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Lonely swallows grabbed the arm of Jun Jiuchen, and Jun Jiuchen also grabbed her arm and caught it even tighter than her. He asked anxiously, "Yan, can you hold it?"

I don't know if Lonely Fly Yan heard it, she didn't answer.

Unable to get the answer from Lonely Fly, Jun Jiuchen was anxious. He didn't care so much, and directly questioned, "Gu Yunyuan, what is going on in the end?" Gu Yunyuan's pain is no less than that of Lonely Fly, even more than a few times. However, he did not show it at all, and he still showed a distressed expression. He said, "His Royal Highness, these things, you ask, under,

Who should I ask? ”

Don't say Jun Jiu Chen, it is a lot of money and other people who listened to this, and almost angered.

However, Gu Yunyuan continued, "I have talked about this drug tripod before I listened to Wang Yan Niang, but I never thought that this medicine was really a fetish. I can have a good drug in the next day. It is a good fortune, and my life is fortunate. Yeah. If it is..."

Jun Jiuchen’s face is already ugly and can’t be seen any more. A lot of money directly rubbed his ears, yelling, "stop!"

Gu Yunyuan timidly took a look at the money and closed his mouth. At this moment, Xiaoyao Ding has become enormous. It falls slowly, and the three feet stand on the ground, higher than any one present. It is still bronzed, mysterious and quaint, and the auspicious clouds of the body are decorated with the atmosphere without losing its exquisiteness. The body is scattered

Sending a sense of solemnity, unconsciously awe.

Xiaoyao Ding has become extremely hot, like the hot air in the furnace is constantly spreading out, even if it is five or six steps away from it, everyone can't stand it, and they have to retreat.

However, it was not long before everyone retired. The drug Ding suddenly burst into a red mans. This time, the red mansions are completely different from the previous ones. They are grand and strong, and almost all the darkness of the entire grave is dispelled.

Even if it is such a strong light, it will only exist for a moment. When the light dissipated, the heat then dissipated. Xiaoyao Ding recovered as it was, dropped to the ground, and nothing changed around.

This seems to be a successful promotion again!

Everyone's attention is on the small medicine tripod, and the attention of the only monarch is always on the solitary swallow. He is in a hurry. "Yan, can you be better?"

Lonely swallow slowly opened her eyes, she was not coma. However, she was just unable to answer Jun Jiuchen. Looking at Jun Jiuchen's tight brow, she was distressed and wanted to laugh.

Some people are nervous and feel very good. If this person is just his own sweetheart, then it is happiness.

Lonely swallow, "not good."

Jun Jiuchen is even more anxious. "Which is uncomfortable? Is the drug Ding Ding successful?"

Lonely Fly Yan looked down at the arm he had caught, saying, "Your Highness, you will not let me go, my hand will be broken."

Jun Jiuchen realized that he had caught her too tightly. He quickly lost his hand and was somewhat overwhelmed. "I, I..."

Lonely swallow smiled sweetly, just like eating honey. "Do not worry, I am fine." The two looked up and looked at the crowd. Now, everyone staring at them looked away. A lot of money alone smiled at them. She said, "Tang Jingjie said that smart people will become fools when they like them, Your Royal Highness, you just

Stupid! Actually cheated, haha! You must have liked Wang Hao’s wife? ”

Lonely swallows bowed their heads and were quite embarrassed.

However, Jun Jiuchen actually did not face his face, and his heart did not jump. His voice was not big, but he was heard by someone at the place.

A lot of money was originally intended to take advantage of the opportunity to marry them, who knows that Jun Jiuchen will be such a reaction. She didn't know how to answer the words, she smirked and avoided the serious eyes of Jun Jiuchen. Lonely swallow will soon receive the drug Ding Ding. She is both surprised and confused. She remembered that Master had said that no matter how they cultivated, this medicine king fire must be cultivated in one product. Moreover, the higher the quality, the longer the training time required

Even the bottleneck will be encountered and it will not be broken in a few years.

She didn't fix it very much. How could Xiaoyao Ding be promoted to eight products so quickly? You must know that the eight products are going up and that is the top nine products! In other words, she has the last level left! She was squeezing as she tied the medicine. She thought, is it difficult to be those red spirit stones? Master said that the hot medicinal herbs contribute to the promotion of the drug king fire. If it is because of the red spirit stone, then get some more red stone, small medicine tripod

Can't you easily advance to the ninth product?

The more you fly, the more you think, the more unbelievable. Although Jun Jiuchen did not understand Xiao Ding, but he also saw abnormalities, he asked, "Yan, this medicine can be normal." Lonely Fei just wanted to analyze it for him, but suddenly felt the fear of heavy snow. She has no time to take care of the small medicine tripod, and quickly said, "Xiao Shu, they are really below, the seventh heavy graves are heavy, they all go in. Only a few soldiers are guarding

Outside the door. The squadron had a water barrier and the heavy snow could not enter. ”

Jun Jiu Chen made a decision, "wait!"

Lonely swallow nodded and immediately summoned the heavy snow.

In fact, if the Lonely Flying Swallow does not summon heavy snow, the heavy snow can't stand it anymore. Although its water is good, there are limits. It hurried back and snorted out of the water.

In this way, heavy snow came back/back, staring at Xiao Shu. And Gu Feiyan and Jun Jiuchen let everyone around and discuss the countermeasures together.

Xiao Shu and Su Jiazhu are both first-class masters, and Shui Ji and Yu are not much better. However, on the basis of force, they are generally better than Xiao Shu.

However, the goal of Lonely Flying Yan and Jun Jiuchen is not just to win, but one to let go. You know, as long as you are escaped by a sergeant, the things in the head can't be stopped.

Everyone discussed the discussion, and Lonely Fly Yan gave birth to a trick. She smiled and quickly let everyone close to some, whispering out.

At this moment, in the seventh grave, Shui Ji and others were still struggling in the trap. Xiao Shu had successfully escaped and fell to the circular altar in the center of the tomb. I saw that this round altar is three or so tall. The huge curved platform is engraved with this golden dragon. It is lifelike. At first glance, it seems that the real dragon is here. The altar has a stone step leading to a high-rise square stone platform. This square stone bench is

Jiantai, obliquely inserted a huge stone sword of one person.

Xiao Shu jumped onto the round table and stepped onto the sword station step by step. He looked at the stone sword intently, his face gradually pale. Nothing else, just because this stone sword is looking forward to a stone dragon, just as lifelike, as if it is a true dragon coil.

Dragon disk in the sword, dry is also! This is a dry sword!

Xiao Shu is not here to find a dry sword, he is a liar to them!

How can the dry sword be here? Xiao Shu shook his head incredulously. Although he did not come to the death of the cloud palace, he has not betrayed the owner of the cloud. He lied to them, but they used to get what they wanted.

He never imagined that there is no thing that the Lord of the Clouds wants, but there is a sword! The understanding of his most ancient tomb is all from the master of the cloud. He suddenly realized that the owner of the cloud palace has been lying to him...

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