." Ye Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

It's so depressing in the pipe, and the feeling of not being able to stretch is really uncomfortable.

Coming out of the pipeline, Ye Yue randomly found a cover to hide, this is a dead end of monitoring, and Ye Yue is not afraid of being discovered.

The corridors of such large companies have some decorative items, such as potted plants.

Devine is no exception. Most of the stones they put up in the corridor are strangely shaped stones, which are said to be the collectibles of Daigo Champion.

"What man!"

Perhaps hearing Ye Yue's movement, a group of squads leaned towards this side.

"Three people, didn't release Pokémon, you can go on!" Ye Yue made a decision in an instant, as long as it was solved before these people released the Pokémon, there would be no problem!

"Ghost Stone, hypnosis!"

Ghost Stone instantly burst out of the darkness, and a superpower light wave instantly submerged into the brains of the three.

It may be that they are too comfortable on weekdays, and these three people fainted on the ground before they could react.

There is no mind to calculate or not, this situation is exactly what Ye Yue wants.

Ye Yue dragged these three people over, and then one of them made up for a hypnotic spell. In this way, these people do not want to wake up without 24 hours.

After solving these three people, then there will be no one to patrol this small area, that is, this area is equivalent to being directly open to Ye Yue.

"As long as I solve the so-called large group leader at the door, the researchers inside can't stop me." Ye Yue said in his heart, and then held another treasure ball.

This is Bangiras' baby ball.

Since getting the Bangiras, Ye Yue has not opened this treasure ball. He did not dare to release Bangiras, because Ye Yue had no means to restrict Bangiras, nor could he order Bangiras to act.

To put, or not to put?

Ye Yue was a little tangled.

The full-fledged quasi-god is much taller than those cubs. Ye Yue believes that one day he will be able to officially subdue Banguilas.

It would be a shame to abandon it here.

Ye Yue's plan was to release the Bangiras and attract the attention of the large group leader, after which he would infiltrate the laboratory to obtain the technique, and then use the large-billed finch to fly away.

But then Bangiras can't take it back. Just discarding a quasi-god like this, Ye Yue was a little reluctant.

"Maybe you don't have to play in Bangiras. However, there can be dangers. Ye Yue's eyes flashed and he thought of a good way.


Ye Yue gritted his teeth and turned around to untie the treasure balls from the three unconscious guards, a total of six.

I found a room casually and threw two baby balls into it.

"Ghost Stone Shadow Ball plus Provocation!" Ye Yue quickly ordered.

After doing all this, Ye Yue quickly changed places.

Listening to the roar coming from behind him, the corners of Ye Yue's mouth rose slightly.

Repeating the operation, Ye Yue handled the remaining four treasure balls in the same way, and at this time the entire 24th floor was already in chaos.

According to the information given by Yangping, Ye Yue quickly found the main electric gate and ordered Ghost Stone to destroy it, and this floor was plunged into darkness.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Ye Yue quickly approached the laboratory.

Due to the preciousness of experimental data, the laboratory is equipped with a generator separately, so the brightly lit laboratory is very easy to find in the dark.

Coming to the door of the laboratory, the large team leader who was originally guarding here had already left, which gave Ye Yue an opportunity.

"Big-billed finch, peck and drill open!"

Not choosing to use his own Pokémon, Ye Yue commanded the large-mouthed sparrow to attack.

In the past few days, he has been quite comfortable using large-billed finches, so he has not sold large-billed finches.

Hearing what the terrifying trainer behind him said, the big-billed finch did not dare to hesitate, and attacked the gate with a peck.


The door fell to the ground with a bang, revealing the group of stunned researchers behind the door.

"What are you doing with this bunch of waste?" A leading researcher cursed.

"Noisy!" Ye Yue gave the large-billed finch a gesture to signal it to attack.

"Phew!" The large-billed finch laughed cruelly, and its body turned into a sharp sword and pounced on the researcher.

This kind of thing, the big-mouthed finch really likes it!

It's no wonder that most villains raise a big-billed finch, which is really vicious and stubborn.

With the lessons of the past, other researchers did not dare to breathe, for fear that they would follow in their footsteps.

Ye Yue ignored the group of helpless researchers, walked straight to the computer, and then inserted a prepared USB flash drive.

Then Ye Yue was embarrassed to find that he didn't know which was the fossil recovery technology.

"Since you don't know, then pack them all." Ye Yue said in his heart, and then opened the download.

"Expected to be downloaded in 30 minutes."

Looking at the progress bar that appeared on the screen, Ye Yue frowned, I'm afraid it's too late.

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