Pokemon Court

Chapter 665: "Battle Duke" Court Tree

Among these opponents, the level of the opponents is quite small and the Eluleiduo, but the main training of the Eluleiduo is to kill with the smallest force, kill with one hit at the fastest speed, and hit with the most stable trajectory. The way to kill, not to pursue pure victory.

Therefore, under its deliberate control, almost every match in the later period is evenly matched.

During the special training of "Splitting Waterfall", Ailureduo's ability to control power has matured, and now it is quite handy to use, and with hundreds of control power battles, its control ability has risen to a level again. .

"Master Duke Tingshu, there is really no match for you in the battle castle now."

Butler Yi Kong looked at Ting Shu who had just invited a fight in the hall but hadn't paid any attention to walk out, and said with a bitter expression.

The young man in front of him was terrible. After staying in the battle castle for only half a month, he was promoted to the Duke level. This situation was unprecedented.

If it weren't for the duke-level trainers in the castle, there are very few trainers. He even suspects that the Lord Tingshu can get the title of Grand Duke!

Moreover, he has never seen someone like Ting Shu. He is clearly capable, but he always depends on playing against the castle. Although there are many experienced trainers in the castle, no one will consider this place as a training. place.

The battle against the castle is more like an experience and a kind of leisure for the trainers in the Carlos area.

Receiving a fighting madman like Ting Shu, butler Yi Kong has already regretted what he said. This is not an honor to fight the castle at all, but a disaster...

"There is no opponent to fight..." Ting Shu looked out the window helplessly.

Starting from the baronial title, Tingshu has experienced several battles in a day, and even if he wants to, he can play against 10 barons in one day and then be promoted to Viscount.

However, with the promotion of the title, the opponents he can meet in the marquis title are already very few. He can be promoted smoothly, and a lot of credit is due to the housekeeper Yikong.

If it weren't for the other party had sent an invitation letter to the trainer who had the marquis rank in the battle castle.

Otherwise, there are really not enough marquis in the battle castle to make Ting Shu win all the way and promote to Duke.

"The number of Lords of the battle castle is even smaller. Although I have sent them a battle invitation letter, I haven't got a response." Yikong smiled bitterly. After all, not everyone has time to spend time in the battle castle, the duke. The time of level trainers is even more precious.

So even if Ting Shu, the new duke was promoted, he didn't attract any trainers to fight.

"Master Yikong, Master Yikong, a Knight with the title of Duke responded to the invitation." At this moment, a maid in the battle castle suddenly ran over.

"Oh? Really?" Yikong asked unexpectedly.

Hearing this news, Ting Shu suddenly choked off his original plan to leave the battle castle. He had just been promoted to the Duke, and he also wanted to play against the Duke-level trainer.

At that level, it is likely to be eligible to let Ellerdor play the full battle.

"Well... the other party is... the Four Heavenly Kings, Yan Kai." The maid said nervously.

Four heavenly kings, goose armor.

Hearing this name, Ting Shu was slightly startled.

Is the steel armor of the heavenly king in Carlos?

It seems that I caught a big fish.

"So this is this..." Yikong was surprised: "I remember Master Yan Kai was only one match away before he could be promoted to Grand Duke, but I remember that he hasn't played against the castle for a year, so how can he be free today? Yazhi accepts the invitation."

The maid shook her head.

"Let me fight the Emperor Yan Kai." Ting Shu said, "He has accepted the invitation, right."

Yi Kong nodded and said, "Master Tingshu, Master Yan Kai is very strong. Although the opponent is not as fast as you, they have maintained a record of victory and have been promoted to the current title."

The knightly battle against the castle is a unique fighting style of Carlos, and it is not surprising that the Four Heavenly Kings also participated in the middle garden.

But those top trainers can't be as "fierce" as Ting Shu, and occasionally come to play against the castle for two days and experience one or two battles, which is all the experience of these top trainers.

Coming to the battle castle with the idea of ​​training the main elves, I have to say that Ting Shu has no other choice.

In a short time, he couldn't find a place where he could experience a lot of battles in a short time like a battle castle.

"Good." Ting Shu nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Ting Shu waited for a specific notification from the opponent. One hour later, Ting Shu received the information from the fighting maid that the Goose Armor Society would arrive at the fighting castle two days later.

"Two days?" Ting Shu touched his chin. From the time he determined the 30-day impact plan, it should have been completed today.

Swallowtail hunting has mastered two top-level skills and has greatly increased in strength. Through the flame armor exercise device and the newly changed recipe, the wind speed dog has continued to increase its size and explosive power, and its strength has been significantly improved in this month. The dream monster has completely consolidated the new power, and used illusion skills and tricks during the battle to be like clouds and flowing water, and the control of energy is even better. The power of floating bubbles in rainy weather and ice and snow also steadily strengthened when comprehending the weather secrets, and the destructive power is beyond doubt. As for Ai Lu Le Duo, although the Juhe Shi Shi has just been summarized in the past half month, and it is still not proficient in using it, it also marks another improvement in its vision. With the instant movement, the current Ai Lu Le Duo definitely will Make any elf a headache.

With such a team, Ting Shu has the courage to compete with top trainers, although——

His loss is so big that it can be predicted.

However, when the Tanabata Blue Bird returns, Ting Shu can already be regarded as a top trainer in the true sense.

Although his experience, his knowledge and other aspects may be insufficient, he can barely say that he is a newcomer who has just entered the top field, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The threshold of the four heavenly kings in the area is probably the current state of strength of Ting Shu.

However, the Four Heavenly Kings in any region cannot only have six main elves like the garden tree. Whether it is the second team or the substitute, or the elves cultivated for the team’s shortcomings, the top trainers are fully prepared. One point, Ting Shu has shortcomings because of the short growth time.

Ting Shu has decided to start cultivating his second team after Carlos returns to Fangyuan.

"Is he the one to fight against the wild tree?" When Ting Shu walked out of the game castle, he could often hear other trainers talking about him.

He ignored these discussions, and in order to better fight the King Goose, he went to the Wizard Center and contacted the Autumn Leaves Museum.

It is requested to mail the "Eluleiduo Super Stone" placed in the gym.

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